Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Kelas XI IPA Pada Topik Laju Reaksi
chemistry concept, preliminary study, rate of reactionAbstract
This preliminary study was conducted to cover understanding of XI Science Grade students about rate of reaction concept. A quantitative approach was taken to 25 students who were following the rateof reaction course. Data were generated using a true and false test which contained7 and 3 essay questions related to the rate of reaction basic concept. They were categorized into five concepts which reveal to rate of reaction basic concepts, collisiontheory, rate of reactionfactor, and rate of reaction calculation, and activation energy. The results proved that the most of students had a low understanding in the rate of reaction concept, especially on the definition sub conceptbut they had a relatively high understanding in therelationship of reactant concentration vs time graphsub concept. This is a causefor concern, because the rate of reaction basic concept is an initial concept that all concepts must be mastered by them. It needs effort to increase their understanding ofthat concept. However, this study did not explore students’ description in explaining concepts. Therefore, there is a need for further study to discuss the mental models of students in the rate of reaction concept understanding.
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