To increase their learning experience outside campus, students are encouraged to carry out entrepreneurial activities. In this case we are developing the Potali snack business. The product sold here is French fries. French fries are a snack that is popular with many people. The large number of French fries’ businesses being developed in Gorontalo and the difficulty of getting quality potatoes, as well as the rising prices of raw materials, have made it difficult for us to run the Potali French fries’ business. The existence of Student Entrepreneurship Community Service Activities (PkM) provides enthusiasm and encourages us to continue running existing businesses. The Potali snack business was developed on the Trans Sulawesi Road, Gorontalo Regency, Tibawa District, South Isimu Village. The Potali Snacks business was carried out by 3 students from the Undergraduate Library Study Program, Bachelor of State Administration Science, and Bachelor of Taxation, with the guidance of 2 lecturers from UT Gorontalo. The entrepreneurial guidance process with lecturers is carried out face-to-face and online. In this activity. We innovate by developing products that are sold other than French fries. The results of the student PKM Entrepreneurship activities were the production of new products in the form of potatoes and sausages. meatballs, and batagor (Angsobagor) at the Potali snack business. Apart from that, products are also served in a variety of flavors, thereby increasing the product variants that customers can choose from. Apart from that, business premises were also renewed, launched a logo and created new packaging, added several ornaments and other business support tools which could increase buyer attraction and increase sales turnover. The Potali snack business also has an impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community, including the online motorcycle taxi community which is involved in serving food orders. Apart from that, this activity is also expected to help students and people who want to learn entrepreneurship so they can have additional income.
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