Senang Hati Village was one of developing village in Malingping Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Banten Province which the majority of the people were young. However, the street access in Senang Hati Village was rocky hard to go through. This condition made them not interested enough to have access to the highest formal education. Moreover, the highest public school availabe in Senang Hati was only at Junior High Level, thus made their skill and knowledge very limited. They became irresponsible and careless towards their village, eventhough the betterment of Senang Hati Village was on their hands. Due to this situation analysis, the Lecturer Community Service of FEB UT gave training and mentoring on how to make promotional media which impove the youngs' skill. The training and mentoring was conducted both in online and offline mode using Canva. The result showed that the young of Senang Hati Village started to use Canva better. Now they have intial skill that can support various Village promotion that can bring income both to the village or for their own. The initiative can be continued until they are skilled enough in making various promotional media.
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