
  • Refi Handayani Agribusiness Program, Universitas Terbuka (INDONESIA)
  • Rinda Noviyanti Agribusiness Program, Universitas Terbuka (INDONESIA)


Aceh, Traditional Food, Manuk Labakh


Indonesia is a country that has many islands and a wide variety of traditional foods. Traditional food is one of the elements of culture that is quite central, because food is related to the habituation of the body, especially the tongue. Each Indonesian island has its own characteristics, for example, traditional food. Manuk Labakh comes from Kutacane to be exact in Southeast Aceh district, Nanggro Aceh Darussalam Province. Manuk Labakh is rarely found in Indonesian territory and is only found in Aceh. Manuk Labakh is one of the special foods of the Alas tribe, which has the characteristics and tastes of other dishes in Indonesia. This food itself is included in healthy food because it is made without using oil, manuk labakh consists of chicken raw materials which contain lots of vitamin B6, and has a higher protein content, the composition of this protein is very good because it contains all the essential amino acids that are easily digested and absorbed by the body. However, chicken meat also has a fairly high fat content compared to other livestock. The nutritional content of this type of chicken meat (100 grams) is 23.6% protein, 7% fat, 62 mg cholesterol and 135 Kcal calories. Protein is the largest dry matter component in meat. The nutritional value of meat is higher because it contains complete and balanced essential amino acids. The protein content in the muscle is 16-22%. In general, the chemical composition of meat consists of 75% water, 18% protein, 3.5% fat and 3.5% soluble non-protein substances as well as strengthening the immune system. Usually, this food is served every time there is a wedding or circumcision of the apostle, this food is still served as the main menu. There are lots of traditional foods in Aceh such as heavy meals and snacks. However, currently the position of traditional specialties has been shifted to modern foods, such as this manuk labakh.


