Pantai Cermin, Kewirausahaan, Usaha Mikro KecilAbstract
This Community Partnership Program on Entrepreneurship is an empowerment activity for Micro, Small Enterprises (Usaha Mikro Kecil / UMK) in the Cermin Beach tourist area, Kab. Serdang Bedagai, whose community is currently experiencing economic difficulties, has been impacted by the '19 corona virus pandemic since 2020. The main problem that has occurred is that amidst the ban on crowding due to the pandemic, this has caused a decrease in the level of tourist visits to the Cermin Beach area. So MSEs cannot continue their business due to the decline in buyers caused by the decline in tourists coming to Cermin Beach. In fact, there are several seafood products and handicrafts made from seafood typical of Cermin Beach which can be used as developments for their culinary tourism. The lack of public knowledge when starting their business, the marketing process that can be carried out during the pandemic, plus the lack of ability of MSE business owners to manage their business and maintain the quality of their products to remain stable, has resulted in many MSE business actors in the area ultimately being unable to continue their business. The solution that has been designed for this activity is to provide training and assistance for business activities in the Cermin Beach area. We carried out the method of implementing this activity in three stages, namely starting from observing the area where business actors are located in Cermin Beach, then conducting production, managerial and marketing entrepreneurship training. After that, assistance and monitoring of practical entrepreneurial implementation activities. The training resulting from this activity is able to empower the Cermin Beach community, especially MSEs, in maintaining the continuity of their business, making the Cermin Beach area not only a beach tourist spot but also a culinary tourism destination that can be enjoyed even during the current pandemic.
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