Penggunaan LMS Sanggar Belajar dalam Model Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa
guided inquiry, LMS, Sanggar Belajar, science processAbstract
The innovation of using Sanggar Belajar LMS in physics learning can make it easier
for students to access learning materials anywhere and anytime. The purpose of this research is
to know how the use of Sanggar Belajar LMS in guided inquiry model can improve the science
process skills of X grade students at SMAN 8 Kota Serang in the physics subject of Straight-Line
Motion. The sample taken is 75 students with a purposive sampling technique. The science
process skills studied in this study is include observing, classifying, interpreting, predicting,
asking questions, making hypotheses, planning experiments, using material tools, applying
concept, and communicating. The data collected in this study was data on students' science
process skills obtained from KPS test, performance, and observations. The results show that the
average values of KPS at the first was 65 and then doing treatment, the average values of KPS
was 71. After that, reflection was carried out and then the second cycle the average values of KPS
was 81. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of Sanggar Belajar
LMS in guided inquiry model can improve the science process skills.
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