Around the world, technology has assumed a major position. It has arrived to stay, yet it has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Information and communication technology (ICT) has harmed many people more than it has helped, especially among young people. However, it must be demonstrated whether students' and teachers' ability to keep up with technological change will affect both the quality of education and students' satisfaction. The adoption of information and communication technology by universities and its effects on the academic performance of university students are investigated and explored in this study. The study also investigates how gender, GPA, and student majors influence the link between ICT and academic success. Students collected were university students from various university and city in Indonesia. The results showed that the technology adoption itself somewhat affected their academic performance. Some students stated that they don’t have sufficient technological support to keep up with the environment. The study's findings provided insight into how educational institutions should design effective technology adoption processes for their policies relating to distance learning.
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