Empowering Junior High School Teachers in South Tangerang City in Utilizing Online Learning Resources in the Field of Mathematics and Science with the TPACK Approach
TPACK, matematika, sains, aplikasi, platformAbstract
Improving teacher competence does not only focus on improving material mastery. More than that, in the digital era like today, the application of technology is urgent for teachers. This Community Service activity aims to provide the ability to teachers, especially for mastery of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) so that teachers can recognize, understand and use several applications and online platforms that are trained in implementing and evaluating learning carried out in the field of science mathematics. This training activity was attended by 17 junior high school teachers in the city of South Tangerang. The programs and applications trained are geogebra applications, kahoot platforms, booklets to conker.ai. Based on the analysis of participant satisfaction results (teachers), it is known that this training is very useful for teachers because the applications and online platforms trained are useful as learning media (92.9%). Teachers also rated that this training material was very interesting (92.9%) and increased teacher knowledge also in terms of evaluating the Education process (92.9%). The advice related to this training is the stability of the network needed in the implementation of training so that it can be prepared more maturely.References
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