Analysis of The Process of Formulation And Publication of The Regulation of The Regency Head Regarding The Allocation of Village Funds in Bogor Regency for The Year 2023


  • Novan Yuana Nur Ilham
  • Nadia Nurani Isfarin Universitas Terbuka


Formulation Process, Drafting Process, Regent Regulation, Village Fund Allocation, Bogor Regency


The Regent Regulation (Peraturan Bupati or Perbup) is one type of Regional Head Regulation (Peraturan Kepala Daerah or Perkada) that functions as an implementation tool for higher-level national and provincial laws and regulations. This research is conducted because the Bogor Regency Government has issued a Regent Regulation regarding the Village Fund Allocation (Alokasi Dana Desa or ADD) for the fiscal year 2023, but there has been a delay in its issuance. The research aims to determine whether the process of drafting the Bogor Regency Regent Regulation Number 11 of 2023 concerning the Allocation and Procedures for the Distribution of Village Fund for the Fiscal Year 2023 is in accordance with the Laws and Regulations. The author uses the normative juridical method in this research by obtaining data through literature study and interviews. The data sources used include documents related to the Formation of Laws and Regulations, such as the Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation and other relevant regulations, as well as relevant literature data on the research topic. In addition, interviews were conducted with relevant officials to obtain complete and in-depth information. This research indicates that the formation of regent regulations must follow the mechanisms and procedures stipulated in the laws and regulations, including the stages of drafting, deliberation, guidance/facilitation, determination, numbering, promulgation, authentication, and dissemination. Therefore, procedurally, the process of drafting and issuing Regent Regulation Number 11 of 2023 concerning the Allocation and Procedures for the Distribution of Village Fund for the Fiscal Year 2023 is in line with the provisions of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Laws and Regulations, as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation Number 80 of 2015 concerning the Formation of Regional Legal Products.




Conference Proceedings Volume

