Community service with the theme Introduction to Technical Drawing and Sketching in Architectural Design is a form of community service targeting MTS and MA students in the Muhammadiyah environment. This introduction needs to be done not only to introduce architecture in general, but also to practice design skills in the range of two-dimensional to three-dimensional design drawings. Nowadays design methods can also be done manually or digitally as design technology develops. That's why this community service is divided into two, namely the introduction of technical drawings to MA (Madrasah Aliyah) students using a computer program and the introduction of sketches to MTS (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) students manually. It is hoped that this short training can open the students' horizons and attract interest in the world of architecture. The method of implementing this community service activity is offline at a partner location, namely PMM (Modern Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School) Darul Arqam Sawangan Depok, West Java. This activity was attended by 21 MA students and 31 MTS students. The result of this community service is increased insight and skills related to architectural design and transforming ideas into images digitally and manually for female students at PMM Darul Arqam Sawangan Depok, West Java.
Keywords: Technical Drawing, Sketch, Architectural design
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