The Power Of Networking, Sebuah Upaya Mencapai Students-Wellbeing


  • Neni Handayani



Networking, Independent Learning, Soft-Skill, Hard-Skill, Students-Wellbeing, Pancasila Student Profile


Networking in education term can be describe as the effort to develop relation between institution/organization with the objective to improve both communication and cooperation that support education program. The cooperation network provides a possibility to start various activities both intra-curricular and extracurricular for learners, including the creation of beneficial activities for teachers and education personnel, with example of training, gathering, and even appreciative event for academic community. Networking did not just rely on soft-skill which is the ability to communicate, build relations, and developing ideas, it also relies on our hard-skill, especially the ability to compile letters, cooperation document, file management, design poster and other promotional options, and even the planning and arranging of various events including the spatial factors and the table-manner. The characteristics requirement that is needed to develop this kind of cooperation are self-confident, self-efficacy, empathy, honesty, openness, and a general positive character.  The wide and varied cooperation and communication network provide the chance to create activities and program that help school’s stakeholder to promote and focus on the free learning concept with the education personnel. In turn, it helps achieve an excellent students-wellbeing. If effectively handled and managed, a good networking will positively affect the school’s profile which include its learner/students and teacher/education personnel. Of course, the increase networking will in turn provide a higher chance for us to gain supportive partner, which help us move closer to a more perfect school, one which nurture “Pelajar Pancasila” profile and provide space for students to conduct learning freely without any interference. This article was written based on author’s experience when the author was a vice-principal of public relation at SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan since 2016 to 2022, and the author writing career in various schools/boarding schools that support the author development in the ability to handle public relation work. The method the author use is literature study and interview from various sources to analyze the main topic of this work.




How to Cite

Neni Handayani. (2022). The Power Of Networking, Sebuah Upaya Mencapai Students-Wellbeing. Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru, 14(1), 393–404.

Conference Proceedings Volume

