Seismic hazard identification around Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia: a preliminary result based on the June 2023 Mojokerto earthquake


  • M. Najib Syami Muqtadir Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Geophysics Department
  • Dimas Salomo J. Sianipar Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Geophysics Department
  • Dzikrullah Akbar Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Geophysics Department
  • Puji Ariyanto Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Geophysics Department
  • Mawar Putri Wardiana Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Geophysics Department



earthquake, moment tensor, source analysis, Surabaya


An earthquake was felt in the Mojokerto area, East Java (Indonesia) with a magnitude of M 4.4. This area has a low seismicity level according to the latest earthquake catalog. In this paper, we conduct a study to determine the direction of fault movement in the area, using data from BMKG seismic sensors with a distance of less than 250 km. The moment tensor inversion results show that the Strike/Dip/Rake values at each nodal plane are 257/88/4 and 167/86/175. To determine the direction of fault movement, we prefer a strike of 167 degrees for this earthquake, following the direction of deformation around the area from the northeast of Java Island. From the results of the moment tensor solution and the history of seismicity that has occurred in the area around Surabaya, it can be shown that the city of Surabaya is a city that is close to seismic activity, although it tends to have small activity, this needs to be considered considering that Surabaya is one of the cities with the highest population density in Indonesia. Further research needs to be done related to disaster vulnerability around the city of Surabaya. From the results of the source mechanism and seismicity in the Surabaya area it can be concluded that the Surabaya area has a disaster risk, there needs to be further research that discusses the local footprint effects of soil in the area in the Surabaya area. This research is needed for further discussion of the possibility of disasters in the Surabaya area.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Collaborative Contribution to Sustainable Environment