Analysis of Buying Decision Making in the Non-Subsidized Fuel Market in Indonesia Using a Soft Sets Approach


  • Slamet Harianto Universitas Terbuka
  • Ginta Ginting Universitas Terbuka
  • Rini Yayuk Priyati Universitas Terbuka



Non-subsidized fuel, Purchase decision, Soft sets


The non-subsidized fuel market in Indonesia is very unique, because many world players who are successful in their own countries and successful in other countries fail in Indonesia. One example is that Petronas, which was successful in Malaysia and other Asean countries, has failed in Indonesia. An interesting phenomenon is that BP, in its marketing, cooperates with local player AKR in marketing its products against Pertamina's heavy players. This article will analyze consumers' buying decisions for non-subsidized fuel based on N-Soft Sets, where the object to be analyzed is in the form of non-subsidized fuel brands in Indonesia with the parameters measured being price, quality, location, brand and loyalty. The algorithm that will be used is the Extended Weight Choice Values Algorithm with a single decision type, namely the decision to buy non-subsidized fuel. Weighting of the parameters will be given according to the hierarchy of needs in Maslow's Hierarchy theory, starting from the lowest are physiological needs, security needs, social needs, ego needs and self-actualization needs as the highest level, and Marketing Mix Theory. By implementing N-Soft Sets, it can overcome problems in decision making both in binary and non-binary form so that decision making can be determined in the form of numbers, words or symbols and other forms. A deeper discussion regarding the decision to purchase non-subsidized fuel markets will be able to provide a reference for how consumers choose products for unique markets so that they can be used as a reference when entering a unique market.


