Analysis of Misunderstanding and Misconceptions in Students on the Human Respiratory System Using Two-Tier Diagnostic Test


  • Cahaya Dewi Ratih University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Subuh Anggoro
  • Octyara Dwi Ayuningtyas
  • Nida Listiani Sudarno


misunderstanding, misconception, human respiratory system, two-tier diagnostic test, gender, elementary school


Natural Science in Primary School aims to build a strong basic understanding in students to solve scientific problems. However, misunderstandings and misconceptions on basic concepts can hinder students in understanding more complex material. This study aims to identify students' lack of understanding and misconceptions about the human respiratory system in grade V students from five elementary schools in Banyumas Regency and two elementary schools in Cilacap Regency. The research method was descriptive quantitative with total sampling technique, involving 113 students (55 male and 58 female) from seven elementary schools. The instrument used was a two-tier diagnostic test consisting of 5 true-false questions, followed by a confirmation question regarding the students' level of confidence in the chosen answer.  The results showed that many students did not understand the concepts in the human respiratory system well, especially in basic concepts such as the function of human respiratory organs and the gas exchange process between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although misconceptions were found in relatively low numbers, general incomprehension was still quite high. Factors that influence these misconceptions and misunderstandings include inadequate reasoning, suboptimal cognitive development and low interest in science materials. In addition, there are differences in understanding tendencies between male and female students, where males are more prominent in technical aspects, while females tend to be better at verbal aspects. The study concludes that a more visual and exploratory teaching approach is needed to improve students' understanding of basic science concepts more thoroughly.


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How to Cite

Dewi Ratih, C., Anggoro, S., Dwi Ayuningtyas, O., & Listiani Sudarno, N. (2025). Analysis of Misunderstanding and Misconceptions in Students on the Human Respiratory System Using Two-Tier Diagnostic Test. Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 338–347. Retrieved from

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