Writing Format
Dear Author,
All papers presented in the 5th OSC conference will be proposed for proceeding publication indexed in ISBN. Selected papers will be proposed to Atlantis Press Proceeding indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ & Google Scholar, and Sinta Indexed Journals. Please follow these simple instructions when preparing your final manuscript. This will not only help to publish your manuscript faster. These instructions are also essential to get your manuscripts indexed e.g. by Google Scholar or other abstracting and indexing services. Their own guidelines and our own experience have shown that following the rules described below are important
- Use the template as provided.
- Use a spell-checker and proof-read your manuscript before submitting
- Abstract length is between 150 to 250 words.
- Paper length is between 3000 – 4000 words on A4 paper, including tables, figures and a bibliography
- Complete paper format: Title, Author, Institution, E-mail Address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology (if any), Results & Discussion, Conclusion, Author’s Contribution, Acknowledgement (optional), Reference.
Front Matter
- Title
- Authors and Affiliations
- Check that the manuscript title is in upper lower case, following IEEE Style: Capitalize the first letter of each word including Nouns, verbs (including linking verbs), adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words of four letters or more; Other words including short (i.e., three letters or fewer) conjunctions, short prepositions such as “for”, “and”, “or” are lower case Correct example: Texturization of Monocrystalline Silicon Wafers Wrong example: TEXTURIZATION OF MONOCRYSTALLINE SILICONE WAFERS
- Correct any spelling errors;
- If there is a subtitle, place it below the title but in a smaller font size
- Author and Affiliations
- Enter all authors’ first name and surname and follow the “first name last name” format without any punctuation.
- If the author has no last name, then repeat the first name e.g. “Abyasa” => “Abyasa Abyasa”. Note: Unfortunately, Google Scholar does not properly index publications with authors without a last name.
- Mark the corresponding author by adding an asterisk (“*”) after their name.
- Provide an email address for the corresponding author (mandatory)
- Provide the affiliations for all authors with department name, [division], institution/affiliated university, city, country Example: Sport Cancer Laboratory EA4670, Luminy Campus, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France.
- Add the affiliation identifier (e.g. 1,2,3) in superscript to the matching author and affiliation in the correct order
- Abstract
- Provide a complete and correct abstract summarizing your work. Abstracts are mandatory. If you cite literature in the abstract, always refer to it explicitly and write out the whole citation (e.g. Surname, Initials (year), Article Title, Journal title/Book title, Volume Number (Issue Number), Page range).
- Keywords
- Provide keywords capturing the main ideas of your manuscript. Keywords are mandatory.
- Separate the keywords with a comma (“,”)
- Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.
Main Content
- Body
- All headings should be appropriately nested
- All headings should be numbered in a consistent way (e.g. 1.1 & 1.1.1 &, etc.) in order to differentiate the headings
- Only 1st level heading should be in upper case (e.g. “1. INTRODUCTION”)
- All other headings are in upper-lower-case, i.e., the same style of the manuscript title (e.g. “2.3. Analysis of Financial Metrics”)
- Do not jump levels of headings – e.g. do not include a 3rd level heading right after a 1st level heading
- Ensure that the heading and at least 2 lines of content are displayed on the same page (i.e. avoid “orphans” and “widows”)
- References and Citations
- Every reference must be cited in the text
- Citations should be formatted consistently in line with conference organizer guidelines (if any)
- Lists, Tables, Figures
- Use the standard list styles
- Try to place any table and figures close to where it is cited and used
- All figures and tables must be numbered in sequential order and they must have a caption.
- The caption must include the number of the figure or table
- Place the caption close to that figure or table and on the same page.
- Ensure that no text or other parts of the manuscript are hidden behind a table, list, or figure
- Tables must be included as Word or LaTeX tables in an editable format – they must not be included as pictures or Screenshots.
Back Matter
- References
- Include the references at the end of the manuscript
- The references must be formatted in a consistent style within the manuscript (e.g. use the standard style as outlined in the template or follow the guidelines by the conference organizers)
- All references must be in Roman script
- Citation
- Reference citations in the text should use IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) styles.
- The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. If available, please always include DOIs as full DOI links in your reference list (e.g. “https://doi.org/abc”).