Efektivitas Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Geopark di Pulau Belitung


  • A.A. Ketut Budiastra




belitun geopark, effectiveness, n-gains, science learning


Research with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of science learning at the geopark-based elementary school level on Belitung Island which includes geodiversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity on Belitung Island. This type of research is experimental research with a one group pretest-posttest design model. The sample chosen was elementary school students in grades IV, V and VI with each class using a small scale. The results of the research on Granite Stone & Kaolin Lake teaching materials show an N-Gain of 0.67; which means that Geopark-based science learning is effectively implemented in the moderate category. The research results for biodiversity in Mangrove Forest & Batang Kabong teaching materials show an N-Gain of 0.81; which means that Geopark-based science learning is effectively implemented in the high category. The results of the research on the cultural teaching materials of the Marastaun & Nirok Nanggok Tradition show that the N-Gain is 0.43; which means that Geopark-based science learning is effectively implemented in the moderate category. This research recommendation shows the importance of developing Geopark-based science teaching materials for learning in the Geopark area which is a source of the nation's natural wealth.




How to Cite

A.A. Ketut Budiastra. (2022). Efektivitas Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Geopark di Pulau Belitung. Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru, 14(1), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.33830/ting.v14i1.556

Conference Proceedings Volume

