Differentiated Differentiated learning with problem-based learning model in enhancing mathematical reasoning ability viewed from learning styles
Differentiated learning strategies, Problem-based learning, Mathematical reasoning ability, Visual learning style, Auditory learning style, Kinesthietic learning style, Triangles and special lines in trianglesAbstract
This study examines the differences in students' mathematical reasoning abilities regarding triangles and special lines before and after implementing differentiated learning strategies using the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model. It also explores how students' learning styles—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic—affect their mathematical reasoning outcomes. Conducted in a private junior high school in Sukabumi Regency, the quantitative experimental study involved 32 eighth-grade students. Participants were categorized based on their learning styles and class performance. Data collection included mathematics tests and interviews, analyzed through triangulation. Prior to treatment, 56% of students were identified as visual learners, while 22% were auditory and 22% kinesthetic. Following the pre-test on mathematical reasoning and PBL treatment, post-test results showed a significant improvement in students' abilities. The auditory learning style group achieved the highest average post-test score of 65.071. Contributing factors included: 1) greater engagement in discussions among auditory learners, who are naturally inclined to communicate, allowing for immediate resolution of misunderstandings; 2) more robust discussion activities within the auditory group; 3) auditory students' strengths in verbal tasks and receptive skills for verbal instructions; and 4) their ability to effectively convey information through oral and written communication, enhancing the quality of discussions. Overall, the findings suggest that differentiated learning through the PBL model positively impacts mathematical reasoning, particularly for auditory learners.
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