Optimization of Disability Services in Tasikmalaya City: An Administrative Review of Community Participation and Empowerment of Individuals with Disabilities


  • Angie Wian Azzahra Universitas Terbuka
  • Isnaeni Yuliani Universitas Terbuka


Disability Services, Administration, Community participation, Empowerment Disabilities, Tasikmalaya City


This study discusses "Optimization of Disability Services in Tasikmalaya City: An Administrative Review of Community Participation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities". The purpose of this study is to evaluate optimization and identify challenges in services for people with disabilities in Tasikmalaya City. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to understand how government administration, community participation, and disability empowerment programs contribute to service optimization. Findings show that policies and programs designed in administration to improve accessibility and inclusion are quite maximum, but their implementation is often hampered by problems due to lack of community involvement. In terms of community participation, in empowering people with disabilities, it was found that community involvement in designing and implementing service programs is still minimal. Meanwhile, the empowerment of people with disabilities needs more support, both in the form of skills training and access to economic opportunities. This study recommends the need for an integrative strategy that involves all stakeholders to improve the quality of disability services. This includes developing training and counselling programs that engage the wider community, as well as providing individuals with disabilities with better access to opportunities. The results of the 2019 Ombudsman RI survey show that at the City Government level, only 56.12% have met the indicator of the availability of special services for users with special needs. Thus, through the optimization of disability services in Tasikmalaya City, it is hoped that Tasikmalaya City can become a model for other regions in terms of optimizing disability services.




Conference Proceedings Volume

