Using a Two-tier Diagnostic Test to Analyze Students’ Misconceptions and Misunderstandings of Solar System
Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, two-tier diagnostic test, solar system, certainty of response index, scienceAbstract
Students' understanding of the concept of the solar system is very diverse due to the abstract nature of the material, which can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings of the concept. This study aims to identify the concept understanding of grade VI elementary school students on solar system material, with the main objectives of (1) identifying students' misconceptions and misunderstandings on the concept, and (2) measuring the frequency of misconceptions and misunderstandings. The research method used a survey with an instrument in the form of a two-tier diagnostic test consisting of true-false answers and assisted by a certainty of response index with three levels of student confidence in their understanding. The respondents were 133 grade VI students from seven elementary schools. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively using percentages and bar charts. The results showed that more than half of the students had misconceptions and misunderstandings on the concept of the solar system, especially on the concept of the phase of the moon, the position of the sun in the sky, and the perception of meteors as “shooting stars”. This study found that gender differences affect elementary school students' concept understanding. Male students tend to experience higher misconceptions than female students. Conversely, female students experienced higher concept misconceptions than male students. This study recommends the use of augmented reality-based learning media to help overcome students' misconceptions and misunderstandings on the concept of the solar system.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Zidan Muhabib, Subuh Anggoro, Lidya Choirun Nisa, Iga Dinata Zata Amani

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