Law Effectiveness in the Implementation of DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 66 of 2020 to Tackle Air Pollution in Jakarta


  • Gabriel Miracle Universitas Terbuka
  • Meliza Meliza Universitas Terbuka


Air Pollution, Exhaust Gas Emission Test, Law Effectiveness


Air pollution in big cities has been increasing lately, including in Jakarta, the former capital and economic heart of Indonesia. The Jakarta Provincial Government has taken policy steps to overcome this problem, one of which is through DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 66 of 2020 concerning Exhaust Gas Emission Tests for Motorized Vehicles. The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 66 of 2020 on the problem of air pollution in Jakarta using the theory of law effectiveness. This research uses a qualitative method to reach a wide scientific perspective to solve this problem. This will be achieved through research on the Jakarta Provincial Government as the regulation maker, Polda Metro Jaya and Dinas Perhubungan Jakarta as law enforcers, and civil society as the affected parties. The results of this research are expected to determine how effective DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 66 of 2020 is in tackling the problem of air pollution in Jakarta through the theory of law effectiveness.




Conference Proceedings Volume

