
  • Purwaningdyah Murti Wahyuni Universitas Terbuka
  • A.Rachmat Wirawan Universitas Terbuka
  • Madiha Dzakiyyah Chairunnisa Universitas Terbuka
  • Nadia Nurani Isfarin Universitas Terbuka
  • Megafury Apriandhini Universitas Terbuka



land registration, land disputes, education, mentoring


The land problem is a complicated thing and is faced near every village/kelurahan, the lack of means of information, socialization and education is suspected as a factor that causes frequent violations of land administration. Residents' legal awareness of the importance of registering their land with the Land Agency has not been awakened due to limited legal knowledge from residents about land registration procedures. Ownership of land certificates has not become an urgent matter to be held immediately, especially for residents who get land rights as hereditary inheritance. This is unwittingly the trigger for land/land disputes between residents or between families. In addition to land registration which is a legal administrative issue regarding the ownership of rights from land in writing (certificates), it is also the settlement of land disputes which is a problem for residents. The settlement of land disputes through litigation channels has not provided the best solution in resolving land disputes by residents, there is still a

physical confrontation and this is a problem for the village, especially to the point of causing actions that end in criminal proceedings. The purpose of this PkM is to provide information, socialization and education to residents about the importance of land registration and how land registration procedures and also provide legal assistance to residents who have legal disputes regarding land ownership. The method used in this PkM is to make direct observations to partner places, namely in Tonjong Village, Tajurhalang District, Bogor Regency. From the results of previous observations, education was then carried out, to local officials within the scope of villages, RW and RT about the flow / procedure for land registration based on PP No.24 of 1997. The activity was then continued with socialization and education to residents accompanied by village officials, RW and local rt about the importance of land registration to residents and how the flow of the land registration process, as well as providing offers of legal assistance in resolving non-litigation land disputes. In addition to conducting socialization and education directly, we also provide land registration flow boards which are then displayed at the village office with the aim of being a means of educational information to residents who will register land with the Land Agency.

