
Augmented Reality
Distance Education


Augmented reality (AR) is an added virtual object on real object. An advantage of Augmented Reality (AR) is that it is a combination of virtual and real object, interactivity, and collaboration. AR may enrich learning experience, while it is not to replace real practice or object. DNA replication is one important topic of genetics. DNA is the blueprint of genetic traits of every organism. It’s replication, transcription, and translocation will affect metabolism. The authors developed an AR for supporting students to learn DNA replication. The topics of the AR are beginning site of replication and separation of double helix DNA. There are two AR objects produced in this study, the first explain how DNA replication begins and the next one explains how double helix DNA separate prior to the replication. The AR is included in online tutorial of BIOL4219 and BIOL4115 Genetics and General Biology. A survey was conducted to 35 students who take the course in 2021. The questions in the survey are open ended questions about how they learn using the AR and how AR can help them learning. The survey was sent online. There are 10 students replied the survey. Most students feel that the AR help them by showing DNA replication as three- dimensional object. Instead of imagining the DNA replication process as abstract process, this AR allows students to see it like a real object. Another student pointed out that a benefit of using AR is that it allows observation of DNA components which are involved in the replication.