Economic Development of Coastal Communities in Subang Regency Based on Regional Potential


  • Estu Widarwati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sutaatmadja Subang
  • Gugyh Susandy
  • Devy Widya Apriandi
  • Tigin Lugiani
  • Nunik Nurmalasari


Community development ; coastal economy; resource utilization, Marine Services Exploitation


Indonesia's coastal areas have enormous potential to be developed in improving community welfare. Subang Regency, especially the northern part, has advantages in maritime terms with profitable marine potential that can be developed for the economic benefit of the community. The empowerment of coastal communities needs to be optimized through their understanding and ability to manage their resources. The potential of coastal areas, which is well known by all interested parties both in terms of opportunities, challenges, and utilization strategies, is expected to accelerate the economic development program of coastal communities effectively and efficiently. This study summarizes the activities of stages or processes of developing coastal economic potential through literacy of coastal economic potential, mapping management opportunities and challenges, as well as analysis of constraints and strategies for the use of coastal resources in the context of developing the economy of coastal communities and exploiting marine services in Subang Regency.


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