Pengembangan E-Magz Fisika Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMA Pada Materi Medan Magnet


  • Dewanto Kamas Utomo SMAN 1 Kota Serang
  • Yuvita Oktarisa



e-magazine, magnetic field, scientific literacy


One of the factors that cause high school students did not achieve optimal physics learning outcomes because teaching materials that still less interactive. This non-interactive teaching material was one of the causes of the low scientific literacy ability of high school students. This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of e-magz on magnetic field materials at SMAN 1 Serang City. This study uses the ADDIE development model. Product validation is carried out by experts using a questionnaire. The average validation results for the material are 94% (very feasible) and for media 96% (very feasible). The results of the pre-test and post-test test scores show an n-gain value of 0.73 (high). These results are supported by the data on the responses of students with very good categories to the assessment of e-magz teaching materials with a percentage of 84.7%. Therefore, the results of the development of e-magz teaching materials are appropriate to be used as supporting teaching materials to improve scientific literacy.




How to Cite

Dewanto Kamas Utomo, & Yuvita Oktarisa. (2022). Pengembangan E-Magz Fisika Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMA Pada Materi Medan Magnet . Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru, 14(1), 53–62.

Conference Proceedings Volume

