Product branding is a way to introduce a business that contains business identity and forms a product image to the public. Moreover, living in the current era of digitalization, a business must be able to create strong product branding so that it is more easily recognized by consumers, namely the public. However, the problem is that many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Surabaya currently do not understand the benefits of product branding in their business. In today's digital era, technology really helps make it easier for MSME to build a brand even with relatively minimal costs. From the existing problems through community service activities, it provides strategies and ways for MSME actors, especially in Surabaya, to build a branding on their business with a low cost method. The purpose of this service is in addition to motivating and socializing MSME players about the benefits of product branding in increasing selling value as well as a means of digital promotion to consumers, as well as synergy of community service carried out by students and academics. The method used in this service is low cost by utilizing technology on the internet and paid software that is relatively cheap. The results of this service show that product branding is important to be applied by MSME business actors for digital promotional media while introducing their business identity and image to the community.
Keywords: Branding, Digital Era, Selling Value, MSME.
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