
ASEAN Encyclopedia Learning Media Development
Learning Outcomes


Based on the results of interviews with teachers, results of daily tests, and questionnaires, there are problems in ASEAN learning. Many students get grades that do not reach the KKM during daily and semester tests. Based on these problems, the researchers developed a learning media in the form of an encyclopedia. This study aims to develop the ASEAN encyclopedia media and determine the effectiveness of the ASEAN encyclopedia media in social studies learning for sixth grade elementary school students. The method used in this research is R&D with ADDIE model. The ADDIE model is carried out in five steps, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research subjects were the sixth grade students of SDN Grogol Selatan 05, SDN Grogol Selatan 08, and SDN Grogol Utara 05 were 179 students. The technique used to determine the sample in the study is purposive sampling then the data collected is analyzed descriptively qualitatively for interview data and quantitative descriptive for test data and questionnaires. To test the effectiveness, paired t-test was used to determine Hypothesis Ho: there is no difference in learning outcomes before and after the use of the ASEAN encyclopedia, Ha: there is a difference in learning outcomes before and after the use of the ASEAN encyclopedia and the t-test criteria tcount < t table shows a significant difference between the initial variable with the final variable. tcount > ttable shows that there is no significant difference between the initial variable and the final variable. The results of the feasibility test for language materials experts are 4.71 categorized as very feasible, the language validation questionnaire with an average rating of 4.67 is categorized as very feasible, the design and media validation questionnaire with an average rating of 4.83, the teacher's response test with an average value 4.5 which is categorized as very decent. The ASEAN encyclopedia learning media was tested one to one at SDN Grogol Selatan 05, SDN Grogol Selatan 08, Grogol Utara 05 with an average score of 4.58 which was declared very feasible, small group trials with an average score of 4.4 and large group trial obtained an average value of 4.5 which is categorized as very feasible. The results of the effectiveness test of the t arithmetic value are smaller than t table (-8.4054 < -1.9697) with 244 dk and an error rate of 5% so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that there is a significant difference between the value of student learning outcomes before and after using the developed ASEAN encyclopedia media.

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