
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze digital literacy as a supportive tool for enhancing students' reading interest. This research is conducted through a literature review, which involves gathering information from various sources relevant to the topic under consideration. These sources include national journals and books related to the research focus. From the findings of this literature review, it can be concluded that digital literacy plays a crucial role in the success of education. However, students' reading interest in Indonesia, in general, still needs improvement. Factors influencing students' reading interest can be categorized into two groups, namely internal and external factors. In particular, the current development of communication and information technology has transformed many aspects of life, including learning and access to information. Access to information has become easier and faster through smartphones or gadgets owned by many people. This is reflected in students' tendency to prefer reading through digital media because of the easy access to a wealth of information. Therefore, having good digital literacy is expected to help guide students in increasing their reading interest, which ultimately contributes to the improvement of their knowledge.

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