Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru <p>Prosiding ini berisi makalah-makalah yang telah diseminarkan pada Temu Ilmiah Guru Nasional (TING). Topik yang dibahas pada seminar mencakup perkembangan dan inovasi ilmu pendidikan dan pengajaran.</p> Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), Universitas Terbuka en-US Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru 2528-1593 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN MATERI TURUNAN FUNGSI ALJABAR DENGAN METODE DISKUSI <p>This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of 11 IPS 3 students at SMA Negeri 1 Pare Kediri in the mathematics subject chapter on derivatives of algebraic functions. Students' understanding of the material is seen from the cognitive domain, which only reaches less than 30% completeness. The aim of this research is to describe the increase in students' understanding of the material Deriving Algebraic Functions. The discussion method was chosen because this method is considered effective for increasing students' understanding of the difficulty. This discussion method is applied to material derived from algebraic functions using student worksheets with division into groups consisting of 4-5 people. After that, students present their results and discuss them with students in the same class. Using the discussion method resulted in an increase in understanding in the cognitive domain of 38.51%. This data was obtained from cycle 1 which produced an average test score of 47.68% with completeness reaching 18.18%. In cycle 2, improvements to the student worksheets were able to produce an average test score of 86.19% with completion reaching 81.81%. Students are also able to process emotions and appreciate expressing opinions when discussing with groups or when expressing opinions in public.</p> Chusnul Khotimah Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki Sutopo Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 1 10 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MATERI SUDUT MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF JIGSAW <p>The research objective was to determine the effect of applying the jigsaw learning model to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of third grade students at SD Negeri 2 Selogiri on Angle material. The research method uses classroom action research (PTK) with the Kemmis and Mc Taggart models, which consist of two cycles, namely Cycle I and Cycle II, which are arranged into four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Student worksheets, question cards, and student performance observation forms were used as data collection tools. In pre-cycle learning with 16 students, 8 students achieved KKM with an average of 60.62 and a completeness level of 50%. Cycle I increased to 11 students with an average score of 70.6 and a completeness level of 68.7%. Then it increased to 14 students in cycle II who passed the KKM with an average score of 81.25 and a completeness level of 87.5%. It is known that learning through the jigsaw learning model can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Sulistyarini Ayu Fahimah Diniyah Wathi Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 11 17 UPAYA PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MELALUI METODE PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE NUMBERED HEAD TOGETHER PADA MATERI PELUANG <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in learning outcomes of opportunity material through the numbered head together (NHT) cooperative learning method in class VIII students. Factors that cause low student learning outcomes on opportunity material include students not reading and understanding the concept of opportunity material, not doing enough practice questions, difficulty describing the sample space, arranging events in an experiment, understanding the principles of events in an experiment. This research was conducted by applying the first four steps in each cycle, namely planning, action, observation, reflection. The results showed that using the numbered head together (NHT) type of cooperative learning method can improve student learning outcomes, especially in the matter of opportunities. This can be seen through the results of the analysis of teacher activity using the NHT type of cooperative learning which has increased from cycle I and cycle II by 14%. The results of the analysis of student activities using the NHT cooperative learning type experienced an increase from cycle I and cycle II in the interest value of 10%, the value of attention 15%, and the value of cooperation 10%. The results of the analysis of student learning outcomes tests in cycle I obtained 6 students who were included in the incomplete category and 10 students who were included in the complete category, while in cycle II it was obtained 2 students who were included in the incomplete category and 14 students who were included in the complete category.</p> Iris Prima Widowati Sutopo Idha Novianti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 18 29 PENGUATAN KEPRIBADIAN SISWA SMP BERBASIS AGAMA SEBAGAI ANTISIPASI DEGRADASI MORAL DI ERA DIGITAL <p>This study investigates the role of strengthening the personality of students at the junior high school (junior high school) level with a religious approach in facing the challenges of moral degradation arising from the development of globalization. Globalization has had a positive impact in terms of technological progress and the exchange of information, but it has also caused a shift in traditional values that can threaten individual morality, especially students at the junior high school level. In order for students to overcome this challenge, a comprehensive approach is needed that involves religious factors in strengthening their personality. Using a method with a descriptive-analytical approach this research utilizes relevant literature sources, such as journals, mass media news, and scientific books. The results of this study indicate that moral degradation is a serious challenge faced by the younger generation. For this reason, to strengthen the personality of religion-based students, various parties must be involved, starting from the family, school, and community.</p> Ahmad Firdaus Siti Utami Dewi Ningrum Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 30 37 SEJARAH MENJAWAB TANTANGAN: MENGGAGAS MASA DEPAN DI ERA DIGITAL <p>This article delves into the role of history in addressing future challenges, particularly concerning the advancements in artificial intelligence and digital transformation. By detailing the impact of history on understanding and adaptation, the article offers practical insights to guide us through the forthcoming changes.</p> Muhammad Syaifulloh Desy Fitriana Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 38 49 MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPA MELALUI MEDIA INTERAKTIF DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PERMAINAN PUZZLE <p>The research objectives were to determine' enthusiasm for learning and student learning outcomes after applying the puzzle game to students at Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat Middle School on Human Excretory System Material. The research method uses Classroom Action Research (PTK), with procedures: planning, action, observation and reflection. The research subjects were teachers and students of class VIII B. Data collection techniques used observation sheets and reflection sheets. Data analysis uses qualitative descriptive statistics. The results of the research conclude: (1) The application of interactive learning media using puzzle games is able to increase students' enthusiasm for learning during learning. Students hold discussions or exchange ideas, and students also look happy and enthusiastic about learning. Learning tends to be student-centered, and teachers play more of a role as motivators and facilitators; (2) The application of interactive learning media using puzzle games can improve student learning outcomes and learning completeness. This is because this learning model can make it easier for students to understand the subject matter. Student learning completeness in the pre-cycle was 5 students (18%), then in cycle I it increased to 18 students (64%), and in cycle II it increased again to 24 students (86%).</p> Ruchana Mufathika Danang Budi Setyawan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 50 58 IMPROVING STUDENT’S LEARNING OUTCOMES USING KAHOOT IN CLASS VII <p>Researchers as students as well as teachers in English subjects at Ar Rahman Bondowoso Middle School found the fact that the current English learning outcomes in class VII with a total of 8 students only 37.5% have basic abilities as expected in the Learning Objectives Achievement Criteria. This shows that the abilities obtained by students are still below the standard criteria set by the school. Researchers seek to improve learning by carrying out Classroom Action Research (CAR). The purpose of this research is to improve the English learning outcomes of students in Class VII Ar Rahman Middle School by using the Kahoot application. The results achieved in the improvement of Cycle 1 learning were still low at 62.4% but there were two students who improved from basic abilities to become proficient in English. There was an increase in the criteria for students who were proficient in English by 12%. The results of improving learning reached 87.5%. This means that student learning outcomes increase significantly.</p> Upi Maelani Kusumawati Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 59 64 APPLICATION OF STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION COOPERATIVE MODEL <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Cooperative learning method in improving the English language achievement of class X students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Bancar Tuban. This study used a classroom action research approach, in which the researcher acted as a teacher and applied both methods for four weeks. The study participants consisted of 22 students who were divided into several groups. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test, observation, and interviews. The results of the study show that through the application of the STAD model, students become active in groups, students work together with other students, students can also master the lessons delivered, and students help each other when friends in the group experience learning difficulties. This can all be seen in the results of observations of students in class during the learning process. So it can be concluded that the application of the cooperative model type Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) can increase student understanding and achievement.</p> Eva Damayanti Fachria Y. Marasabessy Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 65 70 PENERAPAN METODE PRAKTIK BERBANTUAN LABORATORIUM KEWIRAUSAHAAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR <p>The purpose of this study was to apply the practical method to the subject matter of entrepreneurship in processing agricultural products for class XI IPS 1 SMAN 2 Unggulan Tanah Grogot. This research was carried out in the entrepreneurship laboratory, covering all students of class XI IPS 1 for the 2022/2023 school year with a total of 36 students. Data obtained from observations, interviews, questionnaires, field notes, and documents were analyzed by means of qualitative analysis. The results showed that with a pre-cycle completeness percentage of 44% (16 students completed and 20 students did not complete out of 36 students) the average score was 71, in cycle I it increased to 75% (27 students completed and 9 students did not complete out of 36 students ) the average value was 77, in cycle II it increased to 86.1% (31 students completed and 5 students did not complete out of 36 students) the average value was 79. Student motivation changed, this was indicated by active student behavior , creative and get new ideas and ideas when doing learning practices.</p> Hamid Hasnan Margareta Lilis Lindawati Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 71 83 IMPLEMENTASI TEKNIK KLARIFIKASI NILAI TERHADAP AKTIVITAS BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA PEMBELAJARAN PKN <p>This article aims to discuss the implementation of value clarification techniques for student learning activities in Civics learning in SMK. The observation of case studies from various assessments of all student characteristics reviewed and on learning only focuses on cognitive aspects and little attention is paid to the emotional aspects of participants. This has implications for the lack of student activity in subjects, which ultimately refers to the achievement of learning objectives, the culture of learning activities, and personality values that will affect student learning outcomes. For this reason, researchers try to make changes in learning models with an approach through value clarification techniques. This class action research is carried out with two cycles, the research subjects of which are class XI students. For cycle 1 results, out of 30 students, only 24 (80%) students completed the formative (oral) test. Furthermore, in cycle 2, 27 (90%) students completed it, with an overall average score of 75.66. From the results of the analysis that researchers have carried out, it can be concluded that the implementation of Value Clarification Techniques for student education activities in the field of citizenship has run significantly at SMK Migas Teknologi Riau for the 2022/2023 academic year.</p> Jumia Elvita Kusnadi Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 84 98 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA TENTANG ENERGI DAN PERPINDAHAN PANAS DENGAN METODE INQUIRY <p>As an elementary school teacher, we sometimes encounter problems in learning science. Through reflection activities, the teacher realized that in class IV SDN 3, Karangrandu's mastery of Energy and Heat Transfer material was still low. In the 2022/2023 academic year, out of 30 students, only ten students, or around 33% of students, achieved the minimum standard of completeness. To increase learning outcomes, a class action research step is needed through the inquiry method. The subjects of this classroom action research were students in class IV of SDN 3 Karangrandu, Pecangaan District, Jepara Regency, with 30 students recorded, with details of 20 female students and ten male students. This improvement in science learning will be carried out in the 2022/2023 academic year semester I for class IV. Research on pre-cycle found that 33% of students completed it. Then, in the first cycle of learning improvement, there was another increase, which was proven by the evaluation results of students who reached 77% and the KKM. Finally, cycle II improved the skills and understanding of Energy and Heat Transfer, and students can mention examples of conduction, convection, and radiation. Twenty-eight students obtained a score range of 70-80, meaning their completeness level reached 94%.</p> Junaidi Haryono Monika Handayani Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 99 106 UPAYA MENJADI SOSOK GURU PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN YANG PROFESIONAL BAGI GENERASI Z <p>This study aims to analyze the efforts that civics education teachers can make to<br>become influential professionals in shaping Generation Z is committed to citizenship and actively<br>participates in the life of the nation and state. The research method used is a literature review that<br>integrates various sources relevant to civics education, teacher professionalism, and the<br>characteristics of Generation Z. The results show that efforts to become a professional civics<br>education teacher for Generation Z require an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of<br>generation Z, including different learning preferences and their exposure to technology. Teachers<br>need to develop innovative teaching approaches, involve technology as an effective tool, and<br>design lessons that are relevant to contemporary social and political situations. Teachers must<br>also develop strong moral and ethical leadership competencies to become role models for<br>Generation Z regarding citizenship attitudes, behaviors, and values. Continuous professional<br>training and development is also the key to improving the quality of civics education teachers. In<br>implementing the "Freedom to Learn" concept, teachers must encourage Generation Z to<br>participate actively in their learning process. This can be achieved through collaborative<br>approaches, research projects, and opportunities to take initiative in understanding complex<br>citizenship issues.<br><br></p> Canda Cicilia Areta Kusnadi Ary Purwatiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 107 120 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI PROSES PEMBELAJARAN ARITMATIK BARISAN DAN DERET <p>This research aims to improve student's learning activities and outcomes through the<br>application of the Differentiated Learning Model using the based Learning method and through<br>discussion. The research will be carried out in two cycles and involves 18 students of class X TKJ<br>at SMK Putra Bangsa 01 Cibening. The data used in this study were obtained from the observation<br>of teachers and students as sources of information, which included quantitative and qualitative<br>data. To see teacher activities and student activities, researchers observed and recorded them on<br>observation sheets. In addition, data regarding student learning progress was obtained through<br>written tests, such as evaluation of learner work (LKPD) and final evaluation (individual<br>assignment). The results showed that differentiated learning has a positive impact on improving<br>student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the evaluation conducted there was an increase in<br>the average evaluation score from 77.8 to 84.5. In addition, the percentage of students who<br>reached the minimum completeness standard (KKM) also increased significantly, from 55% to<br>83%. Therefore, it is recommended for teachers to gradually and continuously review appropriate<br>learning patterns and strategies to improve learning processes and outcomes.</p> Nur Cahyati Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar Idha Novianti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 121 128 PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF BERBASIS POWER POINT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN RETENSI PESERTA DIDIK AUTIS <p>This research aims to measure the effectiveness of using power point multimedia-based<br>learning media for students with special needs. The characteristics of autistic students who find it<br>difficult to focus require special treatment in learning. The use of multimedia-based learning<br>media can provide a varied and attractive appearance so that it can invite students to take part in<br>the learning process. The research method was carried out using a qualitative method by observing<br>students using power point-based multimedia. Data before and after the use of PowerPoint<br>multimedia-based learning media were compared to see students' learning progress. The findings<br>from this research are that students more easily remember learning material through multimedia<br>power points</p> Cendana Kusuma Putri Marisa Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 129 137 PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL AUTOBASE TWITTER @COLLEGEMENFESS SEBAGAI PENCARIAN RESPONDEN DALAM PENELITIAN ONLINE DI LINGKUP PERGURUAN TINGGI <p>This research aims to determine the use of autobase on Twitter as a research<br>respondent search tool. In this research, a qualitative approach was used using the literature<br>study method. The results of this research show that the use of the autobase system on the<br>@collegemenfess Twitter account really helps students collect their online research data.<br>Autobase can be used without space and time limitations, minimizes research costs and provides<br>direct interaction features between respondents and researchers. However, there is a weakness<br>in the autobase system, namely that there is a buildup of messages and information due to the<br>large number of messages sent at one time, so that the readability of messages by<br>@collegemenfess followers is low. Another weakness of autobase is that researchers do not get<br>respondents according to the required characteristics. In addition, there was an exchange of<br>respondents between researchers.</p> Siti Nur Aini Marisa Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 138 144 IMPLEMENTASI ARTIFICIAL INTELEGENCE (AI) DALAM DUNIA PENDIDIKAN DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0 <p>Era Society 5.0 becomes the era that provides the widest opportunity to the needs of<br>modern Technology-based Science (IPTEK) to support the economic, health, and education<br>sectors. The application of modern technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots, and<br>the Internet of Things (IoT) is necessary to fulfill the needs of society in terms of comfort,<br>flexibility, and convenience. This research aims to describe the involvement of AI applications in<br>the Education context based on the learners’ needs. The AI technology in this research is limited<br>to those which the researcher has applied. The method used in this research is descriptive<br>qualitative by using the review literature technique through e-books, scientific journals, articles,<br>and other relevant documents to gain the primary data. The result of this research is significant<br>for future research to conduct in-depth studies about AI involvement in the Education context for<br>the society of 5.0. </p> Tri Kristianti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 145 155 GURU ASLI VS GURU AI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI ERA DIGITAL <p>In the digital era, often referred to as Society 4.0, the learning process not only relies<br>on advances in information technology but also witnesses intriguing phenomena. In several<br>countries, such as Japan and Sweden, the learning process involves AI (Artificial Intelligence)<br>robots that assist in teaching students. In Indonesia, AI robot teachers, specifically lecturers at<br>President University, Jakarta, have already become a reality. With the progression of time and<br>advancements in information technology, it is conceivable that the future will see an increase in<br>the prevalence of AI robot teachers. The question arises: Will the presence of these AI robots<br>replace human teachers in the learning process? The objective of this paper is to analyze the<br>potential impact of AI robot teachers compared to real teachers. The method employed is a<br>literature study, wherein researchers examined various writings on the subject published in<br>reputable journals and analyzed them through content analysis. The research results indicate that<br>the presence of AI robot teachers remains a complex issue. In addition to the fact that AI<br>technology itself has not yet demonstrated reliable development, the introduction of AI robot<br>teachers poses challenges in a humanistic context.</p> Pudjo Suharso Retno Ngesti Sedyati Ary Purwatiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 156 166 PENGGUNAAN PAPEC DI MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA: APAKAH ITU BERPENGARUH PADA HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV? <p>he purpose of this study was to determine the increase in student learning outcomes<br>by using PAPEC class IV SD learning media for mathematics subjects related to fractions<br>directly. This study used a quantitative approach method that was useful for testing of media on<br>fraction material, specifically equivalent fractions and simplification of fractions that support<br>student learning outcomes. The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students of SDN Sukasari<br>03 Kec. Pameungpeuk, using a research instrument in the form of a descriptive test. Based on the<br>data obtained, the researcher found that 82.7% of fourth-grade students could effectively and<br>successfully solve fraction problems, which exceeded the minimum standard of 80%. During cycle<br>1, only 58.6% of students met the minimum standard, so the study was repeated during cycle 2<br>and achieved a percentage of 82.7%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that<br>PAPEC learning media can improve student learning outcomes and can be used as a reference<br>for mathematics teachers in fractional learning.</p> Melina Apriyanti Viena Rusmiati Hasanah Inas Sausan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 167 171 PENDIDIKAN KELUARGA DAN PERAN TEKNOLOGI DI ERA MILLENNIAL <p>The progress of science and technology is increasingly unlimited and unstoppable. The<br>rapid growth of technology culture, even this technology culture has entered remote areas, even<br>in many ways it is very dependent on technological engineering. The purpose of this study is to<br>discuss what is meant by the definition of family education, as well as technology used as a<br>learning medium in the Millennial Era which is carried out through descriptive methods based<br>on literacy sources of books and journals related to technology which are used as a reference in<br>family education in the Millennial Era. Family education in the Millennial Era is an innovation<br>or change in the results of rational human thinking in the Millennial Era, technology becomes a<br>control in educational innovation. The role of technology in family education becomes a medium<br>and as a tool in delivering an education first and foremost. The millennial generation is often<br>referred to as the generation that is responsive to changes in modern times, the main study that<br>triggers a change is technology, during the period of human development in the modernization<br>era deceived by technological sophistication, including in the learning process in family<br>education. Wider coverage and very easy access by every human being, the internet has become<br>a very important thing in the process of family education in the Millennial Era</p> Hikmatullah Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 172 183 PENERAPAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN PRAKTIKUM SECARA VIRTUAL PADA MATERI PENGUKURAN DI SMA NURUL MUSLIM BATEALIT <p>This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in grades X-4 of SMA Nurul Muslim Batealit in the subject of Physics measurement material with calipers. In addition, the limitations of adequate experimental tools. This study was conducted in 2022 in class X-4 of Nurul Muslim High School with the number of samples in this study being 34 students with a composition of<br>18 boys and 16 girls. The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of learning outcomes and the adequacy of the use of learning techniques and media on student learning outcomes after the implementation of virtual-based practicum learning strategies. The method used in this study is classroom action research consisting of 2 learning improvement cycles that emphasize learning<br>improvement using virtual-based practicum methods. The research instrument used is in the form of teacher performance observation sheets and test questions to measure student learning outcomes. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by comparing the initial conditions and learning conditions in each cycle. The results showed that the percentage of student learning outcomes increased from precycle to cycle II by 47%, which in the pre-cycle percentage of student learning completeness was 29% and in cycle II was 76%. So the application of virtual-based practicum methods can improve student learning outcomes in grades X-4 of SMA Nurul Muslim Batealit. For this reason, the application of virtual-based practicum methods can be applied as an alternative to other materials that require practicum and can also be applied to other schools. </p> Alfin Rizqi Mubarok Widiasih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 184 190 PENERAPAN JARIMATIKA DALAM PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN BERHITUNG PERKALIAN KELAS 3 MI MUHAMMADIYAH KALITENGAH <p>This research was carried out because the ability of grade 3 students at MI Muhammadiyah<br>Kalitengah in calculating multiplication was still low. It aims to determine the impact on the ability to<br>calculate multiplication using the way of jarimatika. The population used is the same as the sample,<br>namely grade 3 at MI Muhammadiyah Kalitengah with a total of 21 students. Researchers got data from<br>observations in class and evaluation tests at the end of the study. Then it was tested with the T One<br>Sample t-test method by the researcher to find out the impact of using jarimatics on multiplication<br>material. Based on this research, it was found that there was an impact of using jarimatics on the ability<br>to calculate multiplication of students which had increased. This is shown from the results of the ti test,<br>the t value is 5.93 higher than the ti table, namely 2.08 (5.93 &gt; 2.08) with a significance level of 0.5.<br>Researchers can conclude that using jarimatics has a good impact on the ability to calculate the<br>multiplication of grade 3 students at MI Muhammadiyah Kalitengah</p> Tri Berkah Rahayu Dola Suciana Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 191 197 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH PESERTA DIDIK MATERI GERAK DENGAN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MASALAH <p>The low ability to solve problems in the motion of objects material and its application from the<br>result of problem- solving ability (50% under the KKM) encourages researchers to gain improvements to<br>learning. Learning improvement aims to improve students' problem-solving skills in science learning,<br>especially motion material. For teachers as an effort to increase performance by using a problem-based<br>learning approach, the learning process will become meaningful, and students will become active in<br>learning. After applying the problem-based learning model and using demonstration and experimental<br>methods in cycles 1 and 2, it turned out that students were motivated to learn, and 83% of students<br>achieved KKM. The conclusion is the application of the problem-based learning model in science learning<br>about the motion of objects and its application can improve the problem-solving abilities of class VIII<br>students.</p> Nurlaela Widiasih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 198 205 PENGEMBANGAN SEKOLAH BERBASIS ASET UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN MERDEKA BELAJAR <p>This best practice was conducted with the purpose of resolving the issues faced by SMAN 2 Tejakula. The school had issues in various aspects, to the point where it could only manage to earn B category rating for its accreditation. These include the attempts to explore the potentials that the school and its surrounding community possess. One of the agreed solutions is the asset-based school development approach. Entrepreneurship classes offered to the students are tailored to their interests and talents. Nine entrepreneurship classes have been established, namely: Wajah Plastik class, Smandala Marine Class, Coffee Class, Dodol (Sweet Toffee) Class, Incense Class, Bouqet Class, Make up Class, Broadcasting Class, and Upcycle Class. This planned program has been running well thanks to the collaboration among the resources possessed by the school community, which include teachers, non-teaching staff, students, the surrounding local community, parents, school committee, village government, entrepreneurs, universities, alumni, and others. In addition, this success was determined by the convenience of students in learning. Students learn based on their interests, and the learning that takes place utilizes the school's potentials. Thus, this implementation of Asset-Based School Development was able to realize the idea of independent learning (Merdeka Belajar).</p> Gede Benny Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 206 212 PERSEPSI MAHASISWA MENGENAI KEWARGANEGARAAN DIGITAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE <p>The rapid changes brought about by the disruption of digital technology have permeated the lives of citizens worldwide, bringing significant consequences that can have both positive and negative impacts. The negative effects become more pronounced when citizens are unable to keep up with these changes. Therefore, it is crucial for the state to prepare its citizens to face the challenges of digital technology disruption through digital citizenship education. This research aims to understand students' perceptions regarding the relationship between digital citizenship and online learning. The research method employed is a qualitative case study. Data is collected through interviews, surveys, document analysis, and observations to explore students' perceptions of how the principles of digital citizenship can be integrated into the design of online learning activities. Data analysis employs a thematic analysis approach to identify patterns and common themes. The research findings indicate that students' perceptions of digital citizenship principles, including responsible and ethical online behavior, can be successfully integrated into the design of online learning, with the potential to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This research provides valuable insights into how digital citizenship education can be enhanced in the context of online learning.</p> Nisrina Nurul Insani Siti Hamidah Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 213 218 PEMANFAATAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN PADA MATERI POKOK SUHU, KALOR, DAN PEMUAIAN DI SMP DARUL MUTA’ALLIMIN SIDOARJO <p>The emergence of various interesting videos when accessing the internet, makes students more comfortable watching videos compared to opening textbooks. On the other hand, the science learning outcomes of grade VII A students of Darul Muta'allimin Junior High School were found that only 10.34% of students were able to achieve KKM (&gt;75). The study aims to implement the assignment of heat material without using paper (paperless) but using video media which is expected to increase student activity and learning outcomes of grade VII A students at SMP Darul Muta'allimin for the 2022/2023 school year. The research method used is classroom action research in the form of pre-cycle activities and carried out in 2 cycles with student activity observation instruments and student learning outcomes evaluation sheets. Analysis of the average learning outcomes of grade VII A students has increased significantly, from 54.14 to 78.96. The percentage of class learning completeness reached 79.31%. The number of students completed is 23 students. Students show readiness and activeness in participating in learning activities after getting video assignments. There are 6 students who have not been able to complete their learning influenced by several factors, namely internal factors (interests, talents, motivation, learning methods, psychological aspects) and external factors (social environment, friendships, and family). The results showed that giving video assignments was able to improve student learning outcomes on temperature, heat, and expansion material at SMP Darul Muta'allimin.</p> Fitria Rahmawati Widiasih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 219 228 PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN SISWA TENTANG SISTEM PENCERNAAN MANUSIA MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PBL DENGAN MEDIA CHARTA <p>Motivated by the low science score of grade VIII.5 students of SMP Negeri 1 Jejawi on the human digestive system material which slightly reached the KKM score, due to students' understanding of the human digestive system material is still very low. This is what encourages learning improvement by focusing on improving teacher performance in using the PBL learning model with charta media on the human digestive system material. Learning improvement aims to increase students' understanding of the material of the Human Digestive System. This research was conducted in grade VIII.5 of SMP Negeri 1 Jejawi, Ogan Komering Ilir regency in the odd semester of 2022. The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research which is divided into two cycles of learning improvement. The instruments taken are in the form of student evaluation results and observation sheets of student activities during learning. Analysis of the results of student learning evaluation of 28 grade VIII.5 students, namely the percentage of classical student completeness of 10.7% in the first cycle, and in the second cycle increased by 43%. Based on the results of both cycles, science evaluation scores for grade VIII.5 students of SMP Negeri 1 Jejawi were obtained, the material of the human digestive system has increased. To improve the grades of students who are not optimal, it is recommended to make improvements to the third cycle of learning.</p> Dina Sintia Widiasih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 229 235 PENGGUNAAN ALAT PERAGA PADA PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE STAD UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN SISWA KELAS 8 SMP TENTANG GETARAN HARMONIS <p>This research was motivated by the low scores obtained by grade 8 students of Bintang Mulia Junior High School in Science-Physics subjects about simple harmonic vibrational materials. The influence of teachers who are very dominant and students who are less active causes a lack of student understanding of the subject matter, resulting in 52% of students obtaining scores below KKM 71. This is what encourages learning improvements that emphasize improving teacher performance in using teaching aids and applying the STAD type learning model. Learning improvement aims to increase students' understanding in science learning, especially harmonious vibration material. This research was conducted in grade 8 of Bintang Mulia Junior High School, Bandung city in the first semester of 2022. The method carried out in this study is Classroom Action Research which consists of two cycles of learning improvement. The instruments used in this study were teacher performance reflection sheets and student learning outcomes tests. Data from teacher performance research in applying learning outcomes were also obtained student learning results about harmonic vibrations from cycle I (73.4) and cycle II (91.4). After teachers improve their performance by using the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model and using teaching aids in the 1st and 2nd cycle learning process, it can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Thus improving teacher performance using the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model can be applied in other materials and in other schools.</p> Kuspriyono Widiasih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 236 244 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROJEK BASED LEARNING (PjBL) BERBASIS TPaCK <p>the quality of human resources are increasing, not only must they be knowledgeable, skilled and have character, but they must also be productive (productive), suitable for publication and profitable. These conditions create a learning model that requires students to produce "something" that is worthy of publication and profitable for teachers to practice. One of them is the project-based learning model (PjBL), because PjBL requires students to do something or create something to solve a problem. The application of the project-based learning model in the field of civics requires the capability of knowledge and skills to produce something based on empathy and civic responsibility to participate in resolving various civic problems that occur in the surrounding environment. The process of implementing the PjBL learning model based on TPaCK is one of the models in PPKn learning, known as a citizenship project, and improve civic intelligence, civic skills, civic responsibility and civic participation students' capabilities, as well as the quality of their learning.</p> Nur Wahyu Rochmadi Larasati Rochastuti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 245 256 UPAYA MENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MELALUI METODE PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA FISIKA KALOR DAN PERPINDAHANNYA KELAS VII <p>Research that aims to determine student learning outcomes using the Discovery Learning learning model to improve critical thinking skills and find out student learning activities on heat material and its transfer, by involving junior high school students grade VII SMP Nurul Amal Keling for the 2022/2023 academic year. PTK is designed in two cycles so that learning objectives can be fulfilled, namely students' critical thinking skills and understanding the concept of heat and its displacement close to everyday life. The supporting instruments used in the study were RPP, LKPD and tests. Tests and LKPD are used to assess students' critical thinking skills and ability to solve problems, both individually and in groups and assess students' level of understanding of heat and its displacement in everyday life. Data collected and presented in the form of understanding, heat formula and application of the concept of heat and its displacement in everyday life.</p> Marlina Indah Yogawati Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 257 262 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOPERATIF TIPE STAD BERBANTUAN MEDIA CARD SORT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN AKTIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KONSEP PESAWAT SEDERHANA <p>This research is motivated by the lack of maximum ability of students in understanding science subjects, especially in the Physics material for simple aircraft chapters. Based on the results of initial observations on learning and the results of the final test conducted on class VIII students of SMPS Tiara school Bogor, only 66.7% of students mastered the material. The purpose of this study was to describe the procedure for applying Card Sort image media and applying the STAD type learning model to improve students' ability to understand simple machine material and understand its benefits in everyday life. The subjects of this study were 12 grade VIII students of SMPS Tiara School, consisting of 6 female students and 6 male students. The results showed that the final test result of cycle 1 had an average score of 66.7% and increased in the final test of cycle 2, which was 91.3%. This level of achievement is quite high because almost all students score above the KKM, while the KKM applied for science material is 70. The application of the STAD type learning method assisted by card sort media can improve students' understanding of simple airplane material.</p> Meutia Sari Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 263 274 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PKN TENTANG SUMPAH PEMUDA MELALUI MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL <p>The learning of Civic Education in Grade III of SDIT Nurul Fikri Sidoarjo has been somewhat monotonous, using the same method. This has resulted in students feeling bored, indifferent, and passive. The primary objective of this study is to optimize student engagement and improve learning outcomes through the effective utilization of audiovisual aids. The research was conducted in two improvement cycles, focusing on the topic of the Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda). The research findings indicate an improvement in students' learning outcomes. In the Pre-Cycle, the students achieved an average score of 70.85. Then, in Cycle 1, the students' average score increased to 90.75, and in Cycle 2, it further improved to 94.50. Not only did the learning outcomes improve, but students' learning activities also showed enhancement. The utilization of visual media resulted in enhanced student involvement and academic achievements in the field of Civic Education among Grade III students at SDIT Nurul Fikri Sidoarjo.</p> Ulul Azmiatul Mutoharoh Thohir Monika Handayani Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 275 289 PENGGUNAAN MEDIA AUDIOVISUAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI SISTEM PENCERNAAN SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR <p>Patterns of interaction between teachers and students are strongly influenced by developments in the digital world in education. When traditional education is practiced, most students who have a good level of ability to use technology tend to become disinterested. The purpose of this research is to describe the use of audio-visual media to improve learning outcomes. Classroom action research is used as a descriptive research method. The method used to collect data in this study is a test technique that is carried out once in each cycle. The instrument used is a description test to find out how far students' understanding and ability to receive and absorb learning material. The data obtained were then analyzed using a percentage descriptive analysis method. This technique is used to measure the increase in student learning outcomes after the use of audiovisual media is applied. Based on the results of the study, during the pre-cycle the average student score was only 60 with classical completeness of 38.46%. In cycle 1 the average value of students rose to 64 with classical completeness of 46.15%. Then in cycle 2 the average value of students experienced a significant increase, namely 69 with 69.23% classical completeness. In the final cycle, namely cycle 3, the increase in student learning outcomes was seen to increase significantly with the class 77 average with classical completeness reaching 92.31%. Based on this description, researchers can draw conclusions that the use of audiovisual media has a significant impact on improving student learning outcomes.</p> Karyati Inti Zamsolih Dola Suciana Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 290 298 MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MATA PELAJARAN IPA MATERI SIFAT-SIFAT BUNYI MENGGUNAKAN MODEL COOPERATIVE LEARNING <p>The background to the problem in this research is the low learning outcomes of students in understanding the material on the properties of sound, with traditional learning making students disinterested and less active in learning. The aim of this research is to describe the improvement in student learning outcomes in science lessons on the properties of sound using the Cooperative Learning Model in class 2 of SDN Ngepoh. This research method is classroom action research (PTK) with class 2 research subjects as many as 12 students with 2 research cycles. The findings from this research are that the increase in student learning outcomes in science learning material on the properties of sound using the cooperative learning model starting from the Pre-cycle and then Cycle I to Cycle II shows an increase, which can be seen from the average in the Pre-cycle of 53, in Cycle I was 68.3 and in Cycle II it was 85. From these data it can be concluded that the use of the cooperative learning model in science learning can improve student learning outcomes. So, the cooperative learning model is effective in improving student learning outcomes in science lessons, especially material on the properties of sound.</p> Ridyo Estu Gumiwang Dola Suciana Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 299 308 EFEKTIVITAS BELAJAR SISWA MELALUI PENDEKATAN CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING PADA MATERI ALJABAR <p>The purpose of this study is to find out how effective the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach in mathematics on the topic of algebra is discussed. This study was conducted in two cycles, with one meeting per cycle. This study uses test equipment to determine how effective student learning is. The results showed that the overall average score of student achievement indicators in cycle I was 69.23% and rose to 92.30% in cycle II. The average score of student learning outcomes in cycle I was 69.23% and rose to 85.00% in cycle II, resulting in classical completeness. According to this research, a contextual teaching and learning approach can help Grade VII junior high school students learn about algebraic material.</p> Harwan Sulistyo Jeni Antowo Idha Novianti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 309 319 ETIKA PEMBELAJARAN DALAM KONTEKS PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN: SUATU ALTERNATIF MEMBANGUN PILAR PENDIDIKAN <p>Citizenship education is an important aspect in the education system which aims to form citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations in a democratic society. In this context, learning ethics plays a very important role in forming a strong basis for achieving this goal. This article illustrates the importance of learning ethics in civic education learning as an alternative for building strong educational pillars. Learning ethics includes values, norms and principles that must be applied in the educational process. In the context of citizenship education, learning ethics involves developing awareness of human rights, democratic principles, pluralism, and active participation in political and social life. This learning ethic not only affects students, but also teachers, the curriculum, and the entire educational environment. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach, with literature study. This article also discusses several key elements in building the pillars of citizenship education through learning ethics. First, citizenship education must encourage a deep understanding of democratic values and human rights. Second, learning ethics must promote inclusive attitudes and respect for diverse cultures and political views. Third, students must be empowered to participate actively in social and political life, including in democratic decision-making processes. Through this approach, learning ethics becomes a strong foundation for building pillars of sustainable and relevant citizenship education. By strengthening ethical understanding in learning, we can help students become responsible, caring, and active citizens in building a just and democratic society.</p> Ary Purwatiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 320 332 PENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PENGENALAN LAMBANG BILANGAN ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN MELALUI MEDIA REALIA <p>This study was conducted to explain the process and results of increasing understanding of symbols and numbers in children aged 4-5 years using realia as a learning tool in grade A1, Rahmani Christian Kindergarten, West Jakarta in 2023. The subjects of the study consisted of ten children. The methods used are qualitative data analysis techniques collected from the results of field notes, observations, interviews, and documentation, and quantitative data analysis techniques collected from the results of the percentage increase in understanding of symbols and numbers in children aged 4-5 years after class actions. This research activity consists of two cycles with five days of activity and five RPPH per cycle. The results showed an increase in each category of children, children's recognition of symbols and numbers had not developed, decreased by 30%, children's recognition of symbols began to develop, experienced management by 43%, children's recognition of symbols and numbers, increased by 40%, and children's recognition of symbols and numbers that developed very well increased by 29%. From these results, it can be seen that the realia method as a learning tool can improve the understanding of symbols and numbers in children aged 4-5 years at Rahmani Christian Kindergarten.</p> Wilandaoni Sibarani Mukti Amini Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 333 342 MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI DIAGRAM LINGKARAN <p>This study aims to increase teaching outcomes and student motivation after participating in learning activities using the discovery learning model of mathematics subjects with pie chart material. The subject of PTK is grade V students of SD N 2 Selomukti in the second semester of 2022/2023. PTK that is carried out consists of planning, implementing activities, class observation and reflection. PTK consists of 2 cycles. Evaluation test questions at the end of the cycle are instruments used to obtain PTK data on learning outcomes. While the instrument or tool to get data on the results of student learning motivation is a teaching motivation observation sheet. The results showed that after following the mathematics lesson of the pie chart subject matter using the discovery learning model, student learning outcomes in cycle I increased in cycle II. The precedence of learning outcomes in cycle I is 43.75% and learning outcomes in cycle II are 81.25%. In addition to learning outcomes, student motivation in cycle I also increased learning motivation in cycle II. The percentage of learning motivation of students in cycle I is 64.50% and the percentage of learning motivation in cycle II is 81.25%.</p> Nurul Fajar Rahmawati Albertus Djoko Lesmono Inas Sausan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 343 351 PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STEAM PAUD BERBASIS SIBERNETIK <p>Learning Model Learning programs in science and technology, engineering, art, mathematics, cybernetic-based early childhood education have positive implications for learning activities, early childhood in the current era of early childhood disruption must be trained to have the ability to think critically, think creatively, collaborate and be able to communicate, the purpose of this development research wants to know the effectiveness of learning in early childhood using a learning model Cybernetic-based ECCE STEAM, the second is to want to know early childhood learning outcomes using the Cybernetic-Based ECCE STEAM learning model. Research and development was chosen as the research methodology with teacher respondents and children aged 5-6 years. Based on the results of research data analysis, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the effectiveness of early childhood in learning and an increase in teacher knowledge in implementing cybernetic-based ECCE STEAM learning. This model can be used as an alternative model to teach the basics of digital literacy and as digitization in the learning process as a catalyst for future education.</p> Yus Alvar Saabighoot Uum Suminar Mohamad Hisyam Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 15 1 352 361 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS KARANGAN SISWA KELAS IV SD MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA GAMBAR BERSERI <p>The problem in writing ability of indonesian subject is the lack of interest dan motivation to learn. Based on these problems, this Classroom Action Research (CAR) aimed to improve the skills of writing simple essay by using serial images that is displayed through a projector in class IV SD Kandawati II class with a total of 29 student. Data were collected using post test and observation. The result showed that average score of post test in cycle I is 66.72, then in cycle II increased significantly to 97.58. The score of classical completeness in cycle I is 31%, where only 9 students had complete. Then in cycle II, the classical completeness also increased to 96%, only 1 student had not completed. The results of observations showed that student’s participation is increase from 62.50% (cycle I) to 82.50% (cycle II). So using serial images media in Bahasa Indonesia subject can improve student’s ability in writing simple essays for elementary students in class IV SDN Kandawati II.</p> Wihelmina Fitriani Ira Mutiarawati Inas Sausan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 362 368 EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN MEDIA VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN SISWA KELAS XII SMA NEGERI 1 MATARAMAN <p>This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using video learning media in the 12th-grade classrooms at SMAN 1 Mataraman. The method employed in this study is a qualitative approach, involving data collection and analysis of the learning process of students utilizing the available video media at the school. The results of the analysis indicate that learning with the use of video media significantly aids students in understanding the material provided by the teacher, enabling them to grasp the content more effectively. Despite some studies showing different results, this research concludes that the use of video media in education greatly assists students in comprehending the materials presented by the teacher.</p> Uswatul Hasanah Edy Syarif Ferry Lourens S. Korompis Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 369 376 PENERAPAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DENGAN METODE PEER TEACHING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN LIMIT FUNGSI ALJABAR <p>This study was motivated by the low understanding of students in learning mathematics on the limit material of algebraic functions. The learning process that occurs is less effective with the existence of students who have low absorption of learning materials. To overcome the low student understanding of the limit material of algebraic functions, a problem-based learning model with peer teaching was applied. The type of research used is classroom action research (PTK) using 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 1 meeting. The research stages consist of planning (palnning), action (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). The results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that, the application of problem-based learning model with peer teaching method to improve the understanding of the limit of algebraic function in class XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Sobang. This is evidenced by the acquisition of increased student understanding through learning outcomes in the form of written test assessment results. The acquisition of an increase from cycle 1 meeting 1 from 51.35% to 70.05% cycle 1 meeting 2. Cycle 2 meeting 1 from 70.05% to 84.65% in cycle 2 meeting 2.</p> Aan Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 377 386 EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING PADA MATERISTATISTIKA UNTUK SISWA KELAS VIII <p>The aim of this study is to know the effectiveness of learning mathematics with the PBL model in Class VIII on statistical material. Two classes participated in this study, experimentalclasses with PBL models and control classes with conventional learning models, sampling techniques, data analysis. The results of the research showed that by using the PBL model can improve the student's mathematics learning performance, the Mathematics value of students who study withthe PBL model also more positive results in terms of increased student knowledge value towards mathematical learning compared to students who learn with the conventional model. Thus the effective use of the PBL model can improve student learning performance and studentinterest in learning mathematics. The PBL model can also be an innovative and attractive choice for math teachers. However, additional efforts are needed in developing and adapting the PBL model in order to be effectively applied in different learning contexts.</p> Deden Setiawan Abdul Karim Idha Novianti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 387 405 PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI BERBASIS DARING SEBAGAI PENDAMPING E-LEARNING PADA PERKULIAHAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI PERGURUAN TINGGI <p>This study aims to describe applications that can coexist with e-learning owned by campuses so that PAI learning in online-based universities can be efficient. Changes in the concept of teaching and learning that initially meet teachers or students directly, turn into learning can be anywhere, with unlimited space and time. The concept of online learning is still continuing after covid 19, universities are still conducting online lectures for several courses that are considered easy to understand even though they are taught online, one of which is the PAI course. Higher education already has online learning media that is easy to access, namely e-learning on several campuses called SPADA. The features offered in e-learning are quite a lot, but the use of e-learning certainly has limitations and lacks innovation. From this phenomenon, a companion application is needed that can help vary learning so that it is more interesting. Companion applications that can be used include; Canva, Google, Padlet, Zoom, Quiziz, whatsaap etc. This research is qualitative research. This study concludes that additional applications are needed in addition to e-learning, the use of these applications is expected to increase its own impact on students in learning PAI, so that in lectures not only the transfer of knowledge is expected but the transfer of value is not eroded.<br><br></p> Nurul Fadhilah Wardatul Ilmiah Muhammad Ramdan Mubarok Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 406 414 MERDEKA BELAJAR DALAM KONTEKS PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN : SUATU ALTERNATIF PEMBINAAN SISWA MENJADI WARGANEGARA YANG SADAR HAK DAN KEWAJIBANNYA <p>This article aims to discuss how civic education has an important role in forming citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations in a democratic country. However, the conventional approach in delivering civics curriculum material is often less attractive to students and unable to provide sufficient space for them to develop their full potential. Therefore, Merdeka Learning is an attractive alternative for fostering students to become citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations. Independent Learning is an educational concept that gives freedom to students to manage their learning process, including determining the material they want to learn, the learning methods used, and assessing their learning progress. In the context of citizenship education, Merdeka Learning provides opportunities for students to choose topics that are relevant to the rights and obligations of citizens, such as human rights, political participation, social issues, and the history of the struggle for independence. The method used is a qualitative approach to the method of literature study. Literature study is the process of finding, analyzing, and analyzing sources of information that are relevant to a particular research topic or study. Through the Merdeka Learning approach in civics education, it is hoped that students can become more active, creative, and innovative in developing their understanding of rights and obligations as citizens. They will also learn to value differences, think critically, and participate actively in society. This research will further explore how Freedom Learning can be applied in the context of civics education and how it can influence the development of students to become citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the development of civics education that is more relevant and meaningful in facing the challenges of an increasingly complex global society.</p> Kusnadi Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 415 429 MENGINTERKONEKTIVITASKAN TRANSISI DAN TRANSFORMASI BELAJAR-MENGAJAR YANG BERKESETARAAN DAN BERKESEJAHTERAAN DALAM KERANGKA DIGITAL LEARNING <p>Studies on the main problems of Indonesian Education essentially highlight the educator's capability, professionality, and creativity which the fundamental problem lies in the reproduction and recruitment of educators themselves from the start. The problem becomes more complicated due to the acceleration of digital learning-based learning management systems synchronously/asynchronously, particularly in primary education as the foundation. This is also an observation and concept for the Kurikulum Merdeka implementation to overcome the education crisis through Merdeka Belajar policies, especially the Guru-Sekolah Penggerak program, the Merdeka Berbudaya media, the Merdeka Mengajar platform, and the Kampus Mengajar pattern. Such conditions are the focused study to assess opportunities for digital transformation in the teaching and learning process in elementary school and PGSD based on educators' perspectives on the students' characteristics and tendencies. This study uses a diagnostic case study method to examine the results of reports from related research institutions representatively and interpretively using internet searching techniques to be analyzed using critical discourse analysis to maintain the data commensurability. The report from the RISE <br>Program in Indonesia, INOVASI, UNICEF Indonesia, SMERU Research Institute, and APJII then emphasized that strengthening educator competency, deepening curriculum flexibility, developing digital skills of educators and students, as well as improving teaching and learning platforms and school digital connectivity that focuses on an equitable education ecosystem is a challenge to respond the world education transformation. The results conform with OECD and UNESCO recommendations for embodying an equal and prosperous educational future. Hence, the Merdeka Belajar transition in Dikdas must become the basis for joint study to ensure the <br>direction and realm of the Indonesian education transformation.</p> Jalaluddin Rumi Asmirinda Resa A. Fatimah Nurhikmah Muhammad Fillah Muhammad Gazali Andi Aljabar Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 430 450 PENERAPAN JIGSAW COOPERATIVE LEARNING PADA MATERI ANALISIS KOMPONEN EKOSISTEM DAN INTERAKSINYA DI KELAS X <p>This study aims to determine the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model in the material of analyzing components and interactions between components in class X. The use of an inappropriate learning model affects the effectiveness and activeness of students during the learning process. An ecosystem is a complex interrelationship between living things and their environment. In this study using the jigsaw model, this model is based on the principle of collaboration and cooperation between students in groups to achieve learning goals together. The application of the Jigsaw learning model has several advantages, one of which is this model encourages collaboration and collaboration between students. They help each other, support, and are responsible for each other in achieving learning goals. The results showed that the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model succeeded in increasing student activity during the learning process.</p> Heru Akbar Nur Wakhid Danang Budi Setyawan Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 451 457 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR TENTANG SISTEM EKSRESI MANUSIA MELALUI MODEL THINK PAIR SHARE TERHADAP SISWA KELAS VIII <p>Refinement of the Think Pair Share learning model to help grade VIII students recognize the Elimination System material. A total of 30 students of grade VIII of SMP Budi Luhur Boarding School participated in this study. In the think-pair- share learning model, student learning outcomes were measured using board observation as a data collection tool. The think-pair-divide method used to prohibit material about the excretory system to students of class VIII SMP Budi Luhur proved to be able to improve learning outcomes. Only 30% of students achieved learning outcomes at the completion of Cycle I activities, but with the completion of Cycle II it increased to 70%. From this it can be concluded that the TPS learning model improves student learning outcomes.</p> Novi Alfina Nuraini Saleh Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 458 465 PENERAPAN PENDEKATAN STEM PROJECT BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR KIMIA <p>The challenge for teachers is how to prepare appropriate learning designs as teaching innovations in order to create effective learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Implementing online learning from home can reduce students' interest in learning. This shows that the learning process that has been implemented is not optimal, learning only occurs in one direction, there is no feedback from students, apart from that, distance learning makes it difficult for teachers to monitor students' learning progress. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of applying the STEM project based learning (PjBL) approach to improving chemistry learning outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a quantitative method. Data collection techniques for learning outcomes consist of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. After implementing the STEM project based learning (PjBL) approach, the results of the attitude assessment consisting of the results of observing attitudes in class and the results of assessments between peers achieved an average of 95 excellent predicates. Learning outcomes increased, 31 students got a complete score and 2 students did not complete or 94% complete, the average learning outcome score was 87 with a good predicate. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the application of the STEM project based learning (PjBL) approach can improve chemistry learning outcomes.</p> Yunita Riskayanti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 466 474 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MENGGUNAKAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING DENGAN MATERI SISTEM KOLOID SISWA KELAS XI <p>The problem discussed in this study is how to improve learning outcomes and student learning activities using the discovery learning method with colloidal system material for class XI MIPA SMA IT Istiqomah Temanggung. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes and learning activities of XI MIPA SMA IT Istiqomah Temanggung students about colloidal system material using discovery learning methods. The research data were obtained from 18 students in class XI MIPA SMA IT Istiqomah Temanggung. When the research was conducted in semester 2 of the 2022/2023 school year. This classroom action research was conducted for 2 cycles. The collection of material understanding data was measured by understanding tests and student learning activities were measured by observing student learning activities. Data analysis was grouped based on data on students who were able to achieve KKM on student learning outcomes and learning activities. The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) for chemistry subject class XI is 70. The learning outcomes of students in cycle 1 who achieved KKM were 7 students (39%). In cycle 2 there was an increase in student learning outcomes to 15 students (83%) who achieved KKM. Student learning activities consist of 3 aspects, namely the aspect of discussion ability, learning interaction and presenting the results of the discussion. From the observations of student learning activities in cycle 1, there were 7 students (39%) who achieved KKM scores. In cycle 2 student learning activities increased to 18 students (100%) who achieved KKM scores.</p> Fitri Nugrohaini Iyon Suyana Nahzim Rahmat Sukma Wahyu Wijayanti Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 475 480 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE JIGSAW PADA MATERI CIRI CIRI MAKHLUK HIDUP DI KELAS VII <p>This Classroom Action Research was conducted on students in class VII MTs LMD KAWA West Seram District, West Seram Regency with the implementation time on May 11 to 14 of the 2022/2023 Learning year, to find out the objectives: to improve the improvement of the learning process in science subjects carried out by teachers on the material of the characteristics of living things using the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model. The instrument used is the result of data collection on the results of the student work sheet (LKS) test. PTK or commonly called class action research is carried out using simulation observation sheets, and simulation assessment tools as a reflection of learning that has been done both in Cycle I and Cycle II. The results of this study found that learning the Jigsaw Type Cooperative model has advantages, namely: making students able to work together in groups and be responsible for solving problems in the learning process. The results of this study imply that the learning of the Jigsaw Type Cooperative model can make the learning process of science and technology can increase which is brought by the teacher on the material of the characteristics of living things to be better and get an average score of 75.5% in cycle II learning.</p> Rini Indriany Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 481 486 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI TERBIMBING TERHADAP KARAKTER SISWA DALAM PPKN <p>Memorable education for students is learning that is able to build basic concepts of thinking worthy of the phenomena of the environment around students. A decent learning atmosphere will support the learning process to be student-oriented and centered. The selection of learning models that are based on learning objectives will have a positive impact. With the Guided Inquiry learning model, students will engage in active behavior to understand concepts by PPKN subjects. So that it can form students who think logically, are disciplined, curious, independent, honest, and responsible. This shows that the Guided Inquiry learning model can develop student character. This study aims to identify the Guided Inquiry learning model for student character in the PPKN subject. Starting from planning to evaluation using research methods, qualitative research methods, and library research, known as literature research in the form of books, articles, journals, past and present that support theory. The results showed that the Guided Inquiry learning model on student character in the PPKN was creative and effective in the learning process. The Guided Inquiry learning model can be an alternative model applied to the learning process.</p> Millatul Kiftiyah Ekaliya Priti Anggraeni Nur Wahyu Rochmadi Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 487 493 TANTANGAN DAN HAMBATAN DALAM PENERAPAN LITERASI NUMERASI PADA PROSES PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI CANVA <p>The development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) is growing very rapidly in line with the progress of the 4.0 era which indicates the need for the application of information technology, especially in the school environment. The aim of this research is to determine the challenges and obstacles to achieving the use of the Canva application in preparing literacy and numeracy at SMAN 25 Tangerang Regency and SMAN 11 Tangerang Regency through the process of learning activities in class 12 science. The research method used is qualitative by analyzing the results of a survey on the implementation of activities using the Canva application to increase the literacy and numeracy of students in schools according to the policies of the Banten provincial education office through webinar activities on the application of the Canva application in the learning process. The results of research from among 30 students revealed that 4 respondents were in the signal interference category which had an impact on long loading (ngelek). 5 people and those who said it was complicated/complicated/somewhat difficult, and using the Canva application was easy to understand, fun and interesting for the material being studied was 70%. To increase literacy and numeracy effectively and efficiently with the aim of improving high-level thinking abilities, it is necessary to familiarize students with the use of other applications in the learning process activities.</p> Eny Suryaningsih Fatkhul Maarij Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 494 500 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN (THINK PHAIR SHARE) TPS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF MATERI BIOTEKNOLOGI <p>The study was conducted as a classroom action research, aimed at examining the academic performance of students in a science class who were provided with biotechnology materials. The results indicated that the learning outcomes of the students were suboptimal. The present investigation employs the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning framework. The study was conducted through two distinct research cycles, with each cycle encompassing planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The educational institution in question is Nurul Fallah Middle School, located in the district of Banyuwangi. The present student population comprises 19 individuals, with a gender distribution of 12 males and 7 females. Data collection involved the utilization of written assessments to measure cognitive domains. Following each iteration of analysis, the research findings have exhibited enhancement, whereby the mean academic achievement of pupils prior to the implementation of the TPS pedagogical approach was 68, and the rate of completion was 53%. During the initial academic cycle, the mean academic grade attained by students was 73, and the percentage of students who successfully graduated was 74%. During the second cycle, the students attained an academic mean of 83 and a completion percentage of 95%. There was a 21% rise in percentage from period 1 to period 2. The findings indicate that implementing the TPS (Think Pair Share) instructional approach enhances the cognitive learning achievements of biotechnology topics among 9th-grade students at SMP Nurul Fallah Banyuwangi during the academic year of 2022/2023.</p> Ika Nur Salimah Copyright (c) 2023 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 15 1 501 507 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN LEGAL EDUCATION: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS AND CHALLENGES <p>In this research the author examines the direction and challenges of developing legal education in the era of digital transformation. The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the challenges of developing legal education in the era of digital transformation. Learning through the use of technology is a consideration in itself to achieve the required competencies. The main aim of digitizing legal education is to implement and develop digitalization in legal learning. The method used in this research is socio legal. Legally, it will review laws and regulations related to the digitalization of education. Socio-wise, it will analyze the needs and challenges faced by students in digitalizing legal education. This research uses qualitative data analysis. The results of this research show that legal education cannot be separated from digital transformation which brings legal education towards business and provides a wider reach. The challenges of developing digital transformation in legal education can be seen in two big challenges, namely internal and external. Internal challenges are human resources related to technology in learning, facilities and infrastructure related to learning, effective use of technology, changes in the role of educators, etc. External challenges are stakeholder needs for graduates, public education, the emergence of artificial intelligence in the world of education, and digital program security</p> Dewi Sulistianingsih Yuli Prasetyo Adhi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 15 1 508 514 EVALUASI KESIAPAN GURU DALAM MENERAPKAN INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TPACK (TECHNOLOGICALPEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE) PADA PEMBELAJARAN ABAD 21 DI KOTA SEMARANG <p>This article aims to evaluate teachers' readiness to implement TPACK-based learning innovations in 21st-century learning. 21st-century learning is characterized by curriculum changes from teacher-centered to student-centered learning approaches. It is intended that students have thinking and learning skills. The research method used a qualitative approach. The results showed that the majority of teachers in Semarang City, according to age, are part of the millennial generation. This is very supportive of the demands of teachers in the 21st century related to technological literacy skills and the use of ICT as a learning resource. At this time, the role of teachers is more as facilitators, motivators, and inspirers for students in finding and utilizing learning resources. Consequently, all teachers must have adequate knowledge, skills, and technological competencies that are included in learning. The research concludes that 21st-century learning changes the mindset of the educational process that previously took place conventionally shifting to learning based on the utilization of communication and information technology. The lack of equitable skills currently owned makes the need for teacher evaluation readiness in implementing TPACK-based learning innovations so that learning activities are in accordance with the development of information and communication technology in 21st-century learning.</p> Martien Herna Susanti Setiajid Anandha Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 15 1 515 524