Quality, Service , Public , Standards , SKCKAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine and describe the quality of public services for issuing police
record certificates (abbreviated as SKCK) in the North Bengkulu Regency Police Department, and to
explain what factors support or hinder the implementation process. The research method used is
descriptive qualitative, namely on, interviews. The data analysis technique used is the interactive model
proposed research that aims to provide an overview of research carried out in natural object conditions.
The collection technique uses Purposive Sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used were
observatiby Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono. This research was carried out at the North Bengkulu
Regency Police Of ice. The focus in this research includes the dimensions of Tangible (Physical
Evidence), Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy. The results of this research show that
the Quality of Service in the Administrative Sector of the issuance of Police Record Certificates
(abbreviated as SKCK) in the North Bengkulu Regency Police Department where in the process of
providing services there are several indicators that are in accordance with the wishes of the community,
especially those related to the dimensions of Tangible (Physical Evidence), Reliability, Responsiveness,
and Assurance, which include, among other things, the lack of facilities and infrastructure supporting
services as well as the accuracy of of icers in serving the community, openness of information to the
public regarding service procedures, the presence of of icers authorized to sign using manual signatures,
and the number of The existing tools and personnel are suf icient. Apart from that, the Empathy
dimension has been running and implemented very well, among other things, the of icers have provided
friendly, polite and courteous treatment to the service users who will be served. Apart from that, an
attentive attitude was also shown by of icers serving the issuance of Police Record Certificates
(abbreviated as SKCK) to each person.