Pemanfaatan Alat Peraga Matematika Sebagai Jembatan Proses Abstraksi Siswa untuk Pemahaman Konsep


  • Elang Krisnadi Universitas Terbuka



abstraction, learning mathematics, mathematics teaching aids


One of the characteristics of mathematics is to have an object of study that is abstract and
makes the object difficult to observe and understand with the five senses. Meanwhile, the thinking
process of students in elementary school is still in the stage of concrete operation. To study abstract
mathematical objects, an intermediary is needed as a way to reduce its abstraction, by using models of
concrete objects. In mathematics learning, concrete object models are commonly referred to as
mathematical teaching aids. The development of abstraction theories, either directly or indirectly, will
not be closely related to the process of learning mathematics in the classroom. In addition, learning
mathematics that is fun, interesting, and simultaneously enhance meaningfulness at the elementary
school level is becomes a hope of every student. Fun and meaningful learning can give students a
positive attitude towards mathematics and can increase their understanding of mathematical concepts.
In relation to this, the paper will discuss the abstraction process in mathematics learning integrated with
the use of teaching aids as an effort to provide alternative choices in overcoming various mathematics
learning problems. In the world of mathematics education, some abstract con




How to Cite

Elang Krisnadi. (2022). Pemanfaatan Alat Peraga Matematika Sebagai Jembatan Proses Abstraksi Siswa untuk Pemahaman Konsep. Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru, 14(1), 365–376.

Conference Proceedings Volume

