This study aims to evaluate online examination system (SUO) of Open University of Jakarta (UT Jakarta). This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach and evaluation method in order to understand, explain and evaluate SUO of UT Jakarta. Research design used in this study is CIPP Stufflebeam evaluation model that consists of four evaluation components, namely context, input, process and product. The context analysis shows that online examination system (SUO) aims to: (1) Provide opportunities for students to be able to follow the final examination outside the written and oral schedules specified in the UT academic calendar; (2) Provide an opportunity to overcome the conflicting exam hour (one of the conflicting subjects can be taken through the SUO; (3) Provide opportunities for students to conduct re-examination for particular course(s) in the next semester if the result is not satisfactory. The input analysis shows that the resources used in the implementation of the online examination system are comprised of two: those people involved during implementation and post-implementation. They all effectively did their job. The process analysis shows that the implementation of online examination system that consists of participants’ registration and the implementation of SUO are effective. The product analysis shows that with the online examination system, students can accelerate their study because their test scores can be directly identified just after the implementation of online examination. If the students got unsatisfactory grades, they can improve their scores through manual examination.
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