Sharia Financial Literacy of Muslim Employees and Their Interest in Sharia Banking

Case Study of Solok Regency Firefighters


  • Junipa Junipa Universitas Terbuka
  • Dian Sugiarti Universitas Terbuka



Sharia Financial Literacy, Firefighters, Sharia Banking, Interest in Saving


Islamic financial literacy among Muslims still shows low data. So, it is important to increase literacy with various strategies. Sharia financial literacy is the foundation for Muslims , by having a lot of knowledge and insight about sharia finance, sharia economic development can increase and have an impact on the progress of economic growth. This research aims to analyze whether sharia financial literacy influences the interest of Solok Regency firefighters in using sharia banking products. The research method used was a quantitative method using a sample of 100 Solok Regency firefighters. This research reveals that sharia financial literacy is positively related to firefighters' interest in using sharia banking products. These findings offer empirical evidence about the importance of the relationship between Islamic financial literacy and interest in using Islamic banking products.


