Identification of Sundanese Gastronomic Heritage in Ngaliwet Food and Culture in West Java Society


  • Ayu Lestari Universitas Terbuka
  • Mutiara Ulfah Universitas Terbuka
  • Muhammad Shofyan Universitas Terbuka


Ngaliwet, Nasi Liwet Sundanese, Traditional Food, Sundanese Community, Food Culture


The Sundanese people are one of the ethnic groups inhabiting West Java. They are known for their rich cultural heritage, including various cultures and traditional cuisine. One of the enduring traditions is ngaliwet. In Sundanese culture, ngaliwet refers to cooking rice with added spices in a single pot, typically using a cast iron pot or a traditional kastrol pot and serving it with various side dishes. This tradition holds deep cultural and historical significance. This research aims to explore and document the ngaliwet tradition within the Sundanese community. It will focus on the cooking process, the ingredients used in making nasi liwet, and the cultural context of ngaliwet among the Sundanese people in West Java. Data was collected using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach, sourcing journals and books from Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and ScienceDirect. Additionally, 75 respondents, all of whom were born and have lived in West Java, participated in the questionnaire survey. The study results indicate that the ngaliwet tradition is not merely a method of food preparation but also a means of fostering togetherness and is commonly presented at various traditional and religious events. There are many types of Sundanese nasi liwet in West Java, such as chicken nasi liwet and salted fish nasi liwet. The rice cooking process involves simultaneously adding spices such as onion, garlic, chili, bay leaf, lemongrass, and several other seasonings to a cast iron pot or regular pot. It is traditionally served on banana leaves.




Conference Proceedings Volume

