The The Influence of Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as a Mediator
Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Turnover Intention, Job SatisfactionAbstract
This research is done on the CV. Indonesia mitra media in kebumen regency, by the title "the influence of distributive justice and procedural justice on turnover intention with job satisfaction as a mediation."
The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of distributive justice and procedural justice on job satisfaction towards turnover intention. This research method used is a survey method with a quantitative approach. The number of respondents is 118 employees at cv. Indonesia mitra media in kebumen regency. This study utilized the smart pls 3 program and the partial least square (pls) analysis technique.
From the results of the research and data analysis can be concluded that distributive justice has a significant positive influence on job satisfaction. Procedural justice has a significant positive influence on job satisfaction. Distributive justice does not have a significant negative influence on turnover intention. Procedural justice has a significant negative influence on turnover intention. Job satisfaction does not have a significant negative influence on turnover intention. Job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intention, and job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between procedural justice and turnover intention.
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