Chemical characteristics of meat analog from sorghum, oyster mushroom, and red bean


  • Afrida Zahira Universitas Terbuka, Food Technology Department
  • Relita Anggun Andayani Universitas Terbuka, Food Technology Department
  • Dinar Ainahaque Anggraeni Universitas Terbuka, Food Technology Department
  • Mohamad Rajih Radiansyah Universitas Terbuka, Food Technology Department
  • Dini Nur Hakiki Universitas Terbuka, Food Technology Department



chemical characteristic, meat analog, oyster mushroom, red bean, sorghum


Food security is a challenge faced by emerging countries such as Indonesia. One of the solutions is food diversification by developing meat analogs or meat substitutes, which are plant-derived food products typically processed to mimic the flavor, texture, and appearance of meat. Meat and animal-based food products are generally related to environmental threats like global greenhouse gases. Excessive red and processed meat consumption have also been identified as risk factors. Therefore, developing meat analogs from plant-based ingredients has advantages in creating a diverse, balanced, and healthy substitute. This study aims to determine the chemical characteristics of meat analogs from sorghum, oyster mushroom, and red bean. This research consisted of 4 treatments with the ratio of sorghum, oyster mushroom, and red bean (%): P1 (20:55:25), P2 (15:65:20), P3 (10:75:15), and P4 (5:85:10). Meat analog was analyzed such as water content, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, fiber, and Fe content. The results showed that the best treatment for physicochemical characteristics was P1 (20% sorghum:55% oyster mushroom:25% red bean), which contained fiber 3.99%, ash 0.90%, protein 7.02%, carbohydrate 42.34%, fat 1.35%, water 43.13%, and Fe 21.81%.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Sustainable Living through Functional and Eco-friendly Agricultural Trends