Peranan Pendidik Terhadap Pengejawantahan Merdeka Belajar Melalui Pendekatan Heutagogi
educator, e-learning, educational ecosystem, merdeka belajar, heutagogyAbstract
Education in the Digital/Virtual Era requires strategies with learning models/methods that can contextually respond to learner’s developments and needs. The educational approach also needs to become a learning-teaching ecosystem focusing on learner freedom and learning openness. This study tries to look fundamentally from the position of the PGSD Study Program in reproducing prospective educators who should be able to solve divined from the heutagogic approach through a blended learning strategy with the flipped classroom technique. This diagnostic study found that educator’s understanding and mastery of learning models and teaching methods in synchronous and asynchronous e-learning based on the Learning Management System and/or learning platforms/applications in the perspective of Open Educational Resources is the main factor in presenting an interactive and integrative learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The program of Guru Belajar dan Berbagi is an applicable and effective form of training to improve and strengthen the quality, professionality, and creativity of teachers' teaching in optimizing the application of e-learning in order to be able to combine it into classroom learning comprehensively. Thus, the embodiment of Merdeka Belajar through the heutagogic approach is the focus of studies on improving and strengthening the educator's quality, professionality, and creativity to realize self-determined learners as the basis of the Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
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