The Effectiveness of Using Slidesgo in Presenting Power Point: A Case Study of Student of University in Makassar


  • Uzlifatil Jannah Binti Samir Etsabumi Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
  • Muh. Arief Muhsin


Slidesgo, PowerPoint


This qualitative study investigates the effectiveness of using SlidesGo in PowerPoint presentations among university students in Indonesia. The study subjects comprise students from various academic programs and educational levels across several universities in Indonesia who have experience using SlidesGo. The primary data collection method employed is in-depth interviews, aimed at gaining deep insights into students' perspectives and experiences regarding the use of SlidesGo. Additionally, observations are conducted to directly observe how students integrate SlidesGo into their presentation practices. The gathered data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, involving coding, theme development, and interpretation to uncover thematic patterns related to the effectiveness of SlidesGo in academic presentation contexts. Thus, this research aims to provide a profound understanding of how Indonesian students perceive and experience this presentation tool, exploring its potential to enhance the quality of their academic presentations.


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How to Cite

Etsabumi, U. J. B. S., & Muh. Arief Muhsin. (2025). The Effectiveness of Using Slidesgo in Presenting Power Point: A Case Study of Student of University in Makassar. Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 469–475. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

