Wates Jaya Village, Cigombong Sub-district, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, has launched an economic initiative focused on the Wates Jaya Tourism Village. This tourist village offers natural attractions of vegetable plantations, pine forests and Ciawitali waterfall which is still one hamlet with the existence of the Bodogol Hill protected forest area. The potential of natural tourism is a special attraction compared to other tourist villages in Bogor Regency. To direct the expansion of the tourism industry sector, supporting infrastructure is needed, including information and communication technology. In this village, internet technology has become very popular, but the main challenge is the unstable quality of internet connectivity which is still a significant problem. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the internet network. The purpose of this community service program is to provide support to the residents of Wates Jaya Village with a focus on improving the quality of the internet network through the procurement of network infrastructure and internet devices. The impact of this community service program is the increased participation of residents in supporting the development of Jaya Tourism Village through the use of internet technology.
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