Kompetensi, Promosi, SekolahAbstract
Muhammadiyah Sidomulyo Elementary School is the school that experienced the largest decline in the number of students compared to other private schools in Kapanewon Godean, Bantul Regency, DIY. In contrast to some schools in Kapanewon Godean, other schools even have 18 study groups, which means the school opens 2-3 classes in each generation. Parents tend to choose to send their children to other schools in the same sub-district for the reason of choosing free school at a state school or choosing a good school according to the parents. Regarding quality, Muhammadiyah Sidomulyo Elementary School has been accredited A. This elementary school also has its own school building. School principals and teachers are trying to improve school quality through improving school management and teacher competency but are constrained by costs. The competence of teachers at Muhammadiyah Sidomulyo Elementary School in utilizing technology is still limited. The competence of teachers at Muhammadiyah Sidomulyo Elementary School in utilizing technology is still limited. The ability to utilize technology in the learning process is a form of teacher professionalism. Teachers can also use technology to promote schools. This activity was carried out in 2 stages. The first stage was carried out on 21-22 August 2023. For two days the teachers took part in workshop activities to develop teaching materials and HOTS questions. Next, teachers were asked to practice the results of the development of teaching materials and HOTS questions in learning and were asked to video the learning activities. The second stage will be held on 12-13 October 2023. In the second stage, teachers learn to edit videos using the Capcut application. Teachers practice editing learning videos in previous activities. The results of the video editing are uploaded or shared on the teacher's social media as a form of school promotion. At the end of the activity there were door prizes for the 2 teachers who made the best video editing.
Data pokok sd muhammadiyah sidomulyo - pauddikdasmen
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