Distance Learning Success Support Service or often mentioned as Layanan Pendukung Kesuksesan Belajar Jarak Jauh (LPKBJJ) is one of the services provided by new students of Universitas Terbuka (UT). This activity is intended for UT’s new students in order for them to gain some information about the open and distance learning (ODL) system at UT. This service is considered unique and different from the conventional way of learning they experienced before becoming UT students. This paper aims to examine various obstacles in the implementation of distance learning success support services. The study was conducted by reviewing the results of activities of distance learning success support services during the registration of 2022.1 by reviewing the report on the implementation from UT compiled by the Center for Student Support Services of UT. The results show that generally the obstacles happen in the following aspects. First, obstacles in socializing activities, such as inaccurate students’ cellphone numbers and emails, the distance of their domicile. Second, some technical constraints, such as unstable internet connection, lack of technical equipment. Third, obstacles in student readiness, such as students’ difficulties in focusing on the programs due to joining other programs at the same time, unable to leave their work, and difficulties of controlling student attendance in online classes. Fourth, obstacles in material delivery, such as over material that needs to be delivered in a limited time. Based on the existing constraints mentioned above, various alternative solutions were prepared to improve the implementation of distance learning success support services in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pepi Rospina Pertiwi, Kartono, Lidwina Sri Ardiasih