International Conference on Teaching and Learning <p>The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning will held on the 18th of November, 2023. This education conference will bring together the vibrant community of teacher, researchers, and other members of academia for one day of learning and networking. ICTL 2023 is a prime opportunity for you to present your research, receive feedback from your peers, and get published in academic journals.</p> <p>The program of this international education conference have a theme Digital Transformation: Future Challanges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning. Every participant – whether a presenter or an attendee – is encouraged to join the discussion and brainstorm solutions that would move the field into the future. To make sure that as many members of academia can join as possible, the event can be attended virtually. Don’t miss out.</p> en-US International Conference on Teaching and Learning The effect of digital literacy on the reading interest of students of SMAN 21 Bekasi City <p>Students' interest in reading at SMAN 21 Kota Bekasi has decreased due to a decrease in students' literacy skills. The research objective was to determine the effect of digital literacy on students' reading interest at SMAN 21 Bekasi City. The research method&nbsp; is a quantitative method with an associative approach. The population in this study were all students of class X at SMAN 21 Bekasi City, totaling 280 students. The sample in this study amounted to 74 obtained by the Slovin formula with a leeway percentage of 10%. The research instrument used a questionnaire with an interval scale of the Likert scale type 1-5. The researcher also used the product moment correlation formula and Cronbach's alpha to test the validity and reliability of the digital literacy and reading interest variable questionnaire. The data analysis technique used to test the research hypothesis is a simple linear regression test and the data requirements test for normality and linearity. The results of the t test to test the effect of digital literacy on reading interest is 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so that means that there is a significant influence of digital literacy on students' reading interest at SMAN 21 Bekasi City.&nbsp;</p> Elis Rosliani Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 1 1 7 The effective leadership style for the digital learner: A systematic literature review <p>This paper reviews systematically literature on effective school leadership style in the context of digital learners from 2019 to 2023 in Indonesia. Its purpose is to investigate the effective leadership style applied by school leaders including teachers and the factors impacting it. Eight journals were used as the source of the literature. In addition, most of the journals are indexed by Scopus and Social Sciences Citation Index. The literature search yielded 10 articles that were reviewed. This study reports the dominant leadership style applied in the world context is the transformational style integrated with technology. Meanwhile, there is no specific dominant leadership style applied in Indonesia. It depends on whether urban or rural area. However, the study concludes that the leadership in rural area tend to apply trait and behavioral approach. In contrast, urban areas tend to apply technology skills and knowledge approaches. The factors contributing to school effectiveness are leaders’ actions and deeds, values, good attitude, technology and knowledge skills, and communication skills. Additionally, a good school culture and governance. Contributions for theory, practices, and further study are provided.</p> Enricho Fiktorando Purba Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 1 8 15 Conceptualization of the constructivist foundation for the use of technology in elementary school social studies learning <p>Technology is just a tool, and its success in creating effective learning depends on how it is used. Technology integration must consider the underlying conceptual and philosophical framework. Philosophical and theoretical understanding in the elementary school social studies curriculum can provide deeper direction and meaning to learning. This can help teachers and students understand why certain material is taught, how the context of history, geography, economics, anthropology, and sociology influences current issues, and how students can think critically about the information they encounter. This research uses literature observation with a qualitative approach to analyze articles resulting from studies of social studies learning in elementary schools. One theoretical framework that can be used to explain the relationship between the integration of technology and social sciences is the constructivist approach. In this article, we explore the current relationship between social studies education and technology and outline principles for integrating technology in comprehensive and meaningful elementary school social studies teaching.</p> Irman Syarif Agung Prihatmojo Agung Tinto Wahyu Kisworo Tinto Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 16 23 Building character education based on school culture in elementary schools: A qualitative study <p>The importance of character education has become one of the main programs in school development. Character education aims to develop a person’s character, making them better individuals. This form of education is crucial for everyone as it guides human behavior and expression in society. The development of character education based on school culture reflects the motivations and character values that grow within the school environment, involving the traditions of individuals in the educational setting.&nbsp; This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the aim of understanding the implementation of character education based on school culture. The research subjects included school principals and teachers from three schools in the Yogyakarta region, namely Elementary School A, Elementary School B, Elementary School C. Data collection techniques involved observation, interviews, and document analysis. The gathered data was then analyzed through thematic analysis, involving data grouping and interpretation stages. The research results indicate that the three schools adopt different approaches, adjusting to the specific conditions of their respective school environments. The character development goals of each school also exhibit slight differences. The implementation of character education based on school culture is influenced by several factors, such as school leadership, the resources of teachers and staff, the availability of facilities and infrastructure, parental support, and the community environment.</p> Hatta Yarid Septiyati Purwandari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 1 24 36 Utilization of technological developments as learning media in elementary school <p>This article aims to discuss the use of technological developments as a learning medium in schools. In carrying out this research, the author conducted a search for relevant literature through library research with the aim of answering the research questions posed and presenting them descriptively. The results of the discussion show that to make optimal use of learning media, it is important for educators to gain comprehensive insight into media characteristics and learning needs. The technological approach should be controlled by educators, not vice versa. When facing limited facilities or other technical obstacles, educators need to innovate. They can utilize everything available, including the surrounding environment, to convey learning information in a practical and applicable manner.</p> Erfiani Humairah Lhutfia Wahyu Safutri Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 1 37 46 Challenges and opportunities of MBKM participant: A survey on faculty animal science student <p>Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programme first launched in 2021 by the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The programme held for one whole semester, with 8 types, including certified internship (MSIB), Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), domestic student exchange, and entrepreneurship. The faculty of animal science Universitas Brawijaya awarded as the first winner of participation of MBKM outside college in 2021. Indubitably, there were some challenges faced by student registered in MBKM, for instance, registration, financial, workhour implementation, to achieve opportunity such as future career and digital technology usage. This paper aim to examine the challenges and opportunity of Animal Science student registered in MBKM in 2021 until 2022. Survey as the method of this paper conducted from the 21<sup>st</sup> of September until 8<sup>th</sup> of October 2023 for 78 respondents. Result of the research: the majority of respondent stated that an accessible registration, funded by the company but not the faculty, in favor of workhour, working fresh graduate and variety of digital technology. To conclude, there were some challenges and opportunities of Animal Science student registered in MBKM in 2021 until 2022.</p> Michael Susanto Wijaya Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 1 47 57 PhET INTERACTIVE SIMULATIONS FOR SCIENCE LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>This research investigates the effectiveness of implementing PhET Interactive Simulations as a virtual laboratory in elementary school science education. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques including literature review, questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Data analysis was conducted using Miles and Huberman's data analysis technique. The results of the analysis indicate that PhET Interactive Simulations are effective in enhancing students' understanding of scientific concepts. Students can actively engage in virtual laboratory activities using PhET Interactive Simulations, which helps make learning more meaningful. This application also succeeds in visualizing concepts that were initially difficult to comprehend. Therefore, this research concludes that PhET Interactive Simulations are effective as a virtual laboratory in elementary school science education.</p> Rahmah Kumullah Dya Ayu Agustiana Putri Amalia Rizki Ardiansyah Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 1 58 65 Use of digital picture storybooks to improve responsible character <p>The provision of education has been transferred through an online system or study from home, so the role of the parents is very crucial in supervising and educating their children, especially in instilling character in the family sphere. This study uses a literature review approach to review character education in students during the pandemic in a family-based environment. Schools, teachers, parents, and the community must work together to shape the character of <br />students to create harmony in life. This is why it takes good coordination between parents, teachers, schools, and the community as a supporting factor to shape the character of students. The main character cultivation in this article is the character of responsibility. The low values of student responsibility characters encountered during this pandemic became one of the backgrounds for the development of this Digital Picture Story Book. In addition, the problem that is often faced is the limited learning media available to instill the character of responsibility in children.</p> Lhutfia Wahyu Safutri Erfiani Humairah Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 1 66 73 The implementation of ICT-based multimedia of cooperative setting to improve the quality of mathematics learning oF grade XI-IPA.4 students at SMA Negeri 4 Watampone <p>The study was a classroom action reseach conducted in two cycles. The study aimed at examining (1) the process of mathematics learning througth the implementation of Imformation Tecnology and Communication ICT) based Multimedia of cooperative setting of XI IPA4 students at SMAN 4 in Watampone, (2) The implementation of ICT-based Multimedia of cooperative setting to improve the quality Mathematics learling of XI IPA.4 students at SMAN 4 watampone.</p> <p>The results of the study revealed that&nbsp; (1) the implementation of Mathematics learning process of primary action indicated that&nbsp; teachers ware not yet maximal in implementing the multimedia to solve the problem, signed by teachers gave direct explaination frequently to class. At the third meeting of cylcle I to the end of cycle II, the learning was implemented well that each meeting could be improved and maximized the implementation process that the implementation of learning was in highly accomplished category; (2) the implementation of ICT-based Multimedia of cooperative setting could improve the quality of learning indicated by a) students’ learning outcomes was achieved based on the criteria of minimal learning mastery that 80% of students achieved minimally 70.00 with the ideal score 100, b) the improvement of students’ activity which was in very active category, c) students’ response toward the implementation of ICT-based multimedia of cooperative setting was 96,8% which gave positive response.</p> Muh Hamka Haryanto Haryanto Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 1 74 84 Parents' understanding and involvement in the concept of Merdeka Belajar at elementary school <p>The consideration for this research is the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, which has one of the leading programs, namely parent and school collaboration. As for the purpose of research is to provide a on the extent to which parents understanding the concept of Merdeka Belajar and the involvement of all the parents by schools. This study using methods of sampling purposive survey. The (Direktorat Sekolah Dasar, 2022)background SD – S2, (2) has tshe ability to access the internet, (3 )&nbsp; public school, national private, and based on religious denomination, (4) Have children in grades 1 – 6 elementary school. The results of research related to parental understanding of the concept of Merdeka Belajar indicate that (1) parents disagree with routine activities always in the classroom and too much activity with student sheets (2) parents disagree with an excessive pr loading to students (3) parents agree with the activities that are undermining (4) parents agree that ability literasi students is important. As for the involvement of parents in support of independent study stated that (1) parents agree that the role of involvement in independent study important to do. (2) parents understood the engagement of attending an invitation from school, (3) parents not to take to developing partnerships with schools. Parents understand the Merdeka Belajar curriculum from the perspective of changes in learning activities that lead to education.&nbsp; Parents also have an awareness of the importance of involvement but do not understand what efforts need to be made to develop partnerships with schools. An important finding in this study is the importance of strategic and massive efforts made by schools to strengthen the relationship between schools and parents so that the educational atmosphere in a school is more qualified and collaborative.</p> Septiyati Purwandari Hatta Yarid Annis Ika Mayawati Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 1 85 92 Guidance and counseling courses in the mathematics education study program <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Research objectives This article wants to describe the importance of eye-study guidance and counseling for mathematics education study program students . Research methods used a survey with students in the Mathematics Education study program, a total of 116 people. Instrument questionnaire via Google form a total of 5 (five) statements regarding guidance and counseling for eye teachers lesson mathematics with the link <a href=""> </a>. Data processing uses analysis percentage by comparing answer choice respondents with the number of respondents , then multiplying by 100%. Research results survey This concluded that eye-studying guidance and counseling are very important for eye teachers to teach mathematics as a foundation for guidance, difficulty, study, and mathematics during the learning process.</p> Sutirna Sutirna Fikri Asih Wigati Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 1 93 101 Analogy strategy: Improving process skills and understanding science concepts of electric circuit materials <p>The electricity and magnetism course consists of combined conceptual material from the concepts of electricity and magnetism and has a broad coverage. Theoretically explaining that electrical phenomena and their properties is an important part of teaching physics at various levels, then electricity is an area of ​​physics that students find much more difficult to understand than mechanics. This electricity material, especially the dynamic electricity sub-topic, is one of the mandatory subjects which is classified as difficult and has abstract characteristics. Analogy is considered a way that can help students visualize abstract concepts and assimilate new knowledge to existing cognitive structures. In education, where research on analogies should focus on their role in the learning process rather than emphasizing cognitive transfer between unfamiliar and familiar domains. Understanding by utilizing analogies is included in higher level thinking compared to direct memorization. This is one of the higher order thinking skills, namely scientific process skills, because in an effort to improve them, students need to find, interpret and assess evidence in various conditions encountered and are known as procedural, experimental skills and scientific investigation abilities. The aim of this research is to train analogy strategies in practicing science process skills and students' understanding of concepts in electrical circuit material. The trial was carried out on a limited basis on prospective science teacher students at one of the universities in Indonesia with data collected in the form of implementation of the use of analogy strategies in practicing science process skills and students' understanding of concepts.</p> Laily Rosdiana Parno Parno Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 1 102 111 TPACK in current elt in Indonesia during and pasca covid-19 pandemic <p>The pandemic Covid-19 has impacted on many aspects, one of which was the education system that has caused significant shift in the way people learn. It forced the educators and the students to teach and learn from the conventional methods to the virtual learning in which most of the time they employed more technology in their instructional activities. It is believed that in order to conduct an effective lesson in class, teachers should develop and master the instructional activities-based TPACK framework. This systematic review reports the current trends is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the context of English language teaching (ELT) during and pasca Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of existing work as well as some potential directions for future TPACK research in ELT. A total of 16 papers were chosen and synthesized from five journal database. The findings revealed that TPACK has received ongoing interest from researchers in Indonesia especially during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the 16 papers reviewed, the phrase TPACK appeared in the title and abstract of each. Qualitative methods have been used more frequently in TPACK research than quantitative one. The findings also suggest that there were three ways to measure TPACK level namely implementation, perception, and reflection also four strategies to develop teacher’s TPACK competences: reflective practice, modelling and mentoring, and ICT practice in the class.&nbsp;</p> Istihari Istihari Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 1 112 122 The roles of technological modernization toward the freedom of learning for primary school learners in 4.0 <p>Indonesia undergoes various processes to improve the educational system quality. <br>Education needs specific attention from all parties because education is a milestone for individuals <br>to improve their well-being and be freed from poverty problems. The processes and efforts of <br>improving educational quality receive various influences from various factors, such as educators, <br>learners, facilities, etc. The era advancement also influences problem management, for example <br>by applying technology to improve the educational quality in Indonesia. The applied technologies <br>may include information accessibility, effective learning media, and innovative learning methods <br>for learners. This article describes the situations and the discussed topics - the roles of <br>technological advancement toward the freedom of learning for primary school learners. This <br>qualitative research applied a literature study design with a descriptive approach. The results <br>showed that: 1) technology influenced the educational improvement of Indonesia and various <br>countries; 2) freedom of learning for primary school learners required adjustment; and 3) various <br>supports from various countries are important to improve the learning quality in this current <br>technology era.</p> Tinto Wahyu Kisworo Agung Prihatmojo Irman Syarif Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023-03-26 2023-03-26 1 123 134 Strengthening character of elementary school students through school culture: An ethnographic approach <p>Elementary school is the best place to prepare for superior human character. This takes into consideration that learners in primary schools are still not much contaminated by the negative traits of the environment. However, in reality, not many elementary schools are able to integrate character education into all school-based development programs. Therefore, this study aims to explore character-strengthening practices in elementary schools. This research uses an ethnographic approach. A sample of one school in Yogyakarta City was determined using <em>purposive sampling</em> techniques with the criteria that the school had implemented character education and gained public trust. Research data were collected using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis with stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Triangulation techniques are used as data validity tests. The findings of this study show that the practice of character strengthening in the sample elementary schools is carried out in 4 ways, namely: school culture, learning process, extracurricular activities, and cooperation with parents/guardians, children's education care communities, and local governments. Thus, it can be concluded that character education will be optimal by conditioning places and involving people who may be met by students to be in line with character education programs. The findings of this study recommend various activities that can strengthen character in elementary school.</p> Ismu Sukamto Murjainah Murjainah Hatta Yarid Zefrin Zefrin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 135 153 Review of problem-solving implementation in elementary schools <p>Problem solving is the ability of students to solve problems through a systematic thinking process. This research focuses on the implementation of problem solving, especially in primary schools. This review summarises the findings of literature studies on Problem solving in primary schools published from 2016-2022. The researcher used systematic. The researcher first formulated the research problem, and then continued by searching for relevant articles related to Problem solving in primary schools to be analysed. Articles were searched using Scopus, and Science Direct. From the search results, 142 articles related to Problem Solving were obtained. The review revealed that 51% of the articles were about implementing Problem Solving in primary schools. The percentage of aspects that influence Problem Solving in primary schools are learning media, environment, strategies, learning models, and learner skills.</p> Prima Rias Wana Suparjan suparjan Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 154 159 Differentiated learning with project based learning model in terms of student learning style <p>According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, good learning is learning that guides students to develop according to their abilities. This is in line with the objectives of the Independent Curriculum which implements differentiated learning. This differentiated learning objective is implemented to facilitate the diverse characteristics of students in the classroom. This research aims to determine the application of differentiated learning in terms of student learning styles. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the research show that differentiated learning has a positive impact on students. Learning becomes more meaningful because students can create a variety of products that are tailored to their learning styles.</p> Lia Agustina Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 160 166 Futuristic research gaps in learning for virtual teachers in developing countries: overcoming post-pandemic shocks and preceding society 5.0 <p>This study focused on exploring and analyzing the potential research gaps in teaching and learning for virtual teachers in the digital era. It was exclusively related to the post-pandemic era in developing countries preceding Society 5.0. The main aim was to identify future trends and challenges in teaching and learning models in line with the characteristics of smart students. Additional objectives were to identify the possible future teaching and learning models, examine the spectrum of research gaps, and analyze the future trends in teaching related to the characteristics of smart students. The inquiry presented a qualitative inquiry. It combined a systematic and comprehensive literature review approach. It consisted of a comprehensive 12-syntax to explore the futuristic research gaps in virtual teaching. The study identified eight research gaps: Access and infrastructure, teacher training and professional development, pedagogical practices in virtual environments, inclusivity and equity, assessment and evaluation in virtual learning, digital citizenship and online safety, parent and community engagement, and policy and governance. Educators, policymakers, and researchers constructively contributed to the advancement of virtual teaching and learning accordingly. The results lead to more inclusive, equitable, and effective educational openings that fulfill students' needs, especially in the Indonesian context.</p> Maximus Gorky Sembiring Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 167 186 English in Indonesian tourism: enhancing image and branding <p>Utilizing English for tourism branding and promotion in Indonesia significantly enhances the country's attractiveness as a tourist destination. This study sought to explore the utilization of English for tourism branding and promotion in Indonesia through a qualitative descriptive. This study adopts a literature review methodology to comprehensively explore the role of English in advancing Indonesian tourism. By synthesizing previous research findings and theories from scholarly articles, books, and relevant publications, the study aims to provide a holistic understanding of developments in the field. The researchers meticulously collect and analyse literature, identifying key themes and insights related to the development of tourism in Indonesia and the significance of English proficiency within the sector. Through data analysis and synthesis, the study offers valuable insights and considerations for educational practitioners, highlighting the importance of English language skills in optimizing tourism services and experiences. Indonesia's tourism industry has made significant progress despite challenges like the pandemic, evident in its rising rankings and socio-economic contributions. Strategic investments have positioned Indonesia as an attractive destination, while English proficiency among stakeholders is crucial for effective communication and global competitiveness. Prioritizing English education and fostering collaboration is vital for maximizing the tourism sector's potential and contributing to Indonesia's overall development.</p> Widya Rizky Pratiwi Lukytta Gusti Acfira Juhana Juhana Yuyun Sugianti Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-24 2024-03-24 1 187 195 Strengthening education ethics in learning digital-based learning <p>The use of artificial intelligence technology provides convenience in accessing various fields, one of which is in the field of education. The emergence of artificial intelligence on the other hand provides convenience but does not rule out the possibility of creating challenges. Educational ethics plays an important role because it helps consider ethical issues and dilemmas in the complexity of education with the aim of helping educators, educational policy makers and school communities to clarify specific issues and make ethical recommendations in solving them. This research aims to serve as a foundation in the development of digital-based learning in accordance with the principles and moral standards of educational ethics. The research data was obtained from literature searches of journals, books, scientific articles and news facts collection which were then analyzed descriptively interceptively. The results showed that; (1) digital-based learning requires a foundation of educational ethics so as to minimize the occurrence of ethical deviations in education (2) educational ethics provides guidelines in the implementation of digital learning (3) neglect of educational ethics in the digital-based learning process can lead to deviations in academic integrity.</p> Dela Khoirul Ainia Sofia Natalia Hanan Perwira Bagus Arianto Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 196 201 The Augmented reality for mathematics learning in scopus database : a bibliometric analysis <p>In the 21<sup>st</sup> century, the role of technology in education has grown rapidly, and one technology that stands out is Augmented Reality (AR). By combining elements of the virtual world with the real action, AR technology allows students to visualize mathematical concepts that are often difficult to understand in a more concrete way. This study is intended to analyze research trends through bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software on <em>The</em> <em>Augmented Reality for Mathematics Learning</em>. Data collection was carried out using Publish or Perish to find out the citation matrix, the management reference application is Scopus. The research results found that from 2002 to 2023, research trends on <em>The</em> <em>Augmented Reality for Mathematics Learning</em> fluctuated. The number of citations for the articles used in this research was 4795 over a period of 21 years. The number of citations per year is 228.33 and the number of citations per paper is 23.98. These results can be concluded that studies about <em>The</em> <em>Augmented Reality for Mathematics Learning</em> are still rare. This means that this research has a great opportunity to be carried out in the future because learning is increasingly developing with the application of technology in mathematics learning.</p> Dya Ayu Agustiana Putri Haryanto Amalia Rizki Ardiansyah Rahma Kumullah Achmad Salido Ary Kiswanto Kenedi Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 202 216 Need analysis on active-empathic listening training for teachers in the merdeka belajar curriculum <p>Most teachers have abilities to teach, but they have less knowledge and lack abilities in listening skills during the interaction of teaching with their students. This study aimed to determine whether teachers require active-emphatic listening skills in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The participants of this study were 17 primary school teachers, 5 educational trainers, and 5 primary school education lecturers. This qualitative study was conducted by distributing an online survey to participants. The results showed that most teachers have less understanding on active-empathic listening skills. Meanwhile, educational trainers and primary education lecturers stated that active-empathetic listening is an important soft skill for teachers to communicate effectively with their students. It aligned with the students-centered approach in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, where effective listening is required to comprehend students’ needs in the learning process. Therefore, primary school teachers require active-empathetic listening training to improve their understanding and practice of teaching in the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum.</p> Hiznu Sobar Endry Boeriswati Arifin Maksum Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 217 222 Opportunities and challenges of determination of faith and thoughts facing the rising of artificial intelligence <p>The rise of artificial intelligence in all walks of life, be it education, health, games for the younger generation, and others, is a sign of the progress of the times. If the progress of the times is not released with the power of faith and piety, then life on earth created by God Almighty will become wild and uncontrollable, so that the damage on earth cannot be stopped. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the integration of faith and piety in dealing with the emergence and rise of artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the world of education, so that the younger generation, who will be the successors of life in the future, are not eroded by the flow of time and uncontrollable wilds as if they lived without any limits. The author here has interviewed several generations of young people at the high school level, both private and public, who quantitatively show differences in attitudes and behavior in dealing with the rise of artificial intelligence, especially in the world of education. It was stated that the younger generation at the high school level, who were introduced to faith and piety more intensely, had different attitudes and behaviors when facing life's problems, namely that they tended to understand the concept of life as servants of God.</p> Kurroti A'yun Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023-11-12 2023-11-12 1 223 229 Analysis of junior high school students' science process skills through the implementation of PHET simulation media on the subject of light and optics <p>The purpose of this study was to determine students' science process skills in the subject matter of Light and Optics learning process with PhET simulation media. The parameters of four (4) aspects of basic science process skills indicators, namely observation, measurement, prediction and conclusions.. This research is a quasy experiment using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research subjects were 32 students of State Junior High School 4 Palangkaraya. The assessment instrument used is a science process skills assessment sheet with skill scores in the form of a Likert scale. The results of the science process skills assessment per component at each meeting showed several results. Quite good results in the observation and prediction components, good results in the measurement component, and very good results in the conclusion component. The results of the science process skills assessment per aspect at each meeting showed quite good results in the aspect of accuracy in making hypotheses, accuracy in answering questions related to observation results. Good results in the aspects of accuracy in conducting experiments in accordance with work procedures, accuracy in processing data, and accuracy in proving hypotheses. Very good results in the aspect of summarizing experimental results. The highest aspect value is concluding the experimental results at 89.58% in the very good category. The average results of the science process skills assessment per group at all meetings were obtained as quite good and good. Group I scored 68.06% (quite good), group II scored 70.83% (good), group III got 66.67% (quite good), and group IV got the highest score, namely 72.22. % (Good).</p> Fenno Farcis Rahmiyati Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 230 240 Impact of follow-up training on the results of indonesian madrasah competency assessments for mi teachers in depok city <p>This research aims to evaluate the impact of follow-up training on the results of the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI) on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) teachers in Depok City. The research objective is to investigate how this training influences MI teachers' understanding of AKMI results, as well as how teachers integrate the results of these assessments in their learning follow-up plans. The research method is descriptive qualitative research. Trainee teacher research informants. The data collection technique uses participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis uses qualitative data analysis. The research results show that follow-up training on AKMI results has a positive impact on teachers' understanding of assessment results. Teachers acknowledged their increased understanding of their students' strengths and weaknesses based on the AKMI results later. Apart from that, this training also encourages teachers to design follow-up learning plans that are more appropriate to the needs of their students. Despite the significant positive impact, this research also identified several challenges teachers faced during online training in integrating the results of this assessment into their teaching plans, such as network constraints, lack of focus, and limited resources. The implication of this research is the need for continuous support in terms of training and resources to maximize the benefits of AKMI results in efforts to improve the quality of education at MI in Depok City.</p> Muchamad Fauyan Fauyan Anwar Efendi Sugeng Bayu Wahyono Haryanto Cut Marlini Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 241 251 Merdeka belajar platform: cultivating novice teachers' core competence in induction program <p>This study aims to explore the adoption of mobile technology named Merdeka Mengajar Platform to enhance the pedagogical content knowledge of novice teachers during their induction program. Additionally, it investigates the benefits experienced by novice teachers when using a mobile technology application designed to understand and implement the Kurikukum Merdeka. A mixed-methods approach was employed to collect data. Sixty novice teachers from 16 senior high schools in West Bandung Regency participated by completing a questionnaire, and eight teachers were interviewed to provide additional insights. The findings reveal that using mobile phones to access the Merdeka Mengajar Platform offers several advantages: 1) it allows novice teachers to acquire fundamental pedagogical knowledge at their own pace, 2) it improves their teaching practices by facilitating the implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka in their classrooms, 3) it enables them to share their practical experiences on the Merdeka Mengajar Platform, 4) it satisfies teachers by enhancing their core competence during the induction program, and 5) it serves as an additional source of guidance alongside their mentors. In conclusion, novice teachers enrolled in induction programs benefit significantly from the Merdeka Mengajar Platform, which provides them with on-demand accessibility via their mobile devices, irrespective of time and location.</p> Badriah Badriah Asep Saepudin Mustofa Kamil Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 1 252 261 Revitalizing TAP: A comprehensive approach to enhancing english education assessment at Universitas Terbuka <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The article explores the transformation of the Final Program Examination (Tugas Akhir Program or TAP) at Universitas Terbuka, focusing on aligning with modern educational demands. The research develops a TAP rubric, incorporating Outcome-Based Education principles, curriculum development theories, assessment theories, technology integration, teacher professional development, innovation in education, and diversity and inclusion considerations. Results emphasize the need for a comprehensive assessment tool that evaluates linguistic proficiency, 21st-century skills, and cultural competency. The discussion underscores the importance of technology integration, continuous teacher professional development, and formative assessment for personalized learning. The findings contribute to broader discussions on evolving education, emphasizing adaptability, innovation, and a holistic student development approach. The conclusion highlights a strategic redesign prioritizing learning outcomes alignment, task authenticity, and multidimensional criteria. The new rubric balances academic rigor and practical demands, ensuring graduates are well-rounded individuals prepared for the dynamic field of English education. The research positions Universitas Terbuka as a forward-thinking institution committed to providing relevant and high-quality education in English.</p> Benny Nugraha Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-12 2024-03-12 1 262 267 Islamic religious education teacher responses to the use of chatgpt in improving pedagogical competence <p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>ct</strong> : The rapid development of technology causes the world of education to adapt quickly. Currently there is an artificial intelligence-based technology called Chat GPT that can help make it easier for someone to find answers or facilitate work. Chat GPT is one of the technologies that can be utilized in the world of education, especially in perfecting pedagogical competence. The purpose of this study is to describe the response of Islamic religious education teachers to the advantages and disadvantages of using Chat GPT in improving pedagogical competence. This research uses a qualitative approach by using the literature study method and analyzing descriptions related to the responses of Islamic Religious Education &nbsp;teachers. The data collection technique in this study used interviews with four sources, that is Islamic Religious Education &nbsp;teachers. The results obtained from the four informants were that they agreed that the advantage of ChatGPT was that it made it easier for Islamic Religious Education &nbsp;teachers to find information related to learning references, both media, teaching materials, and others. In addition, the obstacle experienced by the interviewees is the lack of understanding of the language produced by Chat GPT which is very standardized and rigid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>eyword</strong><strong>:</strong> Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Response, Pedagogical Competence, Islamic Religious Education Teacher</p> Fitri Laila Syawali Siregar Ahmad Risqi Zahra Hafizhah Mohammad Ali Ibrahim Kherid Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 268 274 Utilization of technological developments as learning media in elementary school <p>The development of technology brings significant changes in learning media. This study aims to examine the utilization of technology-based learning media in elementary schools at this time.. In the ever-evolving digital era, technology becomes a key tool in facilitating more effective, interactive and engaging learning. It also explores the impact of technology-based learning media utilization on students' learning and academic achievement. The method used in this article is a literature study or literature review. The results of this research are expected to provide insights in the context of learning, media is used to convey messages between teachers and students. The learning process involves teachers as message senders, learning materials as message content, learning media as message conveyors, students as message receivers, and learning objectives. Audio-visual media, such as multimedia, provides a more interactive and interesting approach for students. However, problems arise regarding teachers' competence in utilizing technology. The selection of learning media plays an important role, influenced by funding factors, learning materials, student characteristics, and appropriate media types. Constraints in procuring technology and digital-based media are also a challenge. In the era of increasingly interactive education, teachers must improve their technological literacy. Effective learning media can improve the quality of learning, make it more interesting and provide a better learning experience. This is crucial given the demands of the times that emphasize technological and digital literacy.</p> Erfiani Humairah Lhutfia Wahyu Safutri Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 1 275 284 The influence of perceived value and intention to study on the decision to choose open distance education (case study at Universitas Terbuka) <p>The current composition of Indonesia's population is predominantly made up of individuals in the productive age group of 15-65 years, with a significant portion having graduated from senior high school (SLTA). This demographic represents a potential market for higher education, particularly for distance learning institutions. Therefore, there is a need to delve deeper into how the perceived value and learning intention of prospective students influence their decision to choose distance education. This research was conducted on 322 students at UT Serang. The data obtained were processed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), and the results indicate that perceived value has a direct, positive, and significant influence on the decision to choose UT for study. Intention to study also has a direct, positive, and significant impact on the decision to choose UT for study. Perceived value has a direct, positive, and significant effect on intention to study. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant indirect influence of perceived value on the decision to choose UT for study through intention to study.</p> Sjaiful Munir Budi Santosa Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 285 303 Learning media availability: Challenges and opportunities for primary school teachers in Indonesia <p>Quality learning media is an important element in learning, especially in this era of technological change and the diversity of students' needs. This research aims to analyze the availability of learning media as a challenge and opportunity for elementary school teachers. The method used is the bibliometric analysis method. The data used came from the Scopus database which was then analyzed using Vos Viewer 1.16.9. The results of this analysis show that four clusters illustrate the development of learning media trends, in terms of frequently appearing keywords and existing research relationships. These findings provide an overview for elementary school teachers of opportunities and challenges to develop and produce learning media that suit curriculum needs and student growth. Recommendations for teachers require training and professional development that focuses on understanding student characteristics and using appropriate learning media.</p> Murjainah Haryanto Ismu Sukamto Amalia Rizki Ardiansyah Suparjan Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 304 315 The influence of pedagogical skills, content, and technology on TPACK and HOTS in teacher professional education students <p>The learning process in the 21st century is inseparable from pedagogic abilities, content, and technology, known as technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Research on TPACK is often carried out to discover TPACK knowledge in teachers and prospective teachers. There needs to be more TPACK research on teacher professional education (TPE) students and TPACK based on the skills possessed by teachers who take TPE. This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogic knowledge (PK), content knowledge (CK), and technological knowledge (TK) on TPACK and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) on lesson plan. This quantitative research was conducted on TPE students at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya with 20 people from regions throughout Indonesia. Data were collected from student lesson plan, which were analyzed based on the TPACK and HOTS indicators developed by the researcher. The resulting scores were analyzed path analysis with smartPLS. The results showed that pedagogic knowledge (PK) influenced content-based technology (TCK), technological knowledge (TK) influenced pedagogic-based technology (TPK), and pedagogic-based technology (TPK) influenced technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Content, pedagogy, and technology do not affect HOTS.</p> Nur Wakhidah Juhaeni Umi Hanifah Mukhoiyaroh Junaedi Munawir Erman Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 316 328 Immersive technology for practical learning using augmented reality <p>The diversity of student profiles indicates the need for an appropriate time and place of study. Therefore, Universitas Terbuka as an open and distance education institution has a challenge to provide learning services that can meet the needs of its students with flexible learning opportunities. One of the learning assistance services for students at the Universitas Terbuka (UT) began to develop learning media that utilizes the concept of immersive learning for students to get meaningful experiences by doing practical learning. To produce video media in one of the practical courses in the Undergraduate Educational Technology Study Program, Universitas Terbuka students need complete production equipment such as cameras, lights, audio, and camera mounting, to achieve competence in video-making practice. One obstacle is that students do not have this equipment or do not have access to learn to use it. Can augmented reality media be accepted as a learning medium that suits student needs? UT developed augmented reality technology to facilitate learning by referring to the principle of distance learning. The research uses a correlation study between technology acceptance and experience using augmented reality with Universitas Terbuka student respondents, especially the Educational Technology Study Program. The results found that students received technology as evidenced by the correlation between technology acceptance and experience using augmented reality.</p> Kristina Anugerah Aji Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 329 334 The influence of the use of augmented reality media on the STEM literacy of primary school students <p>The development of the digital-based technology era requires elementary school students to master STEM literacy. However, based on literature reviews and initial measurements of elementary school students' STEM abilities, innovation is needed to improve. This research aims to determine the effect of augmented reality media on elementary school students' STEM literacy. This research is a quasi-experiment using a nonequivalent control group design. This research was carried out on 50 elementary school students. This research shows that the Independent Sample T Test produces a significance value (two-tailed) &lt; 0.05. This result indicates a difference in the average STEM literacy between elementary school students who use augmented reality learning media and elementary school students who use conventional learning media. The intermediate understanding of STEM literacy for students in classes that use learning media is higher than for students who learn through traditional media. These findings prove that using augmented reality learning media effectively increases elementary school students' STEM literacy. This research implies that augmented reality media can be an alternative solution for increasing elementary school students' STEM literacy.</p> Ary Kiswanto Kenedi Haryanto Haryanto Achmad Salido Dya Ayu Agustiana Putri Zefrin Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 1 335 345 The Influence of Companions and Interests on the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Business Ideas in Students Majoring in Education at Universitas Negeri Medan <p>Entrepreneurship is an option that is now being developed by the government to reduce open unemployment. Not only through entrepreneurship, various efforts have been made to develop this, but the most important of all is the existence of a business idea that is the beginning for the start of a business for students. This research uses an explanatory approach, the sample of this study amounted to 360 who were students majoring in education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University. Data analysis using logistic regression tests. The results showed that the presence of a companion in this case lecturers p = 0.013 and student interest p = 0.004 influenced the emergence of business ideas in students majoring in education. Universities should complement entrepreneurship courses with a business-specific companion, to help students develop their business ideas to be more realistic to be realized</p> Herkules Syahmi Edi Nasirwan Roni Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 1 346 352 Strengthening pancasila students' profile project: its implementation in digital era <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of strengthening Pancasila students’ profile project in Kurikulum Merdeka in elementary school. This research used a qualitative approach. The type of research used is phenomenology. The subjects of this study were selected based on purposive considerations. The participants of this study were targeted representatives of principals, teachers, students, and the relevant communities. Data collection in this study was carried out using interviews, observations, and documentation. The data was collected based on the needs of the research topic, namely the implementation of strengthening Pancasila students’ profile project (P5) in the digital era. The data of this study were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques in the form of interactive analysis. The results of this study, several elementary schools have implemented P5. This can be seen from six dimensions of P5, namely 1) have faith, fear God Almighty, and have a noble character, 2) be independent, 3) work together, 4) have global diversity, 5) critical reasoning, and 6) be creative. This can be used as a reference in the implementation of P5, which in several schools is still trying to find the best pattern in its application in order to achieve the dimensions of P5.</p> Amalia Rizki Ardiansyah Haryanto Rahmah Kumullah Dya Ayu Agustiana Putri Murjainah Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 1 353 361 Utilization of artificial intelligence technology for current curriculum development and distance learning <p>This article discusses how <em>Artificial Intelligence</em> (AI) technology has brought paradigm-changing innovations in curriculum development and distance learning in the contemporary era. AI enables the creation of a responsive curriculum, adapting learning materials and methods to individual needs. This article is written using the literature review method which involve researching, reading, analyzing, and summarizing the information regarding the utilization of AI technology for curriculum development and distance learning. This article also explores how AI provides a more personalized learning experience by recommending material that matches students' interests and level of understanding. Additionally, AI has made it possible to monitor student progress in real-time and provide instant feedback, which is an important aspect of distance learning that is becoming increasingly popular. However, the use of AI in education also raises a number of ethical and privacy issues that need to be carefully addressed. The author outlines the benefits of AI in bridging the distance learning accessibility gap, thereby improving the quality of education today. In conclusion, the use of AI in curriculum development and distance learning is a significant step towards education that is more inclusive, responsive and relevant to the demands of the modern world.</p> Syahrul Fajar Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 1 362 367 Challenges and opportunities for implementing artificial intelligence in vocational education <p>The fourth industrial transformation, known as Industrial Revolution 4.0, is currently developing very rapidly, of course, the revolution that emerged perfected previous technology and caused the emergence of new things that had never existed and happened before. Technology currently uses computer assistance to mimic human intelligence in carrying out daily tasks and work. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence or what is commonly known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a challenge and opportunity for vocational education in carrying out learning on campus. The development of AI technology has a very significant influence on learning, especially vocational education. This study aims to determine the challenges and opportunities of AI in vocational education. The method used in this research is a literature study technique sourced from articles, journals, and relevant documents to support this research. The results of the study show that AI has an important role in supporting learning in vocational education. However, Au can have harmful effects if not used according to proper science. In implementing artificial intelligence in learning, humans need to understand that AI imitates the human way of lifelong learning.</p> Suharsono Suharsono Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 1 368 376 Motivation of unj students for participation in the independent entrepreneurship internship program <p>The Merdeka Entrepreneurship Program as part of the implementation of the Merdeka<br>Learning Campus (MBKM) of the Ministry of Education, aims to develop students'<br>entrepreneurial interests, reduce unemployment, and form a positive view of entrepreneurship and<br>opportunities for extracurricular activities. This study aims to describe the motivation behind<br>Jakarta State University students to participate in the Merdeka Entrepreneurship Program. This<br>type of research is descriptive qualitative with a survey method. The respondents of this study<br>consisted of 50 students of State University of Jakarta who participated in the MBKM<br>entrepreneurship program using the simple random sampling method, and the data collection<br>technique used a questionnaire. To observe motivation, this study uses motivation theory by<br>looking at external and internal factors. The results showed that internal motivation with aspects<br>of individual needs significantly influenced the interest of Jakarta State University students to<br>participate in the Independent Entrepreneurship Program.</p> <p><br>Keywords: Interest, Merdeka Learning Independent Campus, Entrepreneurship, Qualitative</p> Rizqi Ramadhani Aulia Malika Firza Adelia Zahrani Ahmad Asrovi Muhammad Zahron Nasywa Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 1 377 385 AI-Powered quizzes in online learning: Exploring opportunities and challenges <p>The advancement of technology and its utilization in the field of education has made tremendous impact in the way learning and assessment are carried out. This article attempts to explore the potential usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of quizzes for online classrooms, examining both its benefits and challenges. The emergence of AI has acted as a catalyst in the creation of quizzes, presenting the potential for assessments that are more efficient and personalized. The benefits are manifold: AI-driven quizzes can adapt to the learners' levels of knowledge, offer immediate feedback, and optimize the difficulty of questions. This technological advancement allows educators to save time and resources while simultaneously enhancing the process of learning. In any situation, these benefits are accompanied by certain disadvantages. Ethical concerns, such as protection of data privacy and addressing algorithmic biases, necessitate a comprehensive examination. We consider the potential shortcomings and emphasize the significance of responsible implementation of AI in quiz development. This article underscores the importance of striking a balance between harnessing the potential of AI for quiz creation and mitigating its associated risks. By understanding and acknowledging the merits and demerits, we can wisely harness the power of AI to create quizzes that are more effective and learner-centric, while ensuring that the benefits are maximized and the potential challenges are minimized.</p> Suci Madiarti Isman Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 1 386 396 Implementation of the creative writing learning model for folk poetry based on "words game" <p>Creative writing is one of the learning objectives for students. Nonetheless, this poses a challenge; therefore, the use of game media becomes a means of ensuring student engagement in the learning process. This article seeks to describe the implementation of a words-game-based learning model for teaching creative folk poetry writing. This qualitative descriptive research was conducted in one of Jakarta's junior high schools. Interviews and study of documents were utilized to collect data. The analysis results indicate that applying the learning model of creative writing of folk poetry based on word games attracts students to be actively involved in the learning process. The learning process becomes enjoyable when technology is utilized by the digital natives' profile of the students. This article urges teachers to incorporate the use of learning media, particularly in creative writing instruction.</p> Arini Noor Izzati Lala Suhaila Titi Chandrawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 1 397 405 Stimulating environmental awareness in PAUD community <p>Loving the environment is a child's character that must be instilled in the Indonesian people from an early age. For this reason, the PAUD community needs to be introduced to environmental literacy because there are still many PAUD communities that do not understand environmental literacy. Understanding and environmental literacy skills if learned by someone from an early age, then the knowledge can become a habit and will last a long time in one's mind and heart. This article will describe how the research team strives to instill a love for the environment in the PAUD community. This study uses an action research method by providing information and motivation about the importance of Environmental Education (PLH) for early childhood. The subjects involved in this activity were the PAUD community represented by 11 PAUD teachers in the Tangerang, Sawangan Bogor, Medan, and Batam areas. This article was written based on the results of Action Research with a qualitative approach through discussions and interviews and the delivery of information through online meetings regarding PLH for PAUD. The data collection period took 4 months in 2020. Content analysis was used to analyze the data in this study. The data obtained were validated by faculty members. The findings of this study indicate that the provision of information and motivation to the 11 PAUD teachers can make the 11 teachers motivated to participate in learning and teaching environmental literacy to their students. The teachers are trying to make the school environment greener by planting trees and doing various learning activities with children to get to know and love the environment better.</p> Titi Chandrawati Susy Puspitasari Etty Kartikawati Untung Laksana Budi Hanafi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 1 406 413