The Effect of Exports, Imports and Exchange Rate on Inflation in North Kalimantan Province


  • Sasando Dewi Soeksin Politeknik Bisnis Kaltara
  • Rimba Listari North Kalimantan Business Polytechnic
  • Ana Sriekaningsih North Kalimantan Business Polytechnic


export, import, exchange rate, inflation


An increase in export demand can increase inflationary pressure in the domestic economy due to an increase in aggregate demand. Meanwhile, imports are needed to overcome the increase in domestic demand by utilizing import policies. In this case, the exchange rate or exchange rate is used as a determinant of the purchasing power of traded goods. If there is a decline in the exchange rate, it causes the price of exported goods to fall, thereby increasing competitiveness, which triggers an increase in exports. Furthermore, greater exports will result in the amount of money circulating in society increasing, because export receipts will be spent domestically in the form of rupiah, and in the end this will trigger an increase in prices or inflation. The data used is secondary data obtained from the websites of the North Kalimantan Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Trade, and the Tarakan Customs and Excise Service Office. The population and sample used are North Kalimantan export, import and inflation data, while the rupiah exchange rate data was obtained from the Ministry of Trade website. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 24 samples.


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How to Cite

Soeksin, S. D., Listari, R., & Sriekaningsih, A. (2025). The Effect of Exports, Imports and Exchange Rate on Inflation in North Kalimantan Province. Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 316–323. Retrieved from

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