Analysis of Islamic Economic Perspectives on Shopee Paylater Transactions


  • Nita Nurlaesa Universitas Terbuka
  • Indar Fauziah Ulfah Universitas Terbuka



Islamic Economics, Transactions, Shopee Paylater, usury


Shopee paylater is a digital payment method that makes it easy for consumers to buy goods now and then pay later according to an agreed time limit. Shopee paylater is an alternative that makes it easier for people to access loans without the need for a credit card. Because usually applying for a credit card at a bank requires very long steps, but with the "buy now, pay later" feature in Paylater, users can easily perform installment services without having to have a credit card and the application process is very easy. The rise of these transactions raises the question of how these transactions if seen in the view of Islamic economics. The purpose of this research is to find out how Islamic economics views transactions with the shopee paylater payment method. The method used by the author in this research is descriptive qualitative method with literature study data collection techniques in existing journals. The results of the study reveal that the shopee paylater payment method uses a qardh contract but does not fulfill Islamic sharia because it contains elements of usury where there are additional conditions of interest and fines if there is a delay in payment.


