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pemanfaatan limbah kayu
interior rumah
kerajinan fungsional


Jatimulyo sub-district has 34 wood craftsmen whose main products are furniture, doors, windows, tables, cupboards, various types of chairs, and various tools. As a village with a high number of craftsmen, there is a high amount of wood waste generated. So far, the waste has only been used as fuel for cooking or burned, thus becoming an environmental burden. Efforts and assistance are needed to utilize wood waste more effectively and have high selling power. The solution to overcome these problems is to provide intensive assistance for 4 months which was attended by 19 wood craftsmen from various hamlets in Jatimulyo village Dlingo Bantul Yogyakarta. Before the training was conducted, initial knowledge was given about goods on the market made from wood waste. Then intensive training was given directly and continued through WA Group to monitor the progress of the trainees' production.

The results of the mentoring were an increase in the knowledge and skills of the wood craftsmen in processing wood waste into goods with high selling power. The interior shape of the aesthetic house is by utilizing square pieces of wood and forming them into interior elements. The selected wood will be installed in a mold or mall that has been made to a certain size. The results of this aesthetic interior have a selling price of 90,000 to 250,000 per m2 and are in great demand by people who love buildings with classic interiors. Previously, the selling price of wood waste made into charcoal was only 3500 / kg so that there was a significant increase in the selling power of wood waste. Based on pretest and postest scores, the knowledge and skills of the community in processing wood waste increased to 82%. Improving community welfare needs to be optimized through basic skills that are owned by the community. Wood that has been cultivated by the community is able to become the main source of income for the community both from the main material of wood and its waste.

Keywords: wood waste utilization, home interior, functional crafts, Jatimulyo

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