The target community for the Community Service Program (PkM) is located in Oloboju Village, Sigi Biromaru District. Several residents in Oloboju Village are refugees from the liquefaction/earthquake that occurred in 2018, where they lived on land owned by other people because they did not have land and houses. This service is carried out with the aim of increasing income for farmers through Clarias sp. catfish cultivation. using a tarpaulin pool in the yard of the house. The community service team has carried out activities in Oloboju Village so this article aims to describe the implementation of community service in catfish farming in tarpaulin ponds. The methods used in this service are surveys, counseling, tarpaulin installation practices, discussions, monitoring and evaluation. The implementation or success of the service is based on the fulfillment of the service process indicators. The evaluation results showed that the participants were enthusiastic in participating in counseling and had carried out the implementation of catfish farming in tarpaulin ponds. It can be concluded that community service has been implemented according to the plan starting from surveying cultivation locations, implementing community service, providing assistance in the form of tarpaulin ponds, catfish seeds as a form of contribution to increasing the income of the community in Oloboju Village.
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