Author Guideline

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Author Guidelines
IBARJ manuscript preparation and style guidelines follow, with a slight modification, documentation 2 of the Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed., University of Chicago Press). Format The manuscripts should be typed in A4 (210mm x 297mm), 12-point Times News Roman font and must be 1.5 line-spaced, except indented quotations. The manuscript must be saved as a word file. All pages, including tables, appendices and references, should be serially numbered. Spell out numbers from one to ten, except when used in tables and lists, and when used with mathematical, statistical, scientific or technical units and quantities, such as distances, weights and measures. For example: three days; 3 kilometers; 30 years. All other numbers are expressed numerically. Authors are encouraged to use IBARJ template. Sample template is included at the end of this document. Language The manuscript must be written in good academic English. Spelling follows Webster’s International Dictionary. To ensure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their papers. Single author should not use the word “we”. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. Article Length The article should be between 4000 and 7000 words. The allowable length of the manuscript is at Editor’s discretion; however, manuscript with a length less or exceeding the words may be return to the author(s) for revision before the manuscript is considered by the Editors. The word count excludes table, figures, and references. TITLE PAGE Article Title Title of the article should be specific and effective, approximately 10 words. Write an article title using simple and straightforward language that can offer readers a glimpse of the content with their first glance. Author name and Affiliations The full name of each author, affiliation of each author at the time research was completed, and addressed of each author including full postal address, telephone, and email addresses. Where more than one author has contributed to the articles, please provide detail information for the corresponding author. The detail information about the author will be placed on ABOUT THE AUTHORS page. Abstract The abstract should stand alone, means that no citation in abstract. The abstract should concisely inform the reader of the manuscript’s purpose, its methods, its findings, and its value. The abstract should be relatively nontechnical, yet clear enough for an informed reader to understand the manuscript’s contribution. The manuscript’s title, but neither the author’s name nor other identification designations, should appear on the abstract page. An abstract, of no more than 150 words, should be presented both in English and Indonesian on a separate page immediately preceding the text of the manuscript. (Indonesian abstract will be provided for the non Indonesian author once the manuscript is accepted for publication) Keyword Keywords are an important part of abstract writing. Authors should select a maximum of 5 keywords that are specific and reflect what is essential about the articles. Keywords and the article classification should be provided after the abstract. JEL Classification Numbers Authors should add 1- 3 JEL Classification Number. Information guide for the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) can be found at MAIN ARTICLE Manuscript submitted to this journal should have the main heading as follows: Introduction Methods Result and Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgement (if any) References Authors may use some flexible term for the subheading following the above main heading. Authors are encouraged to use manuscript’s template that is found at the end of this guideline. Artwork Author must provide high quality artwork for all illustrations. Poor resolution or definition is not acceptable. Tables and Figures should be numbered separately. (Table 1, Table 2; Figure 1, Figure 2). Each table and figure should be given a title and should be presented on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Figures and tables reproduced from already published work must be accompanied by permission of the original publisher (or copyright holder, if not the publisher). Please indicate the position of figures and tables in the text as follows: ------------------------------------------ INSERT TABEL 1 IN HERE ------------------------------------------ Questionnaires and Experimental Instruments Manuscripts reporting on field surveys or experiments should include questionnaires, cases, interview plans or other instruments used in the study. DOCUMENTATION Citations Work cited should use the “author-date-system” keyed to a list of works in the reference list (See below). 1. In the text, works are cited as follows: author’s last name and date, without comma, in parentheses: for example, (Becker 1987); with two authors: (Hannan and Freeman 1984); with more than two: (Sanders et al. 1985); with more than one source cited together (Jones 1987; Freeman 1986); with two or more by one author: (Jones 1987, 1989). 2. When the reference list contains more than one work of an author published in the same year, the suffix a, b, etc., Follows the date in the text citation; for example, (Jones 1987a; Jones 1987b) 3. If an author’s name is mentioned in the text, it need not be repeated in the citation. 4. Citation to institutional works should use acronyms or short titles where practicable. Reference Every manuscript must include a list of references contain only the works cited. Each entry should contain all data necessary for unambiguous identification. With the author-date system, use the following format recommended by the Chicago Manual Styles (14th Ed.): Arrange citations in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author or the name of the institution responsible for the citation. Use author’s initials instead of proper names. In listing more than one name in references (Molyneux, P., and J. Thornton,…) there should always be a comma before “and.” Dates of publication should be placed immediately after the authors’ names. Titles of journal should not be abbreviated. Multiple works by the same author(s) should be listed in chronological order of publication. Two or more works by the same author(s) in the same year distinguished be letters after the date. Recommendations for references are: Authors are encouraged to have references mainly from primary source (at least 80% of the references), such as research articles in journal, proceedings, working paper, or dissertation. Authors are encouraged to have references that are up-to-date references (at least 80% references dated within the last 10 years). Authors should avoid excessively referencing your own work (self citation). Books Beamish, P. W. 1988. Multinational Joint Ventures in Developing Countries. London-New York: Routledge. Collins, Geoffrey, and Mathew D. Wortmaster. 1953. The collected works of Pennyloss. Boston: Pennyloss. Sanders, G.S., T. R. Price, V. L. DeSantis, and C. C. Ryder. 1989. Prediction and prevention of famine. Los Angeles: Timothy Peters. Ohio State University. College of Administrative Science. Center for Human Resource Research. 1977. The national longitudinal surveys handbook. rev. ed. Columbus. Chapter in a book Allen, D. (1988). ‘British foreign policy and international co-operation’. In Byrd, P. (Ed.), British Foreign Policy. Deddington: Philip Allen, 210–18. Journal Article Banks, William. 1958. Secret meeting in boise. Midwestern Political Review 6: 26-31. Fraser J., N. Fraser, and F. McDonald. The strategic challenge of electronic commerce. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2000, 5(1): 7-14. Wambach, K. A. 1997. Breastfeeding intention and outcome: A test of the theory of planned behavior. Research in Nursing and Health 20 (1): 51-60. Zhang, Y., and R. Buda. 1999. Moderating effects of need for cognition on responses to positively versus negatively framed advertising messages. Journal of Advertising 28 (2): 1-15. Working Paper Kang, D. 2000. Family Ownership and Performance in Public Corporations: A Study of the U.S. Fortune 500, 1982–1994. Working Paper 00-0051, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA. Dissertation Gnyawali, D. R. 1997. Creation and Utilization of Organizational Knowledge: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Organizational Learning on Strategic Decision Making. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, PA. Proceedings Kowalik, T. 1992. ‘Trade unions attitude to privatisation’. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Privatization and Transformation in Eastern Europe, Warsaw, 15–20 November. Newspapers Klein, J. 2002. ‘How the solidarity dream turned sour’. The Guardian, 12 June, 8–9. Template Paper (Click Here) Submission Preparation Checklist As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. Copyright Notice Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access). Privacy Statement The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Author Fees This journal charges the following author fees. Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR) Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)