Improving The Competitiveness of The Rote Ndao Ikat Weaving Industry


  • Herry Richard Henukh Universitas Terbuka
  • Dinda Ketlyn Esmeralda Adu Universitas Terbuka
  • Esty Feronika Afuiakani Universitas Terbuka
  • Etty Puji Lestari Universitas Terbuka


SME, SWOT analysis, innovation, competitive advantage


Many ikat weaving crafts are found in Indonesia, including Rote Ndao ikat weaving in East Nusa Tenggara Province. To survive global competition, ikat weaving must have a competitive advantage over other weaving. This research will analyze the competitiveness of Rote Ndao ikat weaving. The method used is SWOT Analysis, which explores strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The results showed that Rote Ndao ikat weaving has a unique and classy appeal to motifs and patterns. However, the design that is owned tends to be dark. In contrast, many consumers want lighter colors. Ikat weaving at a lower price is now widely found on the market. Thus, MSME players must diversify products and innovations so that the Rote Ndao ikat weaving motif can be accepted in all market segments. The local Government must also provide a positive climate to support Rote Ndao ikat weaving to become one of the leading products in East Nusa Tenggara Province.




Conference Proceedings Volume

