Katuna is one of the MSMEs that operates in the field of producing ready stock and custom bags according to prospective buyers' requests for souvenirs and company merchandise. It was founded in 2015. Katuna's business products include bags and wallets made from fabric and imitation materials, rather than genuine leather. The multifunctional design is one of Katuna's advantages because the bag design can be used in various styles. Mitra Katuna was chosen because the products offered are competitive and the partners have high entrepreneurial motivation. However, despite having product advantages, Katuna faces obstacles and limitations related to business administration and management. The aim of this program is to develop the capacity of partners so they can improve their business, especially in the administrative aspect. The methods that will be used to achieve this goal are training in simple bookkeeping and business administration, as well as mentoring and Monitoring and Evaluation. Community service results show an increase in partner capacity regarding understanding business administration management and simple bookkeeping. This community service program is expected to facilitate the development of partner businesses and, consequently, provide a multiplier effect for similar businesses and other businesses related to them.
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