International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-10-23T10:05:14+07:00 Dr. Lidwina Sri Ardiasih Open Journal Systems <p>The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning will held on the 18th of November, 2023. This education conference will bring together the vibrant community of teacher, researchers, and other members of academia for one day of learning and networking. ICTL 2023 is a prime opportunity for you to present your research, receive feedback from your peers, and get published in academic journals.</p> <p>The program of this international education conference have a theme Digital Transformation: Future Challanges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning. Every participant – whether a presenter or an attendee – is encouraged to join the discussion and brainstorm solutions that would move the field into the future. To make sure that as many members of academia can join as possible, the event can be attended virtually. Don’t miss out.</p> The Role of Self-Organized Learning Environment (Sole) Based E-Learning on Programming Logic Lectures of Undergraduate Students of Educational Technology of Undiksha 2024-10-02T09:39:40+07:00 Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana <p>The lack of optimal student learning outcomes over last 3 years is the main problem in programming logic courses. Based on this, the aim of this research is to develop Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) based e-learning so that problems can be solved. This research is development research that focuses on producing and measuring the quality of this e-learning in the programming logic course in Educational Technology Study Program, FIP Undiksha. This research is guided by the ADDIE model which includes: 1) Analysis stage which consists of material and evaluation analysis, 2) Design stage which includes activities for selecting &amp; designing materials and learning models presented in e-learning, 3) Development Stage which is the assembly stage of components that have been prepared at the design stage, 4) implementation phase is carried out through a limited trial phase, and 5) Evaluation stage to determine the quality of the product. From the validation tests, the results showed that the e-learning was declared valid with very good quality in content aspect with a score of 95.4%, design aspect with a score of 91.7% and the technology and media aspect with a score of 94.2857%. Based on individual and small group response tests, this e-learning declared very good quality with scores of 92.12% and 93.13% respectively. From these findings it can be concluded that e-learning based on SOLE model is valid and suitable for use in learning programming logic to solve the problems.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning Leveraging Technology in Scientific Writing: Students’ Perception 2024-10-02T09:49:22+07:00 Halimah Dinni Nurfajrin Ningsih Ida Nuraida <p>This study explores students' perceptions of leveraging technology in scientific writing. A descriptive qualitative research design was employed, utilizing a Likert scale survey administered via Google Form to collect data from 108 respondents, consisting of 76 females and 32 males. The majority of respondents were between 18-24 years old, with representation from various study programs at universities in Indonesia. Findings reveal a high level of perceived importance and effectiveness of technology in scientific writing, with most respondents expressing comfort and confidence in utilizing technological tools for editing, revising, citation management, and time management tasks. The study underscores the pivotal role of technology in enhancing students' writing skills and academic success in the digital age.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning EXPLORING REFLECTIVE PRACTICES IN GURU PENGGERAK TRAINING: INSIGHTS FROM FOUR EFL TEACHER LEADERS 2024-10-02T10:01:45+07:00 Elis Homsini Maolida Lulu Laela Amalia Ela Nurahman <p>In preparing <em>Guru Penggerak</em> candidates to become reflective teacher leaders, reflective practice takes central stage, forming one of the core principles of PGP (<em>Pendidikan Guru Penggerak</em>) program. This study delves into the experiences of four EFL teacher leaders, now officially designated as <em>Guru Penggerak</em>, focusing on their past reflective practices during the training and the benefits they derived from them. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis unearthed a plethora of reflective practices integrated into the training. These included writing reflective essays in response to reflective questions as part of the selection process, self-reflections at the beginning of each module, collaborative reflections at various stages of the learning process, (bi)weekly learning reflections and post-module reflections. In regular learning reflection, the participants employed 4F (Fact, Feeling, Finding, Future) reflection model. Further, reflective practices were embedded in the candidates’ assessment through the submission of their reflective tasks, along with feedback from their facilitator, mentor, peers, students, and principal. The Participants credit these reflective practices for strengthening and contextualizing their learning as well as raising an awareness of the importance of reflective practice.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning IMPLEMENTING DIGITAL LITERACY IN SCHOOLS: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS 2024-10-02T10:06:53+07:00 Silka Yuanti Draditaswari Liska Novianti Paramitaswari <p>This article reviews the main challenges and solutions in implementing digital literacy in Indonesia's educational environment. Digital literacy is considered important in facing the current digital era, on which the use of digital technology increasingly dominates daily life. Challenges include low interest in reading, inadequate technology infrastructure, and limited resources. However, with the right strategies, such as improved technology infrastructure, intensive training for teachers, holistic curriculum development, and integration of digital literacy into learning, schools can help students develop essential digital skills. A literature study was used to highlight different sources of information and approaches to address these challenges. This article provides an in-depth insight into the importance of digital literacy as the foundation for effective and sustainable learning in today's digital era.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE THESIS SUPERVISION AT UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA 2024-10-02T10:12:50+07:00 Kristanti Ambar Puspitasari Kartono Amalia Sapriati <p>In recent years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, online learning has been implemented in higher education institutions. Despite the trend of many universities to implement online learning since the COVID-19 pandemic, the graduate school of Universitas Terbuka (UT) has been offering online classes since 2013. While student tutoring is integrated into the LMS with fixed schedules, the time for online thesis supervision is arranged individually by the student supervisors. Due to the rapid development of digital platforms for learning and collaboration and the wide internet penetration throughout Indonesia, the UT Graduate School initiated the development of online student supervision. The urgency of developing online thesis student supervision at UT stems from the need to monitor student supervision across Indonesia, especially because many supervisors are lecturers from partner universities. The platform will use Moodle because students are accustomed to this LMS in their study at UT. It is expected that the supervision platform can speed up the process of writing a thesis while still accommodating the different schedules of the supervisory team. Implementing online thesis supervision is essential to enhance the quality of the thesis. However, it is necessary to study the literature to investigate the efficacy, challenges, and best practices of online thesis supervision implemented by other institutions. This paper will also focus on the impact of online platforms on supervisor-student interactions and the challenges students face in using online thesis supervision practices</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE EVALUATION OF STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION WITH ACADEMIC AND NON-ACADEMIC SERVICES AT KUPANG REGION 2024-10-02T10:20:32+07:00 Yos Sudarso Imelda Paulina Soko Ucu Rahayu <p>This study aims to evaluate the level of student satisfaction with academic and non-academic services at the Kupang region. Kupang region is one of the distance learning units of Universitas Terbuka that provides distance education in East Nusa Tenggara. Data was collected through a survey method of active students and in-depth interviews to obtain their perceptions of various aspects of the services provided by the university.The results showed that the majority of students stated a high level of satisfaction with the academic and non-academic services at the Kupang region. These services include delivery of high-quality learning modules, availability of study materials and responsive tutor support. Students also appreciate the flexibility that Kupang region offers in arranging lessons to suit personal and professional needs.&nbsp; Also several factors such as good academic guidance, accessibility of learning materials through online platforms, and adequate technological support make a positive contribution to the level of student satisfaction. However, there are several areas that need attention to increase student satisfaction. Several students expressed their dissatisfaction regarding the response and clarity from academics in providing assistance and information. In addition, several supporting facilities provided by the university need to be improved to make it more comfortable and friendly for students. In conclusion, this study shows that the Kupang region has succeeded in providing satisfactory academic and non-academic services for the majority of students. This study provides important insights for Kupang region to continuously improve its services to meet students' needs and ensure their satisfaction in their academic journey. However, further improvement efforts are needed to improve the quality of services provided in order to better meet the expectations and needs of students. The results of this study can be used as a guide in developing strategies and improving services in the future.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MA'HAD ALY'S GOVERNANCE POLICY 2024-10-02T10:25:51+07:00 Deni Lesmana A. Fatoni <p>In a study to examine the role of communication in implementing Ma'had Aly's Governance Policy in the institutions of Ma'had Aly Al-Hikamus Salafiyah in Cirebon and Ma'had Aly Mifathul Huda in Tasikmalaya, this research uses a qualitative approach, with the descriptive method. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that: first, communication between policy makers and recipients appears contradictory and the interpretation of orders received by executors is hampered by selective perceptions and ignorance; second, the quantity and quality of human resources needs to be improved. Institutional budget limitations. The use of facilities and infrastructure is shared with pesantren education; third, the appointment of employees is in accordance with bureaucratic standards. Providing incentives for employees is not yet feasible; fourth, the unavailability of standard operating procedures in the Ma'had Aly institutions. There was a breakdown of coordination and accountability due to limited human resources; fifth, Ma'had Aly's performance which includes education, research and community service is not in accordance with regulations, especially in the research aspect. This caused a distortion in Ma'had Aly's management of the existing regulations.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning ETHNOMATHEMATIC EXPLORATION OF THE KAJANG LAKO JAMBI TRADITIONAL HOUSE 2024-10-02T10:31:54+07:00 Eka Sastrawati Dewi Iriani Violita Zahyuni <p>Exploring ethnomathematics in the Kajang Lako Jambi traditional house is important because in the modern era like today, students' efforts to preserve cultural heritage have begun to fade, the design contains many mathematical concepts such as geometric concepts and this has become a means or source of contextual learning for students, making it easier to understand mathematical concepts. and foster a sense of love for local culture. There are many local wisdom values in the Kajang Lako traditional house, such as religious values, kinship, mutual cooperation and cooperation that need to be instilled in students. This research aims to find out and describe the mathematical concepts found in the Kajang Lako Jambi House. This research is qualitative research using an ethnographic approach. The instruments used in this research were humans as the main instrument, observation guidelines, interview guidelines, documentation and field notes. Data collection in this research used observation, interviews, documentation and field notes. Data analysis techniques are carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/data verification. The results of this research describe the architectural design of the Kajang Lako Jambi House. In the architecture of the Kajang Lako House in Jambi, many geometric shapes are applied, the steps on the stairs of the Kajang Lako House apply the concept of number patterns, and the carvings on the house, doors and window screens use the concept of reflection.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM-BASED HYBRID LEARNING MODELS IN ACHIEVING STUDENT DIGITAL LITERACY 2024-10-02T10:38:26+07:00 Made Prima Restami I Wayan Santyasa Gede Rasben Dantes I Made Tegeh <p>Digital literacy has become a very important issue in this era. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Problem-Based Hybrid Learning (PBHL) Model on students' digital literacy. This research used a literature review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Article searches were conducted in research journal databases from Elsevier, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, National Index, and Google Scholar. The results of this study, based on a review of 45 articles, found that the use of PBHL in the learning process in schools and universities has a positive effect such as improving performance, understanding, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, and cognitive abilities in learning by applying the PBHL learning method both in schools and universities.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning TEAM QUIZ LEARNING MODEL FOR STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES CLASS VI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2024-10-02T10:45:21+07:00 Silfi Melindawati Haryanto Fery Muhamad Firdaus <p>This research was motivated by the low social studies learning outcomes of students due to the learning process still using lecture and assignment methods. Students take notes and listen to what the teacher explains, so that students are less active in learning activities, students' participation and sense of responsibility towards the group is still lacking, group collaboration is still low, teachers also do not hold quizzes in the learning process and students are less able to ask questions, answer and respond in good language. This research aims to determine the effect of using the <em>Team Quiz learning model </em>on the social studies learning outcomes of class VI students at SD IT Adzkia Padang. This type of research is experimental research using a <em>Quasi Experimental Design </em>with a <em>Nonequivalent Group Design research design.</em> In this research there were two study groups, the first was the experimental group, namely the group that was treated with the <em>Team Quiz learning model,</em> and the second was the control group, namely the group that was not treated. The subjects in this research were class VI students at SD IT Adzkia Padang who were registered in the 2023/2024 academic year. The sample used was class VI students at SD IT Adzkia Padang using a <em>simple sampling technique</em> <em>random sampling.</em> From the analysis results of this research, it can be seen that the <sub>calculated t value </sub>= 4.296 and t <sub>table </sub>= 1.683, where t <sub>calculated </sub>&gt; t <sub>table </sub>= 4.296 &gt; 1.683. From the research results, it is proven that the use of the <em>Team Quiz learning model </em>has an influence on the social studies learning outcomes of class VI students at SD IT Adzkia Padang.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE IMPACT OF TEACHER INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE AND STUDENT INTEREST IN LEARNING ON MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOMES OF MADRASAH ALIYAH STUDENTS 2024-10-02T10:52:25+07:00 Nirfayanti Radiatul Adawiah Mulyati Nely Salu Padang <p>This is an ex post facto study that seeks to assess the impact of teacher interpersonal intelligence and student learning interest on mathematics learning outcomes among MA DDI <em>Cambalagi</em> students. The population in this study consisted of all X MIA and XI MIA students from six classes: X MIA1, X MIA2, X MIA3, XI MIA1 XI MIA2, and XI MIA3 MA DDI <em>Cambalagi</em> classes in the 2019/2020 academic year, totaling 162 students, with a sample size of 115 students drawn using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The research tools employed were the teacher interpersonal intelligence assessment, the student interest questionnaire, and mathematics learning outcomes test. SPSS was used to conduct descriptive and inferential analyses on the data. The results showed that: (1) teachers' interpersonal intelligence is in the moderate category, (2) students' learning interest is in the moderate category, and (3) there is an influence between teachers' interpersonal intelligence and students' learning interest together on the mathematics learning outcomes of MA DDI <em>Cambalagi</em> students.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning REFLECTIONS ON DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM 2024-10-02T10:59:56+07:00 Khairul Anwar Henky Setiadi Buradi Husni Mubarok Surya Habibi <p>The implementation of the independent curriculum is an important part of the history of curriculum development in Indonesia. Curriculum changes in Indonesia have been frequent done throughout the history of education in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to reflect on one important issue in implementing the independent curriculum namely differentiated learning. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with a field research approach, data collection was carried out by observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and interviews related to differentiated learning at the junior high school level. The target school that was the subject of data collection was the third generation of Sekolah Penggerak. The research results show that Teachers ' understanding regarding differentiated learning is still not optimal. Some teachers only understand partially the part of differentiated learning, while the whole aspects in differentiation of processes, content and products have not yet been fully understood. This is being particular concern because one the difference between the implementation of the independent curriculum and previous curricula is on the learning process.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br></p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning A 4CIT PROJECT-BASED LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILLS 2024-10-02T11:03:50+07:00 Widyawati Palupi <p>This study concerns developing 4CIT Project-Based Learning to improve junior high school students’ speaking skills. The objectives are to describe the process of creating the 4CIT project-based learning model, the holistic improvement in the speaking skills of junior high school students, and the strengths and limitations of developing the 4CIT project-based learning model in improving students’ speaking skills. This Design-Based Research consists of analysis of practical problems by researchers and practitioners in collaboration, development of solutions informed by existing design principles and technological innovations, iterative cycles of testing and refinement of solutions in practice, and reflection to produce “design principles” and enhance solution implementation. The model's components cover the lesson plan and the 4CIT Project-Based Learning Model syntaxes such as coaching, grouping, selecting the topic, designing and consultation, presentation, display, and review and reward. The 4CIT Project-Based Learning Model is not only designed to help English teachers implement a clear and practical model to improve the students’ speaking skills, but also to give opportunities for the students to explore their skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking which relates to information technology to support their speaking practice.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE REVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC LEARNING THROUGH A PROJECT-BASED APPROACH TO THE SUBJECT INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC SCIENCE AT SMA NEGERI 1 CIREBON, WEST JAVA 2024-10-06T20:03:40+07:00 Yati Romi Siswanto Kadarisman Fitra Jaya Sucipto <p>This study aims to explore the effectiveness of project-based learning in teaching economics at SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon, West Java. Adopting a qualitative approach, the research involved in-depth interviews with five economics teachers and observations of thirty students experiencing project-based learning. The findings indicate that project-based learning enhances student engagement and motivation and facilitates deeper understanding of economic concepts and their applications. Teachers reported improvements in students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills, while students felt more capable of connecting economic theory with real-world practices. These findings affirm the potential of project-based learning as an effective teaching method in economic education, which not only strengthens conceptual understanding but also develops essential skills for the 21st century. This research provides valuable insights for educational practitioners to integrate innovative approaches into the economics curriculum.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning STUDENTS’ADAPTIVE REASONING SKILLS IN MATHEMATICAL BASED ON SELF EFFICACY LEVEL: GROUNDED THEORY CODING PARADIGMS 2024-10-06T20:11:10+07:00 Hestu Tansil La’ia Wahyudin Nova Nurhanifah <p>Grounded theory coding paradigms is one of the qualitative research techniques that is widely used in today's circles. This study aims to analyze conjectures that correlate students' mathematical adaptive reasoning ability (MARS) and students' level of self efficacy (LSE). This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The number of respondents used in this study was nine grade VIII students obtained using the purpose sampling technique. The data collection technique was carried out using a test to see the students' MARS and a questionnaire to see the LSE. Based on the analysis of the output of the project map assisted by the N-Vivo 12 pro application, it shows that 1) each conjecture of each level of self-efficacy has seen the achievement of students' MARS, 2) For students' low LSE only achieved two indicators, 3) the LSE of students at the medium level and high level has reached all five indicators than MARS, 4) the LSE of students at the medium level still has one sub-indicator that has not been achieved. Therefore, a stimulus in the form of a model or technique in learning is needed to motivate every student to be able to improve LSE. So that with the increase in LSE, it will also allow students to achieve MARS.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS 2024-10-06T20:18:19+07:00 Deni Puji Hartono Haryanto Ferry Muhammad Firdous <p>This research aims to identify trends in research publications on Problem-based learning models that improve critical thinking. When a search&nbsp;was carried out&nbsp;using Scopus data search regarding "Problem-Based Learning" plus "critical thinking from data from the last 10 years between 2014 and 2024,&nbsp;it was found&nbsp;that research on Problem-Based Learning and critical thinking learning models is increasingly developing and becoming more widespread and applied. To&nbsp;be able to&nbsp;see what research is relevant regarding the Problem-Based learning model and critical thinking, bibliometric analysis&nbsp;is carried out. This research uses bibliometric analysis assisted by R software. The&nbsp;results of the&nbsp;analysis&nbsp;show that data from 2014 to 2024 has&nbsp;been published&nbsp;in 569 Scopus journals. Research on Problem-Based Learning learning models and Critical Thinking is increasing&nbsp;every year; in 2014, there were only 31 Scopus articles. Until 2023, research in this field will continue to&nbsp;increase&nbsp;to 68 Scopus articles.&nbsp;This&nbsp;could mean that this research is increasingly in demand and applied in educational applications.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING INNOVATIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING: PERSPECTIVES FROM INDONESIAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS 2024-10-06T20:31:25+07:00 Widya Rizky Pratiwi Juhana Lukytta Gusti Acfira <p>Innovations in English Language Teaching (ELT) are pivotal for achieving success in language learning, particularly within Indonesia's <em>Merdeka belajar</em> curriculum. Despite their potential benefits, implementing these innovations often encounters significant challenges. This approach ensures a comprehensive and structured analysis of existing literature, providing insights into the challenges and strategies faced in implementing innovative teaching practices in Indonesian high schools. Data collection for this literature study primarily involved accessing academic databases such as JSTOR, ERIC, and Google Scholar to retrieve relevant articles published from 2019. Keywords including "innovative English language teaching," "implementation challenges," "<em>Merdeka belajar</em> curriculum," and variations thereof were used to locate pertinent literature. The inclusion criteria encompassed articles written in English, focusing on empirical research, case studies, and theoretical discussions related to the adoption and challenges of innovative ELT methods in educational contexts similar to Indonesia. The findings reveal that infrastructure limitations, pedagogical constraints, and student-related factors are the most challenging in implementing the Merdeka curriculum, which all play significant roles in shaping the effectiveness of these innovative methods. Continuous professional development and curriculum adaptation are critical components. Additionally, policy interventions to reduce infrastructural disparities between urban and rural schools can help ensure that all students have equitable access to innovative ELT practices. Moreover, fostering a supportive school culture that encourages experimentation and innovation can help mitigate resistance to change among educators. Creating collaborative networks where teachers can share best practices and experiences with innovative ELT methods can also promote more widespread adoption. By addressing these multifaceted challenges, Indonesia can enhance the effectiveness of its ELT programs and better prepare students for global communication and collaboration.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO EDUCATOR EMPOWERMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES 2024-10-06T20:37:11+07:00 Maximus Gorky Sembiring <p>In pursuing sustainable development, empowering educators is crucial for achieving quality education that meets the needs of contemporary society. This study explores the necessity of empowering educators to bridge gaps and break barriers in educational systems. Furthermore, this study strives to elaborate a comprehensive inquiry under a combination of systematic and comprehensive literature review approaches to related issues. It starts with the identification of critical gaps and the presentation of innovative strategies. This study then aims to: (1) Explore innovative approaches to professional development that empower educators to implement sustainable educational practices, (2) Analyze the role of policy frameworks in supporting educator empowerment for sustainable education, and (3) Assess the impact of resource allocation on the ability of educators to deliver quality education. Those aims are tightly related to the following critical issues, namely: (1) Exploring innovative approaches to professional development, (2) Analyzing the role of policy frameworks, and (3) Assessing the impact of resource allocation. Three relevant and fundamental theories are then referred to. They are: (1) Professional Development Theories, (2) Policy Analysis Theories, and (3) Resource Allocation Theories. The findings conclusively emphasize: (1) The importance of holistic professional development, (2) Supportive policy frameworks, (3) Equitable resource distribution, and (4) Integrated curriculum development. Concluding remarks offer actionable recommendations for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders to enhance sustainable educational practices. They are synergically called for: (1) Engaging community and stakeholders, (2) Integrating technology, (3) Advocating policy, and (4) Implementing regular monitoring and evaluation</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning ENHANCING LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THIRD GRADE STUDENTS AT SDN CIPUTAT 06 ON INTEGER OPERATIONS THROUGH THE USE OF BUTTON MANIPULATIVES, DEMONSTRATION METHODS, AND PRACTICE EXERCISES 2024-10-06T20:43:41+07:00 Enung Ine Intani Widiasih <p><strong>:</strong> This study aims to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of third-grade students at SDN Ciputat 06, specifically in the topic of integer operations. The research employs button manipulatives, examples and practice exercises, and demonstration methods to facilitate learning. The initial assessment showed that only 30.8% of the students met the Minimum Competency Criteria (KKM) of 60. After implementing the interventions in two cycles, the percentage of students meeting the KKM increased to 84.6%. This significant improvement highlights the effectiveness of using concrete learning aids and interactive teaching methods in mathematics education.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE: HOW VISUAL LITERACY TRAINING TRANSFORMS ENGLISH TEACHERS' COMPETENCES 2024-10-06T20:54:57+07:00 Irasuti Bachtiar <p>In today's visually driven communication and learning environments, educators' proficiency in visual literacy is crucial for effective teaching. This study examines the effect of visual literacy training on English teachers' ability to create effective teaching materials at Kalam Kudus Elementary School in Bali. Employing a one-group pretest-posttest design, 21 English teachers underwent visual literacy training centered on the principles of Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity (CRAP). The quantitative data were gathered through pre-and post-tests, complemented by a questionnaire evaluating changes in teachers' knowledge and application of visual literacy. Additionally, qualitative data from open-ended questions provided insights into the training's practical implications and the challenges teachers faced in integrating visual design principles into their materials. The results indicated a significant enhancement in teachers' visual literacy, with an average Gain score of 74.15%, classifying the training as moderately effective. Teachers reported a deeper understanding of visual design principles, resulting in more engaging and comprehensible educational materials. Despite these positive outcomes, educators encountered several challenges in implementing visual literacy, highlighting the need for continuous professional development in this area. This study highlights the benefits of visual literacy training and stresses its essential adoption in education.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning IMPLEMENTATION OF PANCASILA-BASED LEARNING METHODS FOR ELDERLY 2024-10-06T21:01:46+07:00 Ahmad Nasir Ari Bowo Joko Wahono Lidia Novita Sari <p>This research is motivatezd by the existence of problems with some elderly students who cannot read the Qur'an, cognitive decline, physical changes and some do not graduate from elementary school. The purpose of this study was to find out the appropriate learning methods for elderly students, to find out the quality of learning for students and the content of Pancasila values. This study uses a qualitative method with an intrinsic case study type. Collecting data by observation, interviews and documentation. Test the validity of the data with triangulation techniques. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman models. The results of the study revealed that (1) the learning method applied at the Sabilun Najah Islamic Boarding School was a collaboration of drill methods, varied lectures, small group discussions and reading aloud. (2) The quality of learning outcomes for elderly students is divided into 3 categories: 15 students are fluent, 8 people are moderate, and there are 6 students who are not fluent, a total of 29 elderly students. (3) Include Pancasila values ​​in learning, such as starting learning by praying, prioritizing common interests, deliberation, maintaining cleanliness, creating a family atmosphere, carrying out pickets according to schedule and others.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning PROMOTING THE FUTURE THROUGH EDUCATION: THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN MINING AREAS 2024-10-06T21:12:33+07:00 Mahfudz Reza Fahlevi <p>Bangka Belitung, known for its globally recognized tin mining industry, has recently faced significant corruption cases within the sector. This emphasizes the region’s need to diversify its economy beyond mining and prioritize education for sustainability. The province has recorded the lowest Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education in Indonesia over the past nine years, indicating a concerning disparity between educational quality and the wealth generated from tin mining. Teachers, especially during curriculum transitions, are identified as key factors in improving education quality in the province. This article aims to propose strategies to enhance education in mining areas, particularly in Bangka Belitung Province, through teacher empowerment. This research contributes uniquely by highlighting the urgent need for teacher empowerment in mining areas, an aspect that has been underexplored in previous literature, which mostly focuses on environmental impacts in mining areas and the necessity of Environmental Education (EE) in schools. The study employs a qualitative method with a literature review approach, drawing on various scholarly sources. Based on the literature review, three main interventions are identified to improve education quality and motivate adolescents to pursue higher education. Teacher empowerment during curriculum transitions is the focal point. Firstly, organizing exhibitions on relevant topics such as the importance of education for sustainable futures or the dangers of overreliance on mining during the transition from the <em>Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila</em> (P5) to the Merdeka Curriculum could be a viable option. Teachers can select topics and support the execution of these exhibitions, involving government agencies, stakeholders, tin mining operators, and productive-age adolescents who have not continued their education as invitees. Secondly, conducting mining tours tailored for teachers to deepen their understanding of mining’s potential, impacts, sustainability, and assurances for the future of children in Bangka Belitung Province. This initiative aims to empower teachers with insights to restore their role not only as knowledge transmitters but also as career advisors and mentors for high school students, as well as to encourage high school students to continue their studies. Thirdly, strengthening the role of guidance counselors (BK teachers) as advisors for further study plans and career guidance for adolescents while they are still in school. Through the proposed strategies, this research aims to contribute to ongoing efforts to improve education quality and encourage higher education participation in mining areas, particularly in Bangka Belitung Province.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning MONOPOLY GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES 2024-10-06T21:28:17+07:00 Maretha Dellarosa Durrotun Nafisah <p>Based on preliminary research, results demonstrated that the learning process in the fifth grade still uses conventional teaching methods without using interactive learning media. This research aims to develop Monopoly Game learning media on biodiversity topics by using Research and Development (R&amp;D), ADDIE model. This model consists of five stages: analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and assessing. The subjects of the current research were fifth graders at a public elementary school in East Java province, Indonesia. Data collections included media and learning device validation sheets, observation during learning activities, and students’ test results. The data obtained was analyzed by using Likert Scale, especially on validation data and test results to determine the evaluation of the result of media use. From the validation expert, the result shows that the Monopoly game received 81.82% and 80.77% which was included in the very feasible category. Based on the results of students’ learning outcomes, it is proven that the influence of Monopoly media significantly improved the students’ learning outcomes, by 40.09% compared to conventional teaching which was only able to increase their grade by 31.02%. The results emphasize that monopoly learning media improves students' learning outcomes.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning EXPLORING HOW STUDENTS VIEW THEIR ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT IN AN ONLINE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2024-10-06T21:35:10+07:00 Bejo Sutrisno Audi Yundayani <p>Online learning has experienced a surge in popularity, particularly among higher education institutions. It reduces a substantial number of obstacles associated with university attendance. Furthermore, it may incur fewer financial expenses and be unrestricted by issue time or location. Nevertheless, the majority of students must make preparations in order to adjust to the learning process. They remain oblivious to the repercussions of online education that demand self-regulated learning. This research examines students' perspectives concerning their academic engagement in the online learning setting. Twelve students enrolled in a private higher education institution willingly contributed to the research as respondents. The information was gathered via a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews which were subjected to qualitative data analysis. Four dimensions of academic engagement were identified through the research: behavior online engagement, cognitive online engagement, affective online engagement, and social online engagement. The students' perspectives featured in this article can serve as a basis for developing interactive online learning environments in higher education by emphasizing the students' backgrounds and characteristics.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning FOSTERING SUSTAINABLE MINDSETS IN EDUCATION: A REVIEW OF CURRICULUM DESIGNS AND TEACHING METHODS 2024-10-06T21:50:09+07:00 Fauzan Akmal Firdaus Citra Eka Wulandari Safiruddin Al Baqi <p>In the face of increasingly alarming climate change and environmental degradation, education must adapt to shape a sustainable mindset among learners. A holistic approach that integrates sustainability principles into curriculum design and teaching methods is needed to prepare future generations for global challenges. This research aims to explore the best strategies for developing a sustainable mindset in educational institutions and identify opportunities and constraints for effective implementation. A systematic literature review method was used to analyze and synthesize previous research relevant to this topic, including sustainable curriculum design, teaching methods that support sustainable learning, and opportunities and barriers in their implementation. The research findings show that integrating sustainability principles into the curriculum and applying innovative teaching methods can provide a solid foundation for developing a sustainable mindset among learners. With an interdisciplinary approach, authentic learning experiences and active engagement in the learning process, students can gain a deep understanding of sustainability issues as well as the practical skills needed to address future challenges.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning EXPLORING INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE FOR STRENGTHENING AESTHETIC APPRECIATION IN PRE-TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2024-10-06T21:55:31+07:00 Riana Diah Sitharesmi <p>Art education intends to eliminate the silent consciousness in order to better understanding to humanity. It is also a holistic process ideal for a "healthy" mental and thought. Creating dance as a part of educating through arts,&nbsp; develops important student’s characters, including aesthetic appreciation.&nbsp; The challenge came up as the creative processes integrated with the curriculum of <em>merdeka belajar </em>put dance students to demonstrate their skill in tutoring younger students in the <em>Program Mengajar di Sekolah</em> (PMS).&nbsp; This research aims to seek how the students convey the aesthetic appreciation during and after their activities in the PMS, and how they would have to deal with pre-teaching activities within their basic skill and knowledge of dance. I used an artistic-based research method, engage with project-based learning to accommodate the student-centered learning process. Within the study of Herbert E. Read, Simone Weil, and Jacqueline Smith-Autard, the students created dance through exploring indigenous knowledge (history, folklore, and tradition). As a result, the students experienced the organic art praxis in producing dance pieces that address their aesthetic appreciation. Aesthetic appreciation enriched the authentic vocabularies that provided new artistic understanding, which lead the students to the realm of sustainable creativity.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPROFING TEACHER’S COACHING AND COMPUTING SKILL FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION 2024-10-06T22:05:04+07:00 Vedia <p>As time goes by, teachers' duties and functions are increasingly seen not only as transferers of knowledge. The current condition of teachers is that they are not only expected to be able to develop themselves but also to be able to develop themselves, their students and colleagues. In this case, the teacher must have adequate coaching skills. The conditions of the digital era and the Gen Z generation who are very sophisticated in using digital products demand computer skills for teachers. The aim of this scientific work is to explain more clearly how coaching and computing skills are very necessary for teachers. Efforts to improve coaching and computing skills for teachers are a necessity as an effort to empower teachers for sustainable education. By using thorough library research methods, it is hoped that this research can become very useful knowledge for the world of education, especially education in Indonesia.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning IMPLEMENTATION OF RPG MAKER MV GAMES BASED ON LITERACY NUMERACY IN CLASS IV IPS MATERIAL TO FORM THE CHARACTER OF PANCASILA STUDENTS 2024-10-06T22:14:32+07:00 Surayanah Marsanda Avilia Putri Fayruz Syamyllya Hasna Azizah Rida Nanda Kirana <p>This study aims to form the character of Pancasila learners of grade IV students by <br>implementing the RPG Maker MV game based on Literacy Numeracy Social Studies material. <br>This type of research is Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists <br>of 4 stages, namely the planning, action, evaluation, and reflection stages. The subjects of this <br>study were fourth grade students of Islamic Elementary School in Blitar City in the 2023/2024 <br>academic year, totaling 22 people. The object of this research is RPG Maker MV game based on <br>Numeracy Literacy Social Studies material, character of Pancasila Students and student <br>responses. Data on the character of Pancasila Students and student responses were collected by <br>questionnaire. The data collected were then analyzed descriptively. The results showed the <br>implementation of RPG Maker MV game based on numeracy literacy social studies material Class <br>IV can form the character of Pancasila students. The score of Pancasila character is 0.69 sufficient <br>category in cycle 1. While in cycle 2 the score becomes 0,96 excellent category. While the <br>response of fourth grade students of Islamic Elementary School of Blitar City to the game RPG <br>Maker MV Based Literacy Numeracy Social Studies Material on a positive category with an <br>average score of 77,82.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning POTENTIAL OF DIGITAL NATIVES IN WRITING SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES FOR STUDENT AT UNIVERSITY 2024-10-06T22:20:17+07:00 Welsi Damayanti Istiqomah Putri Lushinta <p>This research is motivated by the rapid development of technology in Indonesia. This has an impact on one area of ​​life, namely education, giving rise to the term digital natives. Digital natives are the generation that was born and grew up in the digital era, where they are accustomed and comfortable in utilizing technology, multitasking, and always networking. This is related to the process of making articles by students in university. The methodology used in this study is descriptive-qualitative with data collection using a questionnaire technique. The digital natives in this research are students who learn the Indonesia Language Education General Course at&nbsp; Indonesia University of Education Class of 2022. This study aims to find out how much influence digital natives have in facilitating the process of learning to write articles. The results of this study show that there are many free and paid data search facilities that can support the creation of student articles. Students with their strengths as digital natives feel benefited from it. This data can be used as a reference, especially for students at Indonesia University of Education regarding information search activities related to examples of writing articles in various reliable databases.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning IMPROVING THE LANGUAGE SKILLS OF EARLY CHILDREN WITH THE AMPAR-AMPAR PISANG SONG IN SAMARINDA KINDERGARTEN 2024-10-06T22:29:32+07:00 Kartika Fajriani Abnan Pancasilawati Ernayanti Nur Widhi <p>Developing early childhood language skills with songs that children like can stimulate children's language skills, especially regional songs which are a cultural heritage that must be protected. This research examines using traditional songs <em>Ampar-Ampar Pisang </em>to improve children's learning process and language skills. Classroom Action Method with two cycles, which includes the steps of observation, planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects in this research were teachers and children aged 4-5 years who were in group A of Tunas Rimba Samarinda Kindergarten. Analysis of data from observations of children's learning activities in cycle I obtained a percentage of achievement of 63% and had not yet met the minimum achievement of at least 75%, based on reflection, improvements were made in cycle II to obtain a score of 87%. Learning outcomes show improvement. Before corrective action was obtained only 25% of the 16 students. The results of this research confirm that traditional songs <em>&nbsp;Ampar-Ampar Pisang</em> have the potential to be a learning medium that is not only fun but also effective in improving children's language skills to be more interactive and maintaining cultural values ​​at the Tunas Rimba Kindergarten in Samarinda.</p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning AN ANALYSIS OF SUBJECT TEACHERS' PERSPECTIVES ON GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING 2024-10-07T08:39:14+07:00 Sutirna Suprananto Ika Rizqi Meilya Fikri Asih Wigiati Abdul Rahmat Muhammad Nur Wangid Ramdhan Witarsa Ahmad Yaya Sunarya Sudjani Hidayat Ma'ruf Gusti Y. Sette Dwi Oktisari Evi Susanti Riswoto <p>The aim of this survey research is to provide important information about the <br>importance of understanding and implementing guidance and counseling for subject teachers or <br>field teachers. The qualitative research method uses surveys via the Google Form application to <br>subject/field teachers. Respondents in this survey were subject/field teachers in Indonesia and the <br>survey instrument was provided through collaboration between lecturers in some provinces in <br>Indonesia. The results of this survey research concluded: (1) Subject Teachers have a very good <br>perspective in understanding the principles of guidance and counseling as the basis of the learning <br>process and experience in providing guidance and counseling services, (2) Subject Teachers have <br>a very good perspective in the receiving additional assignments to be guidance and counseling <br>teacher, providing information in guidance and counseling services. They do not agree that <br>guidance and counseling is not the job of subject teachers. They believe that guidance and <br>counseling services in each school are running optimally, and they also believe that the problem <br>of learning difficulties is the task of subject teachers, and (3) more than half of respondents said <br>that students' learning difficulties were handed over to guidance and counseling teachers. <br>Recommendations from the results of this survey are conveyed to all related parties (Education <br>Service, School Supervisors, and LPTK (Higher Teacher Education Institutions) which must be <br>able to strengthen the importance of guidance and counseling for subject teachers in their role as <br>guides in the teaching and learning process and providing guidance services. and counseling for <br>students who have difficulty in learning.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning COMPARISON OF RATES SELF-EFFICACY FOR STUDENTS WITH LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH MATHEMATICAL REASONING ABILITIES 2024-10-07T08:50:08+07:00 Fadhlan Nur Ichsan Dara Septia Azmy Dini Fauziyanti Rahmi Ari Septian <p>This research aims to determine the comparison of levels self-efficacy in students with low, medium and high mathematical reasoning abilities. The method used in this research is a quantitative method using survey research. The sample in this research was class X-4 of SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur, totaling 30 people. The sampling technique in this research uses techniques purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is using prerequisite tests: normality test and variance homogeneity test; one way anova test (one way anova). The research results showed that there was no difference self-efficacy on students with low, medium and high mathematical reasoning abilities at SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning ETHNOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING CULTURE IN THE ERA OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION: STUDIES AT THE ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL OF AS’ADIYAH 2024-10-07T10:04:49+07:00 Muhsyanur Gusni Kartini <p>This study aims to explore the culture of learning Indonesian language in the era of technological transformation by taking the setting of Islamic Boarding School of As’adiyah. Through an ethnographic approach, this study seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of how technology influences the practices, values, and norms of Indonesian language learning within the cultural context of Islamic Boarding School (Islamic boarding schools). Data were collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies over a six-month period. The findings reveal a shift in the culture of learning Indonesian language from a traditional to a more modern approach by adopting technology. However, the integration of technology also poses challenges in maintaining the values of Islamic Boarding School. This research provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the Indonesian language learning culture in Islamic Boarding School environments undergoing technological transformation, as well as its implications for developing learning strategies that align with local culture and global demands.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning DESIGN OF MATLAB-BASED LEARNING SIMULATION MEDIA FOR SOIL FERTILITY DETECTION 2024-10-07T10:13:52+07:00 Rahmaniar Najla Lubis Agus Junaidi Ihsan Fareza <p>This research aims to design MATLAB-based learning simulation media for soil fertility detection. Soil fertility is an essential factor in modern agriculture that affects crop productivity and success. However, accurately and efficiently detecting soil fertility can be complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, developing effective learning simulation media can help farmers and researchers understand and test various soil fertility detection methods. In this research, learning simulation media was created using the MATLAB programming environment. The media was designed to give users practical experience understanding and applying soil fertility detection methods. The simulation engages users in the steps of soil fertility detection, including soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and interpretation of results. The results of this study indicate that this MATLAB-based learning simulation media is effective in helping users understand soil fertility detection concepts and techniques. Using this media, users can test and compare various soil fertility detection methods quickly and efficiently. This simulation tool is expected to contribute to improved understanding and practical application in soil fertility detection, which in turn can enhance agricultural productivity and crop success.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION IN TEACHING ENGLISH BY USING JOYFUL LEARNING FOR YOUNG LEARNERS AT PIAUD UMMUL HABIBAH 2024-10-07T10:41:22+07:00 Indah Sari Sri Rahayu Rika Widya Julia Nuraisyah Adinda Dwi Fanny <p>This study aimed to describe the teachers' perspective in teaching English by using joyful learning for the young learners at PIAUD Ummul Habibah in Klambir 5 Hamparan Perak Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, North Sumatera. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were three teachers at PIAUD Ummul Habibah in Klambir 5 Hamparan Perak Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, North Sumatera. The technique of data collection using interviews and Miles, Huberman, and Saldana's steps in analysing the data. The results showed that the teachers &nbsp;had positive perception and considered that English should be taught by using joyful learning at PIAUD Ummul Habibah since the students were young and needed the playful learning process.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE INFLUENCE OF RESILIENCE AND HABITS OF MIND ON STUDENTS' COMPUTATIONAL THINKING 2024-10-07T10:56:30+07:00 Siti Nurkomariyah Elsa Komala <p>Having computational thinking skills is a must for someone living in the 21st century, especially in learning mathematics. Apart from cognitive aspects, resilience and habits of mind are affective aspects which are one of the most important aspects in learning. When working on mathematics questions, students still appear less active when asking questions about material they don't understand, there are still many students who give up easily when given difficult mathematics questions. Because of the habits of thinking, acting and behaving in the context of learning at school and in the surrounding environment. Thus, the aim of this research is to determine the influence of resilience and habits of mind together on students' computational thinking. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population of this study were all class X students at one of the private vocational schools in Cianjur. As for the sample in this research, 1 class of 24 students was selected using purposive sampling technique. To obtain research data, instruments were used in the form of student computational thinking tests, resilience questionnaires and student habits of mind. Data processing uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on data analysis, the research results show that there is no influence of resilience and habits of mind on students' computational thinking.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF USING GOOGLE DOCS AS ONLINE COLLABORATIVE WRITING PRACTICES AT STIE INDONESIA JAKARTA 2024-10-07T11:12:30+07:00 Siti Nafisah <p>To accommodate the rapid development of information technology, it is necessary for the education sector to adapt and implement procedures for learning technology. Google Docs is one of the technologies utilized in this study. It is vital to supporting students in the online learning environment. The aim of the study is to investigate the management students’ perceptions of using Google Docs as online collaborative writing to promote peer interactions, as well as its benefits and limitations. This qualitative case study was conducted at the Management Program of the School of Economics Indonesia Jakarta. The data was collected through a close-ended questionnaire and interview. The study's findings showed that most accounting students had a positive view of using Google Docs for online collaborative writing. Google Docs' capabilities have made online collaborative writing more effective and successful, especially for students' performance during group work, communication, and accessibility. In addition to the functionality of Google Docs, successful online collaborative writing also relied heavily on students' active participation.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning THE PARENTS’ ROLE IN EXPANDING CHILDREN'S ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN KELAMBIR V KEBUN VILLAGE AT UMMUL HABIBAH KINDERGARTEN 2024-10-07T11:22:49+07:00 Doni Efrizah Indah Sari Vivi Oxana Putri <p>One way for children to be successful in learning is because of parental factors. The involvement of parents in children's learning is significant. The parents’ role in improving learning is essential so this research aims to discuss the important role of parents in expanding children's English vocabulary in Kelambir V Kebun Village, at Ummul Habibah Kindergarten because there are still many parents who lack a role in improving children's English skills, especially increasing English vocabulary to improve children's language skills. Language skills are a crucial aspect of children's language development and impact children's communication abilities. This study explores the various ways parents to be involved in expanding children's English vocabulary. This research included a review of literature investigating the parents’ role in learning especially children's vocabulary development. The research method used is qualitative. The research results show that parents still have little role in enriching children's vocabulary. This research underscores the importance of creating an environment that supports language learning and adopting a positive approach. This research implies that parents have a central role in helping children acquire strong English language competence. By actively involving themselves in the language learning process, parents can make a significant contribution to the growth of their children's English vocabulary. However, there are still many parents who do not have much effort and methods to increase their children's English vocabulary so many children have very little vocabulary.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL AND ACTIVENESS 2024-10-23T09:45:44+07:00 Umi Naima Masagus Firdaus Siti Hadianti <p>The use of methods can affect the language acquisition for language learners. Meanwhile, the researcher found that the students still have trouble in writing sentences that regarded to grammar rules and seem passive during learning activities. Therefore, this research purposed to find out the effectiveness of (CTL) Contextual Teaching and Learning method in improving aspects of writing and student activeness. The object of this study was 24 female students of VIII B grade, Islamic boarding school Riyadul Mubarok, Bandungsari village, Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency, and Central Java. The research method used in this research is quantitative method and the stages as the classroom action research procedure. Data collection instruments use tests and observations as well as the use of descriptive statistics to analyze data. The results showed an improvement in each aspect that has researched. In the post-cycle, the writing aspect was only 71% and activeness was 60%, then in cycle 2, it increased became 89.58% in the writing aspect and 88% in the activeness aspect. The use of the Contextual Teaching and Learning Method affects the writing ability and activeness of female students, which we can know by a significant increase of percentage in each aspect.</p> 2024-10-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning MICRO-LEARNING VIDEO BASED ON SIGNALING IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS COURSES 2024-10-23T09:54:53+07:00 God Great Agus Putra Prabawa <p>The use of video media has now spread to various levels of education. Video is an effective means of conveying information in the digital era. One of the less good video message designs is the dense content of the material, which can burden the cognitive burden of students. Students find it difficult to process information and find the core of a material, so it is difficult to understand its contents. For this reason, video design needs to pay attention to the right message presentation strategy with the principle of micro-learning so that the presentation of the material is more to the point and concise. In addition, applying the signaling principle will tell students important words in the visual display. The objectives of this study are to describe the validity and attractiveness of signaling-based micro-learning videos. This study is a development study that aims to produce videos by prioritizing innovation in the form of applying the principle of signaling-based micro-learning. Micro-learning provides a reference so that videos are presented in small and short units. Then, important words in the content are marked with color or animated. The video was developed using a 4D model consisting of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The validity test involved two experts: media and learning design experts. The attractiveness test involved 12 students. The validity test results showed that micro-learning videos have very good design and media validity. Likewise, the attractiveness of the media, according to students, is very good.</p> 2024-10-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN RECOUNT TEXT THROUGH EDUTECH- BASED DAILY JOURNAL 2024-10-23T10:05:14+07:00 Fitri Ayu <p>The research aimed to improve students' English learning outcomes in grade X at SMA Panca Budi. The target was to improve students' ability to write in English. It was known that there were problems found, namely students felt that was really difficult to write their experiences in English. The use of edutech-based daily journals is offered as an appropriate solution because by familiarizing themselves with journal writing, students can also practice their story writing skills. The research method used was classroom action research through 2 cycles. The data was collected using learning outcome test as well as observation and interview. As a result, the students' score in the initial test was only 70.62. Then, it increased to 82.03 in the first cycle test. Then, the value increased again during the second cycle test reaching 94.37 with a 100 percent students whos are getting the passing grade. On the other hand, from observations and interviews, it was found that this edutech-based journal writing habit was able to increase the potential and self-motivation of students in writing English texts. Therefore, it was concluded that the application of edutech-based journal writing habituation is proven to be able to improve students' skills in writing recount texts.</p> 2024-10-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning