Archive Policy
The Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking Conference is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation of and access to its published content. To achieve this, the journal implements the following archiving strategies:
1. Digital Archiving
All articles published in the journal are digitally archived and preserved using recognized digital preservation systems. The journal collaborates with institutional and third-party digital repositories to safeguard the availability of its content over time.
2. Institutional Repositories
Authors are encouraged to deposit a copy of their published articles in their institutional repositories. This ensures broader accessibility and long-term availability beyond the journal’s own platform.
3. Third-Party Services
The journal works with trusted third-party services, including:
- LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): A distributed digital preservation system that ensures copies of all journal content are stored in multiple locations worldwide.
- CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS): A community-governed archive that preserves long-term access to the content in case of catastrophic failure of the journal’s website.
4. Self-Archiving
The journal permits authors to self-archive the final, published version of their articles on personal websites, institutional repositories, or other platforms, provided proper attribution is given to the journal.
This archive policy ensures that the journal's articles remain accessible and preserved for future researchers, even in the event of technological failures or unforeseen circumstances.